Outback Abisko

Outback Abisko Outback Abisko makes you ready for an unforgettable experience in Swedish Lapland above the Polar Circle.

Explore the snowy landscapes of Sweden with us at Outback Abisko! According to , you can glide through stunning destinat...

Explore the snowy landscapes of Sweden with us at Outback Abisko!
According to , you can glide through stunning destinations like Abisko National Park on electric snowmobiles. Enjoy spectacular views without the noise of engines, providing a peaceful and nature-focused experience. We offer guided tours, and together with our friends in Jämtland, you can experience this sustainable adventure. Are you ready for your next winter adventure?

En röst till Outback Abisko ❤️ Lämna gärna en kommentar på Företagarna Kiruna

En röst till Outback Abisko ❤️
Lämna gärna en kommentar på Företagarna Kiruna

Vi presenterar årets nominerade till Årets Företagare i Kiruna! ✨️🎉

Stort grattis till:
Lisa, Anne och Sune Strålberg - Björkis Hundcenter Kiruna.
Torbjörn Bals - Big Bear
Åsa Säfström - Outback Abisko
som är nominerade till att vinna detta ärofyllda pris.

Vinnaren utses på Kiruna Business Night 14/2 2025, vi hoppas att så många som möjligt vill vara på plats och hejja fram vinnarna tillsammans med Företagarna i Kiruna. Biljetter finns ännu kvar så säkra din plats idag! 🥳

Brinner ditt hjärta lite extra för någon av de nominerade? Var med och påverka genom att kommentera din motivering nedan och dela inlägget så att fler kan vara med, styrelsen i Företagarna kommer att ta del av era motiveringar när vinnaren ska utses.💖

Dress code in the Arctic!

Dress code in the Arctic!

Dressing in layers in really cold temperatures is key to staying warm and comfortable.

Happy New Year from all of us at Outback Abisko! ✨As we welcome 2025, we want to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone w...

Happy New Year from all of us at Outback Abisko! ✨

As we welcome 2025, we want to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us in the mountains this past year. Your laughter, curiosity, and love for nature made 2024 truly special.

Here’s to a new year filled with more adventures, quiet moments under the stars, and unforgettable memories.

Wishing you all a joyful and inspiring 2025!

A few days ago, we had the premiere tour for this winter season of our Great Outback Tour inside Abisko national park. A...

A few days ago, we had the premiere tour for this winter season of our Great Outback Tour inside Abisko national park. A 4h long adventure that takes you almost through the entire , all the way to the cabins, the first or the last cabins on the , depending on from which way you do the trail.

Photo: .Rozanoff

Abisko and Björkliden, located in   Lapland, is one of the most magical places to experience the winter solstice, the sh...

Abisko and Björkliden, located in Lapland, is one of the most magical places to experience the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, typically around December 21.
The ;
By the time of the winter solstice, Abisko is already in the midst of the polar night, a period when the sun doesn’t rise above the horizon for several weeks. Instead of daylight, you’ll witness a soft, eerie glow at midday, known as the blue hour, a stunning natural light unique to the Arctic.

Joining a tour with at during the is like stepping into a wonderland where darkness transforms into beauty and adventure!

Photo: .Rozanoff

December 10 marks International Animal Rights Day, a reminder that all sentient beings deserve dignity and protection. C...

December 10 marks International Animal Rights Day, a reminder that all sentient beings deserve dignity and protection. Coinciding with Human Rights Day, this day calls for extending compassion and freedom from cruelty to animals everywhere.

We support the local Sami villages. This work is reflected in our tours. 🦌 During reindeer migration / relocation, we adjust our snowmobile trails to minimize disturbance, letting these majestic animals move freely.

Experience sustainable tourism with us, where every step respects the land and its stories.


Jag är så glad att äntligen få berätta om vår senaste satsning på elskotrar hos oss på Outback Abisko!✨ Det här har vari...

Jag är så glad att äntligen få berätta om vår senaste satsning på elskotrar hos oss på Outback Abisko!✨ Det här har varit en dröm länge, och det känns fantastiskt att få ta ett steg närmare vår vision om hållbara och ansvarsfulla äventyr i fjällen.

Det har varit en resa full av både utmaningar och värdefulla lärdomar. Tack vare våra fantastiska guider, samarbetspartners, familj, vänner och våra underbara gäster har vi nu lyckats göra detta till verklighet. Tack 🙌

Outback Abisko lanserar elektriska skoterturer för en hållbarare fjällupplevelse.

Outback Abisko, som nyligen erhöll certifieringen Sustainable Arctic Destination, tar ytterligare ett steg mot en hållbar verksamhet genom att introducera eldrivna snöskotrar.

Den 7 december lanserade Outback Abisko sina nya elskotrar och den nya turen Abisko Electric Snowmobile Adventure, som låter gäster komma närmare och uppleva den arktiska naturen i fjällandskapet utan störande motorljud. Turen erbjuder en kombination av körglädje och lugn i en unik, tystgående upplevelse. Från det ögonblick tystnaden sänker sig över vinterlandskapet kan gästerna njuta av orörda vyer och känslan av att vara i harmoni med omgivningen

"Premiären för våra elskotrar blev mycket lyckad. Vi fick överväldigande positiv feedback från våra gäster, som uppskattade både de utmärkta köregenskaperna, hur tyst skotrarna var, och hur enkla de var att hantera", säger Åsa Säfström, ägare och vd för Outback Abisko.

“Vi på Kiruna Lappland - Den lokala turistorganisationen är stolta och imponerad över den vilja och kraft som Outback Abisko visar upp. Resan mot hållbara upplevelser är här för att stanna” säger Peter Salomonsson VD Kiruna Lappland.


Foto: Rostam Zandi

At Outback Abisko, we believe that the greatest experiences are often found in simplicity – like exploring vast winter l...

At Outback Abisko, we believe that the greatest experiences are often found in simplicity – like exploring vast winter landscapes on a snowmobile, far from stress and crowds. ❄️✨

With small groups and a sustainable approach, we offer you the chance to experience the grandeur of nature up close. We care for the environment and create experiences where each journey is unique, and where we take care of both nature and each other.

🎥Watch our new film about winter adventures – link in comments

🎬Produced by Viktor Björnström

GET READY FOR WINTER!❄️❄️We will soon release a movie that will make you understand. Stay tuned! 📽️

We will soon release a movie that will make you understand. Stay tuned!


Abisko bike camp 2024Fantastiska dagar med mycket mountainbike, glada hejarop, med god mat och trevliga samtal avslutar ...

Abisko bike camp 2024

Fantastiska dagar med mycket mountainbike, glada hejarop, med god mat och trevliga samtal avslutar vi årets bike camp.

Nya datum för 2025 släpps innom kort. Håll utkik!

AUTUMN VIBES!! 🍂We offer a specific program of activities starting on the second of September. For those of you who want...


We offer a specific program of activities starting on the second of September. For those of you who want a little extra during your stay in Abisko this autumn.

The summer’s first Kungsleden hiking group  sets off. Abisko- Nikkaluokta. Led by Outback Abisko guide Cecilia. The week...

The summer’s first Kungsleden hiking group sets off. Abisko- Nikkaluokta. Led by Outback Abisko guide Cecilia. The week ends at with a climb to Sweden’s highest peak.

This year we celebrate the end of our snowmobile season on Svalbard! We want to thank you all fellow Arctic lovers for j...

This year we celebrate the end of our snowmobile season on Svalbard! We want to thank you all fellow Arctic lovers for joining our tours in Abisko ❤️. We’re coming back full of inspirations, ideas, and dreams. See you above the Polar Circle, in Abisko, next winter ❄️!

Sometimes we drive more than guest on our tours, sometimes we help out with deliveries to the mountain cabins! A wonderf...

Sometimes we drive more than guest on our tours, sometimes we help out with deliveries to the mountain cabins! A wonderful day to do it too!

We are enjoying the sun as much as everyone ells, but maybe just a pinch more, after months of darkness the sun is such ...

We are enjoying the sun as much as everyone ells, but maybe just a pinch more, after months of darkness the sun is such a joy!

The ride up to Låktatjåkko is one of our rememberable tours. With amazing waffles at the cabin and amazing scenery, this trip is a must on your bucket list!

We still got some amazing nights ahead of us before the Aurora season is over. So book your snowmobile ride now and enjo...

We still got some amazing nights ahead of us before the Aurora season is over. So book your snowmobile ride now and enjoy the amazing lights on the back of a snowmobile.

Photo: Arina


Karvens Väg 11


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Outback Abisko

Experiences out of the ordinary!

Outback Abisko is based in the heart of Abisko.