Frank Vitai

Frank Vitai Frank works as a Spiritual Healer
and Horse Whisperer
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Frank Vitai – I am a spiritual healer

I do my work from my heart. A level of higher consciousness, where love reigns supreme. I believe that our soul, our spirit has a longing to improve. I am a spiritual teacher. My intention is to simply help you to be aware of and embrace your deeper self. Ultimately connecting you to a higher consciousness. Happiness, love and peace. To connect with this leve

l of consciousness you must learn how to quite your mind, transcending thought and perception. To trust the spiritual heart (soul, spirit). Since your heart has all the answers. It guides you home because it is home. I teach how to be there, to be right here and now in your heart. My teachings are nothing new under the sun. It is old, concrete wisdom based on experience - which I help bring to light in our times. The beauty of our human potential is that we are responsible for our own experience. So there is hope, for all of us. My humble understanding of myself, humans, all sentient beings and the universe is something that I have used in my work for 27 years now. Supporting and serving humans from all walks of life in many different contexts. Coaching elite athletes, mentoring business life, and as an everyday holistic healer. Physical body, mind and emotions. Different stages that have lead me to awareness and to do spiritual soul work from my heart. Sharing is my calling. My own development has taken me from when I limited what I wanted to share, I even concealed my clairvoyant skills - to where I am now. Walking my path truthfully, dedicated to my given purpose. And I love my work. Today, in 2014, awareness is spreading fast, far and wide. Modern humans need re-connecting with nature, to what really is. Psychology has learned from spiritual practice for a long time. Natural sciences have recently had to revise ideas and bow before the intelligent universe. We now talk about fields of energy without hesitation. To be alive is energy in a never-ending orbit. The universe is not at all chaotic; instead it is carefully designed as a holistic life form. Trustworthy and truthfully responding to cause and effect. Humankind’s spiritual development is to me a movement without boundaries between countries or religions. But without inner peace there can be no world peace. Rest assured that you already hold the map to your own inward journey. You only, can find your way to spirituality, to your heart. Which is at the same time a journey reflected on the outside. Where everything falls into its right place. Peacefully. The more comfortable you are with your own powers the more steadily energy flows through you and links you to supreme love. And that love brings harmony. I am grateful to be able to teach according to my abilities. To create a safe haven where intellectual illusions vanish, fears pale and fade away. Where transformation, spiritual enlightenment and awareness can prosper. The moment a person who has come to me for guidance begins to look inward an awakening is activated. An opening of the heart. I only need to be there, here and now, as a humble compass. Unravelling what already is. So that you can be here and now, and find trust in you. To be aware and conscious of the love that is inside you. Knowing that the flow of the universe will support you. Connecting you with a higher consciousness. Where we humans can feel that needed compassion, empathy and togetherness. I am right here to do my work. Grounded, safe and stable. If I had listened to my own thoughts, my mind, I would not be where I am today. I choose the heart, and I know. As simple as that. Now, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and see for yourself. With love to all soulmates. Your brother in spirit Frank Vitai

Today I had the honor to work as coach to fabulous Frida Johannisson and Kalle, at the Grand Pri contest in Borås.

Today I had the honor to work as coach to fabulous Frida Johannisson and Kalle, at the Grand Pri contest in Borås.

Hej Allesammans ❤️Fullbokat denna gången.Då var det dags för underbara Stockholm .Jag kommer att vara i Åkersberga den 1...

Hej Allesammans ❤️

Fullbokat denna gången.
Då var det dags för underbara Stockholm .
Jag kommer att vara i Åkersberga den 17/5-18/5.
Ni som vill boka tider är hjärtligt välkomna och maila mig [email protected]


Hej alla kärleksfulla själar
Delar lite av dagens närvarande känslor och dess budskap och hoppas de kan väcka kontakten till den gudomliga kraften kollektivt inom oss alla genom våra hjärtan.
Att medvetet välja och utveckla och underhålla det som skapar samhörighet och väcker det goda inom oss, som alltid funnits och alltid kommer finnas där.
Att väcka den genom våra handlingar små som stora i vardagen med varandra.
Att inte låta rädslor och otrygghet, ohälsa destruktivitet få möjlighet att utvecklas i våra gudomliga kroppar kärleksfulla relationer eller underbara samhälle, eller i vår gudomliga värld.
Vi har som människor en förmåga att kunna uppleva verkligheten genom ett fysiskt, själsligt och andligt medvetande. Om vi inte ägnar tid till kontakten med den själsliga och det andliga medvetandet, tar den fysiska verklighetsuppfattningen över vår verklighet i världen där separationen genom mindets ifråga sättning av allt och alla med sina olika rädslor styr.
Önskar att alla vågar tänka se och välja kärleksfullt ifrån hjärtats synsätt med ett andligt helhetsperspektiv där vi alla är ett istället för ett egocentriskt separerat perspektiv på oss själva och världen.
Moderskärleken är kanske den kärlek som är det närmsta vi människor kan uppleva den gudomliga kärleken här på jorden.
Tänk om vi kunde eftersträva att mötas i samma kärlek med alla och allt på vår jord ?
With Love

Hej allesammansMaila mig via om du vill boka tider i Gbg eller Sthlm.Skype /FaceTime bokas via hems...

Hej allesammans

Maila mig via [email protected]
om du vill boka tider i Gbg eller Sthlm.
Skype /FaceTime bokas via hemsidan.
With Love

I’m a spiritual healer. All my life I have strived to help people to live from the their heart.

Ikväll hade jag grupp i Göteborg ❤️Tack alla ni gudomliga som var med på vår personliga utveckling i grupp för närvaro i...

Ikväll hade jag grupp i Göteborg ❤️
Tack alla ni gudomliga som var med på vår personliga utveckling i grupp för närvaro i hjärtat ❤️Ni var underbara och tack för ert mod.


God morning to everyone out there.
Sharing some of my daily believes today.

When we people on our planet freed ourself from the illusion of insufficiency and gains access through security within ourselves to go deeper with ourselves. We will be able to get in contact with our hearts, and see that we are divine. Then fear no is longer able to control us instead everyone will get access to the heart's truth. The heart truth will collectively be shared and become more and more accessible to all. This is the path of the truth and the light of love. Everyone knows what is true and right in their hearts. If we choose the path of the heart we also connect ourselves to the only path that can give us all the opportunity for health, happiness and love in our life and for all living things in our world.

With love
Your soul brother

Hej igen allesammansDet går bra och boka Skype eller FaceTime via min hemsida.With

Hej igen allesammans
Det går bra och boka Skype eller FaceTime via min hemsida.
With love

I’m a spiritual healer. All my life I have strived to help people to live from the their heart.


Hello to the world.
Playing with words :-) .I think i created a new saying today ?
(I haven`t heard it before any way, and i felt it was right in this times to share it)
In a time of a lot of stress in the world, meditation is a wonderful path to peace within.
I think everyone has heard the expression

The truth will set you free.

My saying because meditation is about learning to use the breath to come out of your mind and connect to the heart.

The Breath will set you free :-)

Wish you all a wonderful day.
with love

Hello WorldThen it was time to share a little of what happens in my life now.A spiritual journey in Asia of 2 years with...

Hello World

Then it was time to share a little of what happens in my life now.

A spiritual journey in Asia of 2 years with lots of amazing encounters with all kinds of Gurus and experience has now taken me to Europe again.

I have now received spiritual guidance that it is time for me to evolve even in the world of horses on a deeper level than I did before.

Their amazing awareness and wonderful love is what I now gratefully allowed to take part of.

I and also Emelie Harming will in future develop more work between humans and horses, more than this, I can not say yet.

Here is a picture of my new guru who is a horse named Likedale.
Emelie Harmings Like Dale (Henry) is 3 year old stallion who lives in Amsterdam right now.


My way to develop and experience daily eternal love and happiness in physical life was to, choose and develop a connection to the universal understanding of compassion, were I become aware that we are a part of everything.
Through our soul that have it's seat in our hearts we can share this reality through unconditional love.
Every separation we experience is a illusion we create in our mind and it will create a suffering one way or another.
With love


My experiences trough daily life has it's origin in my relationship with myself ,within me .
That's why I believe the only way to find a lasting unconditional love and happy life is to develop a love and awareness within myself.


The wonderful thing about regular daily meditation for me.

Is when I more and more strikes a balance between the external reality and the presence Inside, in contact with my heart.

I turn inwards and leave everything i think I know.
I leave all thoughts and external influences through the senses.
I reconnects my contact with my heart so I don´t select me, but look and feel connected through true compassion with everything in life.
I through contact with the heart knows the feeling of freedom and feel love as I did as a child without fears.
I also see and feel with curiosity how wonderful life is.

I choose to follow my heart and i get to experience that all the dreams I carry within me get realized in life.
I always create my own reality and must then live in it.
When I meditate I strengthen the contact with the reality I choose to live in.
Freedom, happiness and unconditional love in life.
with love




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