TROLLKRAFT Adventures and guiding services. Call +46 70-366 29 70

The ice road in Kalix is perfect for skating right now, but snowy weather is coming in! Put on your skates or spikes and...

The ice road in Kalix is perfect for skating right now, but snowy weather is coming in! Put on your skates or spikes and get out! 😊

Another reindeer visit today! 😊Interested guests with a lot of questions!Good times!

Another reindeer visit today! 😊
Interested guests with a lot of questions!
Good times!

Guiding Reindeer safari with   today!Beautiful colors in the morning sky!

Guiding Reindeer safari with today!
Beautiful colors in the morning sky!

Cold weather means ice skating!

Cold weather means ice skating!

Teaching Arctic Winter Skills for the Montane Lapland Arctic Ultra, day 4 -the final day.The last day of the course was ...

Teaching Arctic Winter Skills for the Montane Lapland Arctic Ultra, day 4 -the final day.
The last day of the course was spent walking in solitude by the Kalix river, using the systems learned, repeating and adapting them to the surrounding environment. We feel all participants has learned new skills and ideas which will help them completing the following race. We would like to wish good luck to you all, but luck has nothing to do with it! Your mindset and your knowledge will get you where you want to go.

Hope to see you on the finish line!

A big thanx to for once again letting me be a part of this course. Thank you.

Teaching Arctic Winter Skills for Montane Lapland Arctic, day 3!An all-out-day in the surrounding area of Jockfall. Repe...

Teaching Arctic Winter Skills for Montane Lapland Arctic, day 3!
An all-out-day in the surrounding area of Jockfall. Repeating and adapting skills to the environment. A good day!

Teaching Arctic Winter Skills for Montane Lapland Arctic Ultra, day 2. Great Day outside setting camp, and handing out v...

Teaching Arctic Winter Skills for Montane Lapland Arctic Ultra, day 2. Great Day outside setting camp, and handing out valuable skills for winter survival.
Great group with great people!

Teaching Arctic Winter Skills for the Montane Lapland Arctic Ultra in Jockfall. Day 1 of 4 completed with 16 participant...

Teaching Arctic Winter Skills for the Montane Lapland Arctic Ultra in Jockfall. Day 1 of 4 completed with 16 participants who will get valuable knowledge for the next coming days. The race starts March the 3:rd, be sure to follow all the racers and participants at

Last weeks corporate event at Pite Havsbad!Fantastic weather although a bit cold.With .se

Last weeks corporate event at Pite Havsbad!
Fantastic weather although a bit cold.
With .se

The dogs needed some exercise so we went out for a quick run. -34⁰ and crispy, but beautiful!

The dogs needed some exercise so we went out for a quick run. -34⁰ and crispy, but beautiful!

Yesterdays outing had a beautiful sunset in store.

Yesterdays outing had a beautiful sunset in store.


Trollbergsdalen 28


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