
VisitLog Visitlog welcome your visitors and stay informed concerning all visitors all around the entire day.

Visit log welcome your visitors and stay informed concerning all visitors all around the entire day. Let your visitors to register without anyone else present and consequently brief the host about their entry on either by SMS or by E-mail. Automatically prints visitor’s badge,passes,name tags and create an overview of today’s visitor.Visit log is a simple, easy and straightforward visitor manageme

nt system and visitor registration system which was made by RIW software Technology. Visit log handles all the everyday exercises at receptionist.Visit log can solve your specific office needs, Whether you are looking for a simple visitor system to track and monitor your visitor traffic, or require a fully visitor management system with visitor arrival notifications via SMS, email or both, as well as badge printing. Read more about New Visitlog 2.0 and How you can download and try our trial version for 30days.

Inventum väljer VisitLog som sitt besökssystem!

Inventum väljer VisitLog som sitt besökssystem!

Boresight and Alignment Solutions har valt VisitLog som deras besöksystem!

Boresight and Alignment Solutions har valt VisitLog som deras besöksystem!


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