ARKAD - Teknologkårens arbetsmarknadsdagar

ARKAD - Teknologkårens arbetsmarknadsdagar ARKAD - Scandinavia's largest career fair for engineering students, held annually in November at LTH! Visit for more information!

ARKAD is an annual career fair and the largest event organized by the Student Union at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. For two days, hundreds of companies get the opportunity of interacting with the 10 000 students studying at LTH and showcase their organization in a stimulating forum to attract potential future employees. Do you want to be part in creating ARKAD 2022, or just learn more about the fair?

**English below**Tack för ett fantastiskt ARKAD 2024! 🙌 Här är ARKAD Wrapped – en tillbakablick på allt vi upplevde till...

**English below**
Tack för ett fantastiskt ARKAD 2024! 🙌 Här är ARKAD Wrapped – en tillbakablick på allt vi upplevde tillsammans. Vi ses nästa år! 🌟

Thank you for an amazing ARKAD 2024! 🙌 Here's ARKAD Wrapped – a look back at everything we experienced together. See you next year! 🌟

**English below**Ansökan till Ledningsgruppen 2025 är nu stängd.Stort tack till alla som har nominerat eller sökt en pos...

**English below**
Ansökan till Ledningsgruppen 2025 är nu stängd.
Stort tack till alla som har nominerat eller sökt en post – vi är glada för allt visat intresse! 🎉

Har du sökt? Glöm inte att boka in din intervju via mail. Om du har sökt men inte fått mail, kontakta [email protected].

Application for the 2025 Management Group is now closed.
A big thank you to everyone who nominated or applied for a position – we appreciate your shown interest! 🎉

Have you applied? Don’t forget to schedule your interview via email. If you haven’t received an email yet, please contact [email protected].

**English below**Snart stänger ansökan till Ledningsgruppen! Passa på att söka! 🤩Läs mer om posterna och ansök på arkadt...

**English below**
Snart stänger ansökan till Ledningsgruppen! Passa på att söka! 🤩

Läs mer om posterna och ansök på

The application for the Management Team is closing soon! Don't miss the chance to apply!🤩

Learn more about the roles and apply at

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Why did you apply to LG ARKAD?
I wanted to challenge myself by leading a large-scale effort within a close-knit team over an extended period. Partly to experience the camaraderie and have fun, but also to grow on a personal level.
ARKAD stands out in student life when it comes to challenges and opportunities. You get to work with students from various sections, build connections with industry professionals, and contribute to a project that in many ways mirrors the collaborative work environment you’ll encounter after graduation. How incredible is it that we, as students, get to manage a project with hundreds of volunteers, a multi-million SEK budget, and a well-established, powerful brand?

What was the best part of ARKAD?
Without a doubt, the sense of community we built within the Project Group.
I think the fun factor is essential for the success of student projects in general, and ARKAD is no exception. This year, I’ve made friends for life!

Why should someone apply to ARKAD (LG)?
It’s immensely rewarding to contribute to the fair, watch it take shape over the year, and then, in November, stand in the spotlight as part of the committee, the union, and the Project Group. I think it’s safe to say that few people on campus miss ARKAD when it’s happening!

What was your favorite event of the year? Why?
It’s hard to choose, but LARM 2024 is definitely high on the list!
For those who don’t know, the union collaborates with other major technology student unions in Sweden, and part of that involves the Project Group visiting fairs hosted by other unions, such as LARM (Linköping’s version of ARKAD) in early February. Since the Project Group is formed at the end of January, the trip to Linköping becomes a unique experience where you’re thrown into a new city with new people you’ve barely met before. It’s fantastic for building group dynamics!

**English below**Kom ihåg att skicka in din ansökan till Ledningsgruppen! 🌟Läs mer om posterna och ansök på

**English below**
Kom ihåg att skicka in din ansökan till Ledningsgruppen! 🌟

Läs mer om posterna och ansök på

Don't forget to submit your application for the Management Team! 🌟

Learn more about the roles and apply at

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Why did you apply to the Management Team?
I applied to the Management Team because I was part of the Project Group in 2023 and found ARKAD to be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience. This year, I wanted to try a different role, and the position of Head of Marketing and Recruitment was the one that intrigued me the most. I wanted to develop my leadership and planning skills, and I felt that the Management Team was the perfect fit. The idea of working on marketing and recruitment for an organization as significant as ARKAD sounded exciting, and I was honored to take part for another year!

Why should someone apply to the Management Team?
I think you should apply to the Management Team if you’re excited about a challenge and eager to contribute to a large-scale project. You’ll get the chance to work with driven people from across LTH while shaping next year’s ARKAD!

What was the best part of ARKAD?
The best part of ARKAD is the sense of community and all the amazing people you meet throughout the year. After numerous meetings, events, and long days together, you grow really close to the group. Working toward the same goal creates a tight-knit team, leading to unforgettable memories and lifelong friends!

What is the best ARKAD merch of all time?
A tough choice, but I’d have to say the shot glasses! They’re so fun as collectables, and I love the designs (especially sjönsjön). Beyond using them as shot glasses or for measuring, I also use them as decorations, jewelry holders, and even a rolling pin when baking (:

**English below**Det finns fortfarande tid kvar att ansöka till Ledningsgruppen! ✨Läs mer om posterna och ansök på arkad...

**English below**
Det finns fortfarande tid kvar att ansöka till Ledningsgruppen! ✨

Läs mer om posterna och ansök på

There is still time left to apply for the Management Team! ✨

Learn more about the roles and apply at

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Why did you apply to the management team?
In 2023, I was Business Manager with the goal of setting new records while also growing on a personal level. In 2024, I wanted to take it a step further—not just breaking new records, but shaping the fair according to my own vision.

What was the best part of ARKAD?
The camaraderie with the project group and coordinators was amazing. After all, ARKAD is the largest and most fun committee at the student union :))

Why should someone apply to the management team?
Join ARKAD’s Management Team and gain a unique opportunity to shape and lead a committee that is also one of Lund’s largest projects. As a member, you play a central role in creating a fair that inspires thousands of students.

What are your best tips for Your CV and LinkedIn?
Use Overleaf with LaTeX to create your CV – it gives a clean and professional look. Pick a simple template with sections for personal information, experience, education, projects, and anything else relevant to the role you're applying for. One tip: always tailor your CV to match the job – it really makes a difference!
As for LinkedIn, think of it as your digital platform where you can showcase a great photo and gather all the important information about yourself. From there, you can pull the details that fit each CV. It saves time and keeps everything organized!

**English below**Har du sett att ansökan till Ledningsgruppen för ARKAD 2025 är öppen? 💫Läs mer om posterna och ansök på...

**English below**
Har du sett att ansökan till Ledningsgruppen för ARKAD 2025 är öppen? 💫

Läs mer om posterna och ansök på

Have you seen that the application for the Management Team of ARKAD 2025 is open? 💫

Learn more about the roles and apply at

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Why did you apply to the management team?
I wanted to combine my interest in app development with a meaningful student context and contribute to ARKAD’s success. The challenge of applying to the management team for Scandinavia’s largest career fair was also very appealing.

I looked forward to contributing to the development of an app that would be used by many across LTH and to enhancing the fair experience for engineering students. The challenge of being in the management team for Scandinavia’s largest career fair was a big draw.

What was the best part of ARKAD?
Seeing all parts of ARKAD come together: the management team, project group, coordinators, and hosts, to deliver a large (and very successful!) event.
But also getting to know so many new people, from various programs, whom I never would have met otherwise.

Why should someone apply to the Management Team?
As a member of the management team, you gain experience in leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork, while also building a strong network with both students and industry professionals. Beyond the work, there are fun events and a fantastic sense of community.

The ARKAD Management Team is a unique student engagement opportunity at LTH, unlike anything else. It develops you both personally and professionally, strengthening your leadership skills and helping you build valuable connections with people from various sections. It’s a rare opportunity during your studies.

What was the worst bug in the app? Why?
Two days before the fair, an app update was released for Android that included a configuration error, causing the app to fail to open for a large number of users.
It became a real nail-biter when the final version of the app was approved for release by the app store at 07:08 on the first day of the fair—just a few hours before it was set to kick off.

**English below**Ansökan till Ledningsgruppen har nu öppnat! 🌟Ledningsgruppen samordnar arbetet i alla olika delar av AR...

**English below**
Ansökan till Ledningsgruppen har nu öppnat! 🌟

Ledningsgruppen samordnar arbetet i alla olika delar av ARKAD, och är en väsentlig del av den större Projektgruppen. Oavsett vad du har för tidigare erfarenhet eller går på för sektion så kan du inom ARKAD få ett utlopp för ditt driv, dina ledarskaps- och planeringsförmågor, och hands-on erfarenhet av projektarbete.

Hitta mer information om alla poster och ansök på

The applications for the Management Team are now open! 🌟

The Management Team coordinates the work of all the different parts of ARKAD, and it is an essential part of the larger Project Group. No matter your previous experience or guild affiliation, you can in ARKAD get an outlet for your drive, your planning and leadership qualities, and hands-on experience of project management!

Find information about the different posts and apply at

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Why did you apply to the management team?
It was the natural next step for me. I had been involved in sectional fairs before and had a lot of fun there. ARKAD is much larger, which meant it must also be much more fun. I also saw an opportunity to develop myself, especially in leadership and planning.

Why should someone apply to the management team?
Join ARKAD’s Management Team and gain a unique opportunity to shape and lead a committee that is also one of Lund’s largest projects. As a member, you play a central role in creating a fair that inspires thousands of students.

What was the best part of ARKAD?
The community. You become really close to the people in your subgroup if you want to. We were a group of excited individuals working on similar tasks toward the same goal. That we liked the same things was no surprise.

Carpet-laying weekend: yay or nay?
Definitely yay. Carpet-laying weekend is a logistician’s wet dream. To manage 80+ people to carry out a clear task within a set timeframe. You also get the chance to improve on how it was done last time and find new ways to optimize the process. If this sounds even the slightest bit exciting, then Head of Fair and Logistics is your call!

**English below**Vill du joina mig (Valter) och leda ARKAD 2025 - Skandinaviens största arbetsmarknadsmässa?Trots att år...

**English below**
Vill du joina mig (Valter) och leda ARKAD 2025 - Skandinaviens största arbetsmarknadsmässa?

Trots att årets mässa precis tagit slt och jag precis blivit invald, har jag redan påbörjat mitt arbete inför ARKAD 2025! Ett nyckelmoment är rekryteringen av taggade, duktiga och hårt arbetande personer till ledningsgruppen (och projektgruppen senare i januari).

Ledningsgruppen samordnar arbetet i alla olika delar av ARKAD, och är en väsentlig del av den större Projektgruppen. Oavsett vad du har för tidigare erfarenhet eller går på för sektion så kan du inom ARKAD få ett utlopp för ditt driv, dina ledarskaps- och planeringsförmågor, och hands-on erfarenhet av projektarbete. Min rekommendation är att även söka Ledningsgruppen om du är sugen på Projektgruppen!

Läs mer om posterna och sök innan den 9e december på! Vid frågor, nå mig på [email protected]!

Valter Bergstrand,
Projektledare ARKAD 2025

Would you like to join me (Valter) and lead ARKAD 2025 – Scandinavia's largest career fair?

Even though this year's fair has just ended and I was just elected, I have already started working towards ARKAD 2025! A key moment is the recruitment of motivated, skilled, and hardworking individuals for the Management Team (and the Project Group later in January)!

The Management team coordinates the work of all the different parts of ARKAD, and it is an essential part of the larger Project Group. No matter your previous experience or guild affiliation, you can in ARKAD get an outlet for your drive, your planning and leadership qualities, and hands-on experience of project management! My recommendation is to also apply to the Management Team if you're interested in joining the Project Group!

Read more about the positions and apply before December 9 at! And please reach out to me [email protected] if you have any follow up questions!

Valter Bergstrand,
Project Manager ARKAD 2025

**English below**Hjälp ARKAD att bli bättre!ARKAD är skapat av studenter, för studenter, och har som mål att vara en bro...

**English below**
Hjälp ARKAD att bli bättre!
ARKAD är skapat av studenter, för studenter, och har som mål att vara en bro mellan utbildning och arbetslivet. Varje år strävar vi efter att göra mässan ännu bättre och mer värdefull för alla som deltar. För att lyckas med det behöver vi din feedback!

Dina synpunkter hjälper oss att förstå vad som fungerar, vad som kan förbättras och hur vi kan skapa en ännu bättre upplevelse inför kommande mässor. Oavsett om det handlar om evenemangen, organisationen eller din helhetsupplevelse, är din åsikt viktig. Tillsammans kan vi se till att ARKAD fortsätter att ge LTH-studenter meningsfulla möjligheter att utforska sina karriärvägar och skapa kontakt med inspirerande företag.

Du hittar formuläret på,

Tack för att du hjälper oss att utvecklas och bli ännu bättre!
// Projektgruppen ARKAD 2024

Help ARKAD get better!
ARKAD is created by students, for students, with the goal of serving as a bridge between education and working life. Every year, we aim to make the fair even better and more valuable for everyone involved. To achieve this, we need your feedback!

Your input helps us understand what works, what can be improved, and how we can create an even better experience for future fairs. Whether it’s about the events, the organization, or your overall experience, your opinion is essential. Together, we can ensure that ARKAD continues to provide LTH students with meaningful opportunities to explore their career paths and connect with inspiring companies.

You’ll find the feedback form at

Thank you for helping us grow and improve!
// The Project Group ARKAD 2024

**English below**Vi i projektgruppen vill tacka alla våra volontärer och utställare som har hjälpt till att göra ARKAD 2...

**English below**
Vi i projektgruppen vill tacka alla våra volontärer och utställare som har hjälpt till att göra ARKAD 2024 möjligt! Utan de över 300 värdarna och koordinatorerna hade detta inte varit möjligt.

Återigen: Tack, tack, tack!

We in the project group would like to thank all our volunteers and exhibitors who have helped make ARKAD 2024 possible! Without the over 300 hosts and coordinators, this would not have been possible.

Once again: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

**English below**Välkomna tillbaka till dag två av ARKAD 2024! 🎉Ta chansen att träffa över 170 företag, gå på Student Se...

**English below**
Välkomna tillbaka till dag två av ARKAD 2024! 🎉

Ta chansen att träffa över 170 företag, gå på Student Sessions och besöka Career Room i E-huset. Vi finns på plats i Kårhuset, Studiecentrum, E-huset och X-Lab.

Missa inte heller möjligheten att vinna fina priser genom att samla stämplar i de olika byggnaderna. Har du frågor? Vänd dig till infodiskarna som finns i varje byggnad!

Mässans öppettider:
12 november, kl. 10–16
13 november, kl. 10–15

Welcome back to day two of ARKAD 2024! 🎉

Take the opportunity to meet over 170 companies, attend Student Sessions, and visit the Career Room in the E-building. Find us at Kårhuset, Studiecentrum, E-huset, and X-Lab.

Don’t miss the chance to win great prizes by collecting stamps in the different buildings. For any questions, visit the info desks available in each building!

Fair opening hours:
November 12, 10:00–16:00
November 13, 10:00–15:00

**English below**Nu är vi igång! ARKAD 2024 är öppet för besökare 🎉Under mässan får du möjlighet att träffa över 170 för...

**English below**
Nu är vi igång! ARKAD 2024 är öppet för besökare 🎉

Under mässan får du möjlighet att träffa över 170 företag, representerande ett brett spektrum av branscher relevanta för studenter vid LTH. Vi finns på plats i Kårhuset, Studiecentrum, E-huset och X-Lab.

Ta också chansen att vinna fina priser genom att samla stämplar i de olika byggnaderna. Har du frågor? Vänd dig till infodiskarna som finns i varje byggnad!

Mässans öppettider:
12 november, kl. 10–16
13 november, kl. 10–15

We’re up and running! ARKAD 2024 is open for visitors 🎉

During the fair, you will have the opportunity to meet over 170 companies from a wide range of industries relevant to students at LTH. Find us at Kårhuset, Studiecentrum, E-huset, and X-Lab.

Don’t miss the chance to win great prizes by collecting stamps in the different buildings. For any questions, visit the info desks available in each building!

Fair opening hours:
November 12, 10:00–16:00
November 13, 10:00–15:00

**English below**Imorgon är det äntligen dags! 🌟Teknologkårens årliga arbetsmarknadsmässa, ARKAD 2024, äger rum på tisda...

**English below**
Imorgon är det äntligen dags! 🌟

Teknologkårens årliga arbetsmarknadsmässa, ARKAD 2024, äger rum på tisdag och onsdag. Under mässan får du möjlighet att träffa över 170 företag, representerande ett brett spektrum av branscher relevanta för studenter vid LTH. Vi finns på plats i Kårhuset, Studiecentrum, E-huset och X-Lab.

På mässan finns även ett Career Room, där professionella rekryterare erbjuder drop-in för att granska och förbättra ditt CV eller personliga brev. Dessutom finns Student Sessions – privata intervjuer mellan företag och intresserade studenter – som du kan ansöka om via ARKAD-appen.

Ta också chansen att vinna fina priser genom att samla stämplar i de olika byggnaderna. Har du frågor? Vänd dig till infodiskarna som finns i varje byggnad!

Mässans öppettider:
12 november, kl. 10–16
13 november, kl. 10–15

Tomorrow is the big day! 🌟

The annual ARKAD 2024 career fair, hosted by Teknologkåren, takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday. During the fair, you will have the opportunity to meet over 170 companies from a wide range of industries relevant to students at LTH. Find us at Kårhuset, Studiecentrum, E-huset, and X-Lab.

At the fair, there is also a Career Room where professional recruiters are available for drop-in consultations to review and improve your CV or cover letter. Additionally, we offer Student Sessions, which are private interviews between companies and interested students—apply for these through the ARKAD app.

Don’t miss the chance to win great prizes by collecting stamps in the different buildings. For any questions, visit the info desks available in each building!

Fair opening hours:
November 12, 10:00–16:00
November 13, 10:00–15:00

ARKAD x the Student Guidance Counsellors**English**Image texts: Create contacts through LinkedInBe friendly and polite w...

ARKAD x the Student Guidance Counsellors

Image texts:
Create contacts through LinkedIn

Be friendly and polite when you want to contact a person you're interested in.

Remember the probability of acceptance is greater if there is a motivation for why you want to create a contact, so explain what you would like to know more about.

ARKAD x the Student Guidance Counsellors**English**Image texts: Monitor your wage.It is important to have a reference fo...

ARKAD x the Student Guidance Counsellors

Image texts:
Monitor your wage.

It is important to have a reference for your salary when you're on the labour market. It's especially important to know what you should expect when first entering it.

Read through statistics online. Sveriges Ingenjörer (engineers' trade union) and Sveriges Arkitekter (architechts' trade union) have published recommended starting salaries and keep statistics over what wages people in your profession are earning.


**English below**Är du osäker på vad ditt CV bör innehålla? Behöver du hjälp att skriva ett personligt brev till arbetsg...

**English below**
Är du osäker på vad ditt CV bör innehålla? Behöver du hjälp att skriva ett personligt brev till arbetsgivaren du söker till? Vill du stärka din intervjuteknik eller kanske få en ny, professionell profilbild till LinkedIn? 💫

ARKAD presenterar tillsammans med Sveriges Ingenjörer och Drottning Blankas Gymnasieskola årets Career Room. Här får du hjälp av erfarna CV-granskare för att skapa ett övertygande CV, men vi erbjuder nu även personlig styling, porträttfotografering och praktiska intervjuträningssessioner.

Career Room håller öppet under hela mässan och har drop-in – ingen tidsbokning behövs. 🕒

Vi ses i E-huset!

Not sure what to include in your CV? Need guidance on writing a cover letter for your job application? Interested in refining your interview skills or getting a professional profile picture for LinkedIn? 💫

ARKAD presents this year's Career Room together with Sveriges Ingenjörer and Drottning Blankas Gymnasieskola. In addition to experienced CV reviewers who can help you create a standout CV, we now also offer personal styling, portrait photography, and hands-on interview training sessions.

The Career Room will be open throughout the fair and is drop-in – no appointment necessary. 🕒

See you in the E-huset!


Sölveg. 22 A, LUND


Måndag 10:00 - 16:00
Tisdag 10:00 - 16:00
Onsdag 10:00 - 16:00
Torsdag 10:00 - 16:00
Fredag 10:00 - 16:00




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