Jacy'z Hotel & Resort is Gothenburg's anticipated destination taking the city scene to new heights. With 233 hotel rooms, a pool area 100 meters above ground, meeting facilities, and a sports club, all enclosed by a massive glass facade, high demands are placed on the indoor climate.
Want to learn more about how smart building automation operates in hotel buildings? Click here: https://www.regincontrols.com/en/se/solutions/hotel/
We are live @ Nordbygg 2024!
Meet us at stand A17:10. Welcome!
We at Regin Group are proud to be part of this journey where buildings are transformed, driven by energy-saving advancements. Together, we can take faster steps towards a sustainable future.
See the full film about Regin Group here: regingroup.com
The easier we make it to save energy in buildings, the more people can join us towards a sustainable future.
Read more at regingroup.com
We are a committed team dedicated to energy-saving solutions, designed for the sustainable buildings of the future. Together, we are the Regin Group.
Visit our new group website: https://regingroup.com/
Log in to the future of building automation
Controlling energy consumption while ensuring indoor environmental quality is one of the most critical challenges for building owners and facility managers. Arrigo provides you with quick access to critical parameters for easy management wherever you are, supporting your workflow whether you're on a large monitor, a laptop, or a smart device.
Read more about our smart building management solutions: https://www.regincontrols.com/en/se/solutions/building-management/system-software/
Log in to the future of building automation
Today, building owners and facility executives face the challenge of ensuring sustainable, efficient, and reliable solutions in all types of buildings. This often involves managing a complex network of systems, including building management, energy optimization, and access control. With Arrigo, it is possible to gain control over building data and generate insights from multiple sources into one cohesive platform.
Discover how Arrigo can transform your building operations: https://www.regincontrols.com/en/se/solutions/building-management/system-software/arrigo-for-building-owners/
Unlock the full potential of your building and enhance productivity, performance, and efficiency. Our innovative solutions are designed to maintain ideal levels of temperature, humidity, air quality, and CO2 levels, contributing to a more balanced and comfortable environment.
Curious to see our solutions in action? Explore our reference projects from all over the world!
#smartbuildings #buildingautomation #buildingmanagement #proptech #ventilation #heating
Regin building management solutions offer smart workflows and highly efficient maintenance from software to hardware. The solutions make way for long-term energy savings and motivate teams in every part of the organization.
Read more about the scalable platform Arrigo which covers all aspects of a connected building providing building management, energy management, and facility management in one.
#buildingmanagement #energy #maintenance #software
Tech Days is a recurring concept at Regin to promote learning, creativity, and motivation.
The aim is to give our product developers the opportunity to challenge themselves and have time to test ideas and activities that are not normally part of their daily work.
Maxx Tiger, Software Developer at Regin talks more about the concept.
#techdays #motivation #workatregin #developer #tech
Find the true value of less is more and unlock the full potential of your building.
Today, saving energy and reducing our environmental impact is crucial, but we cannot forget that a building must also cater to the needs of its occupants. With a well-designed building automation system, there is no need for compromises.
By implementing time or demand-controlled ventilation, it is possible to reduce energy consumption by at least 10%. At the same time, you can guarantee a comfortable indoor climate with consideration of air quality, humidity, temperature, and CO2 levels.
Read more about our solutions > https://www.regincontrols.com/en/se/solutions/
#buildingautomation #energyefficiency #proptech #ventilation
We at Regin would like to wish you all a fantastic summer! 🌼
Psst, we are still here to support you. Check our local websites for adjusted opening hours 🕑
Nu räknar vi ner – för snart är det dags för #Expovent i Trollhättan, Göteborg och Borås!
Lyssna på Daniel Brattschöld som berättar mer om vad vi kommer att visa på plats.
Anmälan hittar du här: https://www.slussen.biz/home/events?expralid=505
För dig som inte är på plats på Nordbygg i veckan - träffa Niclas Meijer digitalt som ger dig en snabb överblick över den nya Arrigo plattformen, Regins lösning för hållbar energi- och building management.
Hållbar rumsreglering för fastighetsägare
Lyssna på Patrik Willskytt som berättar om hållbar rumsreglering för fastighetsägare direkt från Regin-montern på Nordbygg. Kom gärna förbi monter A34:18 för en dialog kring hur vi kan stötta dig och ditt bolag i era specifika utmaningar!
Så uppnår du maximal effektivitet i ditt värmesystem
Standardiserade #värmesystem kräver ingen programmering och är ofta en lönsam investering som underlättar #drift och #underhåll. Hur ser Regins helhetslösning för effektiv rumsreglering ut? Patrik Göransson svarar direkt från Nordbygg och Regin-montern 👇A34:18!
#Fastighetsägare - se hit!
Niclas Niclas Meijer och Daniel Strand berättar varför du ska besöka vår monter på Nordbygg.
Gunnar Åberg trendspanar på Nordbygg
Något som har blivit allt viktigare inom fastighetsautomationsbranschen de senaste åren menar Gunnar Åberg, EVP Product Management på AB Regin är behovet av integration mellan överordnade system. När flera system kan kommunicera med varandra blir det möjligt att skapa nya värden i form av ökad effektivitet, bättre inomhusklimat och högre ekonomisk avkastning.
Hör Gunnars trendspaning på Nordbygg och ta del av de senaste nyheterna i branschen!
Vi är på plats på Nordbygg 2022!
Nu händer det - Nordbygg 2022!
Kom förbi vår monter 👇 A34:18 och träffa Patrik Göransson. Bland annat presenterar han våra standardiserade lösningar för #värme och #ventilation som kan hantera mängder av olika applikationer.
Vi ser fram emot ditt besök!