Birding Therapy

Birding Therapy Hej Malmö!
🇬🇧 Join us for a free birding walk every spring and autumn.
🇸🇪 Följ med oss på gratis fågelpromenader varje vår och höst.

Sothöna - en vanlig fågel som alltid är trevlig att observera 😍

Sothöna - en vanlig fågel som alltid är trevlig att observera 😍

Bläsand (Eurasian Wigeon) 😍

Bläsand (Eurasian Wigeon) 😍

🎉 Gott nytt år från de vackra österrikiska alperna!  🎉 Hoppas att detta år ger fred i våra hjärtan, harmoni i vår värld ...

🎉 Gott nytt år från de vackra österrikiska alperna! 🎉 Hoppas att detta år ger fred i våra hjärtan, harmoni i vår värld - speciellt i Palestina - och glädje i våra liv. Jag önskar en ljusare framtid fylld av kärlek, vänlighet och hopp för alla ♥️

A European Golden Plover (Ljungpipare) checks me out in the far north of Sweden back in September, 2023.

A European Golden Plover (Ljungpipare) checks me out in the far north of Sweden back in September, 2023.

Memories of late summer birding with the family in and around Malmö.

Memories of late summer birding with the family in and around Malmö.

A male Eurasian Teal (Kricka) looking all handsome 😍

A male Eurasian Teal (Kricka) looking all handsome 😍

This month, the Slender-billed Curlew was declared globally extinct, with the last irrefutable sighting of the slender-b...

This month, the Slender-billed Curlew was declared globally extinct, with the last irrefutable sighting of the slender-billed curlew identified from Morocco in February 1995. Widespread agricultural expansion and conversion, and to a lesser extent hunting, are cited as the driving factors behind its extinction.

Stock Doves ( ) can be see on the fields in the outskirts of Malmö like Tygelsjö, Klagerup and Husie.

Stock Doves ( ) can be see on the fields in the outskirts of Malmö like Tygelsjö, Klagerup and Husie.

A Common Reed Bunting (Sävsparv) from last summer.

A Common Reed Bunting (Sävsparv) from last summer.

A rare male Ferruginous Duck (Vitögd dykand) keeping some local Tufted Ducks (Vigg) company. Note the difference between...

A rare male Ferruginous Duck (Vitögd dykand) keeping some local Tufted Ducks (Vigg) company. Note the difference between them - particularly the shape of the head and bill, the color of the eye and undertail coverts, and the overall warmer chocolaty coloration.

Meadow Pipit (Ängspiplärka) - A regular winter visitor in Malmö.

Meadow Pipit (Ängspiplärka) - A regular winter visitor in Malmö.

One of the more impressive raptors we have in southern Sweden - a young White-tailed Eagle makes a flock of Barnacle Gee...

One of the more impressive raptors we have in southern Sweden - a young White-tailed Eagle makes a flock of Barnacle Geese uncomfortable.

Doing some serious birding.

Doing some serious birding.

We were ready at sunrise for October Big Day 2024, and what a day it turned out to be with a steady stream of geese: Bea...

We were ready at sunrise for October Big Day 2024, and what a day it turned out to be with a steady stream of geese: Bean Geese, White-fronted Geese, Greylag Geese, the odd Brant, and of course lots and lots of Barnacle Geese.

Wonderful initiative as always. We'll be out birding Saturday morning 🫡

Wonderful initiative as always. We'll be out birding Saturday morning 🫡

🌏 Across the world, Global Bird Weekend has begun
😃Here’s the SWAROVSKI OPTIK Birding Global Bird Weekend Women’s Team ready to join in too!

💡 LEARN about the birds around you on Friday

✅ COUNT the birds around you on Saturday for 12 October Big Day with eBird

1400 Hrs BST watch the BirdLife International Facebook Livestream from locations around the world

💚SHARE your love for nature & birds on Sunday

🦆 We love sharing your photos and experiences! Remember to tag us Global Birding

😃 We are so excited for this weekend !
🐦 Let’s
🦜 Watch the October Big Day results page

Sandra Morocho Yuxi Wild Discovery Stur.ba_canoe_and_birdwatching Gough Island Friends SAERI - South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute Fugle i Grønland, Nunatsinni timmissat, Birds in Greenland Birding in Papua New Guinea Nature Mauritanie Christmas and Cocos Keeling Birds North African birds BirdLife International Africa African Bird Club Общество охраны птиц Узбекистана Mongolian Bird Conservation Center - Монголын шувуу хамгаалах төв Palau Conservation Society Samoa Conservation Society Oiseaux du Mali Algerian Birds Ascension Island MPA Les oiseaux du Cameroun. The Birds of Cameroon. OSME Batumi Raptor Count Nature Conservation University of the South Pacific Student Association: Emalus Campus

Hämtade mitt nya pass idag och jag är helt imponerad av den nya designen 🤩 Den nya passdesign hyllar vårt lands fåglar m...

Hämtade mitt nya pass idag och jag är helt imponerad av den nya designen 🤩 Den nya passdesign hyllar vårt lands fåglar med tretton fågelarter som pryder dess sidor ♥️




Lördag 07:00 - 12:00
Söndag 07:00 - 12:00


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