Commoner AB

Commoner AB Commoner AB is a Stockholm-based content strategy and copy agency Sticky texts for web sites, engaging, captivating texts in print. That is what I do.

I've been in the business for 24 years. I know a thing or two about producing great web site content. And a thing or three about marketing/advertising and PR. And I provide my clients with easy-to-read, accurate and timely translations from Swedish to English. My clients include VisitSweden, Region Dalarna, Friends Arena, Gran Fondo Stockholm cycle and others.


Today we are writing about disaster relief.


Proud to have been part of this

Hugs, thanks, peace and love to my friends at Record Union.

The purpose of the Record Union Culture Guidelines is to be a guiding light for how to be happy and successful at Record Union. It explains what we believe, how we work and how we lead. In short, it’s the collective personality of our organisation that we aspire to be.


Today I am researching multi-axial fabrics, resin, laminates and bonding. Then writing about it. Tomorrow I will be researching DAU, MARPPU and other acronyms and spending the next three months writing about it.


Today we are writing about visions, culture and values. Not mine - someone else's.


Today we are writing about culture, visions and missions.


Today we are writing about boat cruises along the West Coast coast of Sweden, known as the Bohuslän coast and archipelago. Did you know that oil extracted from the herring here was used to fuel the street lights of Paris?

Not a lot of people know that :)


Today we are thinking about working on some new projects. If you know someone who needs my skills as a web writer, please PM me.


Today we are writing about slurry manure and plant growth regulators.


Today we are writing about seaweed.


Rapeseed-fed pigs, smart labeling for food and seaweed foraging. It's been an interesting day so far.


Today we are writing about food safety, animal husbandry and sustainable solutions.


Today we are writing about cheap flight tickets.


Today we are writing about catching crayfish.


Today we are writing about sculpture, hiking and oysters.


Today we are writing about summertime cruises 2016.


Today we are writing about Dalarna and Uppsala.


Today I am writing cornerstones. On top of them them I will build values, using practical examples that prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that the cornerstones are solid. And the foundation of all of this is, of course, a business strategy. I am reminded of playing with Lego when I write this stuff. Will my building stand proud and tall, or will it be shaken to its foundations by the vagaries of the global economy? Who knows and is there a 'Lego scenario' for it.


Today we are writing about commercial property as well as farm and forestry machinery.


Even if they had heard of the place, why would someone from the UK want to visit Uppsala?


Organisational culture; 'this is the way things are done around here.'

Corporate culture; 'how we are going to do things around here.'

Which one are you?


Formulating and crafting a PowerPoint on a research and insight process that will eventually lead to a new culture and values statement for a global company. I now realise that I write English, global corporations write in bizspeak English. I'm sure that half of them don't understand what the other half is saying....or writing. Shame really, English is an excellent language.


Next week I'll be rewriting Dalarna. Seriously.







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My Story

Sticky texts for web sites and social media, engaging, captivating texts in print. I have experience and I have expertise. I know a thing or two about producing great web site content. And a thing or three about marketing/advertising and PR. That is what I do. And I provide my clients with easy-to-read, accurate and timely translations from Swedish to English. My clients include VisitSweden, Region Dalarna, Friends Arena, the Royal School of Technology in Stockholm and others.

Övriga Resebyrå i Stockholm

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