Hiking in Stockholm and a glimpse of ice skating
Last weeks we had a great time hiking with our dearest guests. On the way we found a small frozen lake that we could exercise ice skating a bit ⛸️⛸️ Join us!
#daretheadventure #hikingadventures #hikingculture #hikinginstockholm #iceskatingonafrozenlake #truenaturesweden
We had a great experience and created amazing memories with lovely people and our dearest friend @moagransell made this video after this amazing survival course we had in the Swedish wilderness! Join us for new adventures and learn how to survive in nature!
#2dayssurvival #truenaturesweden #daretheadventure
This year we are really lucky because of snow and frozen lakes all around. Come and join us to experience wilderness of Stockholm with a lunch cooked over a campfire.
#iceskatinginstockholm #iceskatingonafrozenlake #accrossstockholmlakes #lunchoveracampfire #daretheadventure #truenaturesweden
Accross Stockholm Lakes
We were on a frozen lake with our blades yesterday. The scenery was stunning. The sky was a brilliant blue and the lake mirrored the world around us. You should definately experience this feeling❄️
#iceskatingonafrozenlake #frozenlake #accrossswedishlakes #daretheadventure #truenaturesweden
Merry Christmas 🎄
God Jul 🎉
#godjul #daretheadventure #truenaturesweden
We were again lucky to see a seal during our "Kayaking in Stockholm Archipelago" tour🕺There is always a chance to see these guys along the way. Join us for a true nature experience.
#sealsontheway #kayakingadventures #kayakingarchipelago #visitstockholm #visitswedennature #truenaturesweden #daretheadventure
For English see below!
Äventyret kallar! Åk på en imponerande mountainbike (MTB) tur i Nackareservatet. Området här är så stort och varierande att du kan åka i flera dagar utan att åka samma väg. Skogen är en labyrint av hundratals spår och den erkänns som en av de bästa i hela Skandinavien för just MTB!
The adventure is calling you! Go for an impressive mountain bike (MTB) ride throughout the forest right next to Stockholm. This forest is so big that you could bike for days using different trails each time. This location is like a maze of hundred of tracks and is one of the best spots in the whole of Scandinavia. .
#mtbistockholm #mtb #mtbstockholm #mtbistockholmsskogar #mtbinstockolmforests #truenaturesweden #daretheadventure
Some people are resting on the first day of the year...some people don't😉❄️ Happy new year from Swedish Lapland 🎊
#buildinganigloo #daretheadventure #truenaturesweden #welcome2020 #happynewyear #survivaltraining #howtosurviveinnature
Away from the crowd: 2 days hiking tour
The Swedish forests are so widely spread that you hardly encounter anyone. Resourceful, beautiful and peaceful forest soothes, refreshes and invigorates you in no time! Wilderness and lakes of pure water cover a great part of the country.
#hikinginstockholm #hikinginthewilderness #hikingadventures #daretheadventure #truecolorsofstockholm #truenaturesweden
Not so long ago! #tb
Yes we are longing for the upcoming fun winter activities besides we can still hear the waves that are hitting the kayaks😬
#thosedays #summer #winterisfun #survivaltourssweden #iceskating #winterhiking #truenaturesweden #daretheadventure
"The pleasure of being in the nature, to feel the connection, the harmony with this one, is a meaning of life by itself. Everyone should have a taste of it. From mountain tops to deep forests, from summer sunshines to freezing winter bites, wilderness is around reminding us to dare the fantastic adventure of being alive." William Gilman - Founder of TNS
#daretheadventure #truenaturesweden #connect2earth #visitswedennature #wildernessculture #outdooradventures #kayakingarchipelago #kayaking
True Nature Sweden Campfire cooked Meals
We enjoy all our tours with a meal cooked on campfire! Choose your adventure with us and discover the true nature of Sweden!
We offer daily nature tours and multi-day adventours with best rates guides.
TripAdvisor’s Certificate of Excellence Winner
#daretheadventure #truenaturesweden #stockholm #sweden #stockholmnature #stockholmhike