Happy Ganesha

Happy Ganesha Spiritual karmic interpretation through handreading, horoscope and tarot. Chakra massage. Spiritual shop. Inspiration. All of us should do that.

Permanent stängd.

I want to give the joy of my heart and its wisdom to this world. Let us allow our hearts to rule this world. We think that only the mind can entertain us. We will be surprised to see how entertaining the heart can be. In this modern world, we are afraid to drop our minds. And the heart complains not. Such is the story of the heart. Happy Ganesha is my shop where I sell incense sticks, natural esse

ntial oils, natural perfume oils, stones, chakra candles, batiks and other things .. Readings and Session Description:

Personal Vedic Horoscope Reading
Your vedic horoscope is a complete tool for your self understanding. It also explores in-depth your time travel possibilities besides dealing with transitory influences. Remedial measures are also offered. Karma issues will be dealt with. Intuitive Hand Reading
Let me connect you to your inner light by reading your hand. Your hand has guide lines to your future cycles and trends and possibilities and your inner being. It would be an experience for you to cherish. Tarot Reading
Tarot reading is not only wise, but offers you amazing in-sights in handling present and future situations. You will enjoy it thoroughly. Chakra Flow Massage
Let me create a feeling of freshness and light hearted ness through chakra flow massage. My healing energy will dissolve any stress knots.


I helgen töms butiken!
Du som vill hjälpa till och tömma är välkommen på lördag och söndag från 12-16.
Försäljningen pågår så länge det finns attraktiva varor som väcker intresse. Samtidigt så kan du som vill hjälpa till få möjlighet att hitta sånt som du vill ha men som inte blir sålt.
Målet är att allt ska bort och det som eventuellt blir kvar åker till återvinningen tillsammans med inredningen.


Hej vänner,
Jag vill meddela att Happy Ganesha läggs ner sista februari och butiken kommer att omvandlas till ett kontor. För dig som vill handla eller bara besöka butiken en sista gång så kommer Happy Ganesha att hålla öppet under helgen:

Fredag 24/2 mellan kl. 16-18
Lördag 25/2 mellan kl. 12-16
Söndag efter överenskommelse


Message to Ashoks clients, friends, soulmates, princess’s & neighbours ❤️Ashok passed away peacefully 00.40 Friday 28th ...

Message to Ashoks clients, friends, soulmates, princess’s & neighbours ❤️

Ashok passed away peacefully 00.40 Friday 28th of October. He slowly fell into deep sleep and from there he passed further beyond life.

Happy Ganesha will be open for a ceremony to honour and celebrate Ashoks passing through and beyond our lives.
If you are happy to have met him and feel connected you are welcome to join on Friday 4th of November between 18:00-20:00. Do RSVP via sending either a message here or a text to the number below.

For those who would like to attend the funeral it is set to take place the same day (28th) at the chapel in Råcksta, Silversmedsgränd 1, Vällingby, at 08.00. Please note that you need to RSVP for this aswell, the same contact info applies.

PS If you have questions please call or email Seta
Mobile 073 5455219
Email [email protected]


We are here, not to research space, but to celebrate her moods.


Separate. Then long. All roles played by the fool. Endorsed by the divine.


Beyond maths and logic lies her existential nurture. The always present presence.


Where success is, poverty is. Where greed is, need is. Where she is, joy is.


Once upon a time there was a woman. Rest is history.


When awareness is no longer self aware, a time bound reincarnating activity springs up. Till it dudes itself out.


Let the joy of your silence lift your world. And not your words.


Unbelieve the beliefs. And be free.


Vegagatan 17





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