Our first product Bookaia Baby is the service that offers parents " my first year " books that is never forgotten and will remain almost blank. All the information and pictures are automatically generated from the cell phone, e-reader or computer. It's the service that reminds you as parents to save your child's most important steps in life. The digital information is easily transformed into a rea
l book of the highest quality. Bookaia Baby will remind you to choses photos as well as all the important events. Before you know it the book is complete and you therefore have a memory for life - for you and for your child. Our goal is to always exceed our customer’s expectations in terms of quality and deliver memories of a lifetime. The uniqueness of Bookaia Baby :
• You always have Bookaia Baby with you and you will never miss the most important and most enjoyable moments in the child's life.
• The information that you add, will be integrated with a suggested text, picture into context.
• Meanwhile, as the pages are taking form and book grows, you can always preview with different designs and from different illustrators.
• You can choose whether you want to share photos and events with your loved directly in social media - in the form of updates. These can also be sent as postcards.
• By purchasing a book, you are helping other children in need.
• With Bookaia Baby you do not print the images, cut and paste or even have to remember to update the book. Bookaia Baby does it for you .
• You can easily get several copies, and a backup of your book. The perfect gift for your family and friends.
• Based on the child's date of birth and the present time, you will be reminded to take pictures and answer some questions about the child's progress.
• You can add up to 550 additional pages. Do you want to be one of our beta testers? Visit and register on www.bookaia.com
Our goal is to launch the beta tests the 31st of March.