Snow scooter tour / Quad Safari Sweden

Snow scooter tour / Quad Safari Sweden Snow scooter tours / Quad safari Sweden Finnskogen Bograngen

Here you can see the reason why we never drive with customers who don’t have their original drivers licens with them. It...

Here you can see the reason why we never drive with customers who don’t have their original drivers licens with them. It‘s no joke: we have serious police controls here in the middle of nowhere, including alcohol tests. Tack för ett trevligt möte och att ni säkerställer säkerheten på skoterlederna .varmland

Come and celebrate with us our 100 honest Google reviews 5* 🥳

Come and celebrate with us our 100 honest Google reviews 5* 🥳

During todays long tour with the snowmobiles we had a little sausage barbecue.

During todays long tour with the snowmobiles we had a little sausage barbecue.

Enjoying the nature with our customers on the snowscooter safari

Enjoying the nature with our customers on the snowscooter safari

Enjoying the sun and the fog over the lake with the snowquads. Right now it is too wet in the moor and on the tracks to ...

Enjoying the sun and the fog over the lake with the snowquads. Right now it is too wet in the moor and on the tracks to take the snowmobiles.

Still working on the tracks 😊

Still working on the tracks 😊

The snowscooter tracks aren‘t open yet. The snowscooter club (thanks to you 🙏🏼) and also we are on the run to compact th...

The snowscooter tracks aren‘t open yet. The snowscooter club (thanks to you 🙏🏼) and also we are on the run to compact the snow. The snow is pretty fluffy and powdry right now that means it doesn‘t take weight that good. So as you can see on the pictures: we are working on it. But at the moment it is no idea to drive there with customers on snowmobiles - not yet. We are taking our responsibility serious and will keep you updated.

We got a pretty good amount of snow during the night and day. The snowscooter trails aren‘t officially open yet - so we ...

We got a pretty good amount of snow during the night and day. The snowscooter trails aren‘t officially open yet - so we follow the rules and are driving with our other fancy machines 😊❄️. See you! movie is in Swedish, but a...

This movie is in Swedish, but anyway, it shows the impacts of snowscooterdriving to the environment and why it is important to follow the rules and better think twice where you are driving.

1. as you can see there are a plenty of small (planted) trees which shall grow for many years so the owner is able to harvest the trees once. The forest is always owned by someone. That might be the church, companies or privat persons. But it‘s always owned of someone. If a snowscooter is driving over these little trees and damaging them, that means a big problem for the trees which aren‘t able to grow in a straight/good way anylonger and that means also an economical problem for the forestowner.

2. It‘s better to follow the snowscooter tracks instead of driving a forestroad because one day, sooner or later, the forestowner likes to plow the forestroad to harvest som trees. If many snowscooters have been driven there, the road ist compacted and icy and almost not possible to get plown.

3. driving on grassland/farmland which is used for food for the farmanimals isn‘t good nether: the snow gets compacted and icy and causes damages of the grass underneath, the weeds can take over. That means less food for the animals.

It‘s also no good idea to drive on the sides of the grassland or in the didge: the snow gets comprimated during the winter, it is getting icy and when the temperatures begin to raise again the melting water can‘t find it’s way and drain. It gets stuck on the grassland. The grassland is more wet than it should be and that makes it much harder to get new grass/food greening and growing.

Fazit: if there are some or more snowscooterdriver not following the rules or driving without showing responsibility, it can have impacts to all of the snowscooterdrivers (and maybe where you are allowed to drive in the future).

Thank you Nordvärmlands snöskoterklubb for sharing this video, so we are able to re-share.

Det är en mycket intressant film med många intressanta och viktiga synpunkter.

Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund, LRF, har på initiativ av Nationella Snöskoterrådet tagit fram denna film som syftar till att visa på varför skoterkörning på åkerm...

At the moonshine barbecue today 😊. Ok, honestly you have to look pretty close to see the moon behind the trees 😅🌙. Nice ...

At the moonshine barbecue today 😊. Ok, honestly you have to look pretty close to see the moon behind the trees 😅🌙. Nice tour, nice company, a cold but wonderful winterday… what can you wish more? Ok, for all the followers who are in the surrounding: we have northern lights out there right now. If you like to comment with a picture of your northern lights from today, you are welcome 🥰

We have the opportunity to drive a short tour with the atvs at January the 5th at 9 o‘clock in the morning with max 4 ma...

We have the opportunity to drive a short tour with the atvs at January the 5th at 9 o‘clock in the morning with max 4 machines (minimum 2 booked machines required) 📣. Like usually: minmum age for drivers is 18 years and minimum age for passengers is 6 years.

We have some machines available tomorrow atvtge 3rd of January! So grab your chance for a guided quad safari in the beau...

We have some machines available tomorrow atvtge 3rd of January! So grab your chance for a guided quad safari in the beautiful wilderness of Sweden😊! After a cancellation we have 4 machines in the afternoon. Caution: we are still not allowed by law to drive with the snowscooter (too less snow - Otherwise we would damage the ground and the machines). So we will ride the quads.

The whole family is home again… now they just need something to drink and than they are ready for a nap. Tomorrow we are...

The whole family is home again… now they just need something to drink and than they are ready for a nap. Tomorrow we are back on the tracks again 💪🏼. We wish all our customers and coming-to-be-customers a wonderful and blessed new year filled with unforgetable memories and experiences.


Searching picture from the tour today. Can you spot the moose? Otherwise -> swipe 😊.

Searching picture from the tour today. Can you spot the moose? Otherwise -> swipe 😊.

We wanna shout out once more a big thank you to our supplier  for working together in 2024. Did you know that you can ev...

We wanna shout out once more a big thank you to our supplier for working together in 2024. Did you know that you can even wasch your car there?

What a fantastic day with a lots of fresh and clear air and a view over one of our many lakes the surroundimg. Nothing b...

What a fantastic day with a lots of fresh and clear air and a view over one of our many lakes the surroundimg.

Nothing better than beeing out on a beautiful winterday ❄️☀️

Thanks to Leo for those pictures. It was fun to drive with you guys.

Thanks to Leo for those pictures. It was fun to drive with you guys.


Östra Mon 1 Bograngen


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