Sport Event Systems

Sport Event Systems We provide IT systems that facilitate associations and organizations arranging competitions and events.

This is made possible with our experience in and around the sports scene!

God Jul och Gott Nytt År!Vi vill tacka alla kunder, arrangörer och alla andra för ett bra samarbeta under året. Merry Ch...

God Jul och Gott Nytt År!
Vi vill tacka alla kunder, arrangörer och alla andra för ett bra samarbeta under året.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We would like to thank all customers, organisers and all others for great cooperation during this year.

/ The Sport Event Systems Crew

Throwback time! Live streaming gymnastics is one of our passions. In 2023 we made a new all time high in produced live s...

Throwback time!
Live streaming gymnastics is one of our passions.
In 2023 we made a new all time high in produced live streams for Swedish Gymnastics In summary, we produced 130 livestreams to almost 27 000 viewers watching over 2 million minutes of live gymnastics. Resulting in a total of 381 hours of content from national and international competitions and championships.
We are very proud to produce the livestreams and we are looking forward to develop the productions for the future.

First on-site streaming event 2021. Swedish championships in artistic gymnastics (male). 830km to Luleå.

First on-site streaming event 2021. Swedish championships in artistic gymnastics (male). 830km to Luleå.

Digitala utbildningar! Vi har utrustning för att era utbildningar ska bli bra.

Digitala utbildningar! Vi har utrustning för att era utbildningar ska bli bra.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!Thanks to all customers for 2020 and let´s make 2021 a better year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thanks to all customers for 2020 and let´s make 2021 a better year!

Streaming of online competition ei rhythmic gymnastics.Online competitions are easy to do with our online score system. ...

Streaming of online competition ei rhythmic gymnastics.
Online competitions are easy to do with our online score system.

Time for competitions?We have had a very empty competition season behind us of understandable reasons. But we are ready ...

Time for competitions?
We have had a very empty competition season behind us of understandable reasons. But we are ready when you are ready for entering the competition arenas.

Contact us on [email protected]

We have during this time make improvements to our systems and made a better administration system to speed up the setup of the competitions. Because our systems are web-based, they are suitable to use to make the competitions safer and be able to maintain distance between staff, judges, coaches and gymnasts. You can also use the system with the judges placed different locations (remote judging via video-feed).

We have scoring system for Aerobic, Artistic, Rhythmic and Teamgym. All disciplines support both panel input and individual judges input and remote administrations.

We also have equipment for streaming.

Contact us on [email protected]

Today we are in Denmark for the first Teamgym competition with the new version B UEG CoP and individual judges score inp...

Today we are in Denmark for the first Teamgym competition with the new version B UEG CoP and individual judges score input.

Sport Event Systems wishes all customers, users, judges, spectators and live-stream-viewers a Merry Christmas and a Happ...

Sport Event Systems wishes all customers, users, judges, spectators and live-stream-viewers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2020!

During 2019 our scoring system was used at about 200 competitions in 5 different disciplines in 8 different countries! We also did more than 150 hours of live-streaming, providing scores to other live-broadcasters via XML-feeds, Jumbotron productions, TrickPit (video-feedback system) installations and providing IT-equipment (WiFi-networks, computers, printers, etc) to several events.

Looking forward to 2020 for new challenges!

Follow competitions from four different countries this weekend in Artistic gymnastics and Teamgym.Https://live.sporteven...

Follow competitions from four different countries this weekend in Artistic gymnastics and Teamgym.


Do you you know that we have provide scoring system to clubs and federations in more then 10 year and in more then 5 countries. No competition is to small or big. Please contact us before you begin to fill out you Excel-sheets! scores from this weekend competitions in Finland and Sweden.Do you need a easy to ...

See scores from this weekend competitions in Finland and Sweden.

Do you need a easy to use scoring system for your gymnastic competition? Just contact us and we will see what we can do. No competition is to small or to big!


Folkungagatan 23A, Kv


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