WUC American football

WUC American football Welcome to Uppsala Sweden for the 1st World University Championship in American football. www.uppsala2014.com

During the 1st to the 11th of May 2014, eleven games will be played at Österängens IP in the center of Uppsala. More than 400 athletes and coaches will participate in the tournament and 200 volunteers will be involved. Six nations are competing:

China, Finland, Japan, México, Sweden and USA. Uppsala 86ers and the Swedish University Sports Federation are proud to organize this spectacular event. For tickets, hotel bookings and more information, visit our webpage: www.uppsala2014.com.


SM-finalerna i Amerikansk fotboll 2016 spelas den 9 juli på Stockholms Stadion.

Swedish highlites!

Swedish highlites!

En sammanfattning av Sveriges matcher i Student VM 2014 (Amerikansk Fotboll)


Ha en härlig ledighet under Julen och samla kraft till ett fantastiskt 2015!

Don´t miss FISU TV from Uppsala 2014!

Don´t miss FISU TV from Uppsala 2014!

UPPSALA -- 11 May, featured a historical game on the football field as the first ever gold medal game of the WUC American Football was decided between both s...


The Board of Directors of The Conquistador Bowl is proud to announce in partnership with the 2014 World University Championship of American Football our two player selections.

"A Football Life" with Ricky Williams with footage from Uppsala and WUC2014!

"A Football Life" with Ricky Williams with footage from Uppsala and WUC2014!

If you have a chans - be there, we need YOU!

If you have a chans - be there, we need YOU!

HC Per Nilsen har förberett laget väl inför matchen mot Predators på söndag.


På söndag är det en riktig toppmatch på Studenternas i Uppsala. Regerande svenska mästarna Carlstad Crusaders kommer på besök. Förra helgen förlorade 86ers mot slutspelskonkurrenten Tyresö som veckan innan förlorat borta mot mästarna Crusaders. Det positiva för 86ers i matchen mot Tyresö var att Upp…


A great opportunity for players who participated during the WUC 2014. This distinctive football event will offer a unique opportunity to all involved.


After 14 minutes...

Once again this edition will be buzzing with international university sport activity of the present and the past. The programme will also focus on "12th WUC ...


I helgen avslutades världens första student-VM i amerikansk fotboll i Uppsala. Spelet höll världsklass och webb-sändningarna från sista matchen mellan Mexiko och Japan sågs av runt 100 000 personer. Intresset var klart större utomlands. I Sverige vakna...


Idrottens Affärer är en nättidning om sponsring, arena,spelartransfers, nya arenor, idrottspolitik, spel, tv, event.

Medals and awards were handed out at the closing ceremony of the WUC.

Medals and awards were handed out at the closing ceremony of the WUC.

The closing ceremony started with Stefan Bergh, FISU Vice President and President of the WUC Uppsala Organizing Committee, holding a speech thanking all teams for participating and for some good games where the teams showed good atmosphere and good sportsmanship.

Enjoy the golden pictures on our Flickr site. Mexico are WUC champions!

Enjoy the golden pictures on our Flickr site. Mexico are WUC champions!

Japan-Mexico. World University Championship in American football, May 11th, Uppsala, Sweden. Photo: Sandra Jansson/Swedish University Sports Federation

Congratulations MEXICO - first ever World University Champions in American football. Read about the game here.

Congratulations MEXICO - first ever World University Champions in American football. Read about the game here.

This day, the 11th of this tournament, was a historical day in many ways. Not only would a World University Champion be crowned but it would also be the first loss ever for one of these teams since they both got to the championship game undefeated.


The FINALE in WUC 2014
Japan vs Mexico!!!


After ten days of amazing American football it is now time for the final game. The giant teams of the tournament Mexico ...

After ten days of amazing American football it is now time for the final game. The giant teams of the tournament Mexico and Japan play for gold. Let’s hear what the players Kento Ikenaga and Ignacio Guerra say before the big game.

Read the interviews on our website.


Watch the entire bronzegame between Finland and Sweden!


Team Sweden celebrates the bronze medal!


Today it was all or nothing for both Sweden and Finland since they both had one win each and the winner of this game would get the bronze medal in this first ever World University Championship.

Bronze for Sweden.

Bronze for Sweden.

På lördagskvällen stod det klart att Sverige får med sig ett brons i historiens första Student-VM i Amerikansk fotboll som spelas i Uppsala. Sverige...


16:00 Bronze game between Finland and Sweden LIVE !!!


Amerikanska storstjärnor tränar Kinas nybildade landslag i amerikansk fotboll. Christer Engqvist, P4 Uppland, intervjuar Byron Chamberlain och Ricky Williams.

Can't get enough of the WUC? Watch the game between Mexico and China again and don't miss the emotional press conference...

Can't get enough of the WUC? Watch the game between Mexico and China again and don't miss the emotional press conference.

Swedish TV channel SVT visited Österängen yesterday, watch the result here.

Swedish TV channel SVT visited Österängen yesterday, watch the result here.

Det spelas ett världsmästerskap i Uppsala i dagarna. Det är student-VM i amerikansk fotboll där Sverige ställdes mot Japan - en riktig stormakt inom sporten.

Watch the pictures from the game tonight and you will see what university sports and American football is all about - jo...

Watch the pictures from the game tonight and you will see what university sports and American football is all about - joy and fellowship!

Pictures from Mexico-China 55-0, in the WUC in Uppsala May 9th 2014.

This was China's last game in the WUC and Zhonghan Zhang looks back on a memorable week in Uppsala.

This was China's last game in the WUC and Zhonghan Zhang looks back on a memorable week in Uppsala.

Zhonghan Zhang, SS in Team China, looks back on a memorable tournament. China's game against Mexico (0-55) was their last in the WUC 2014.

Mexico won against China tonight, read about the game here.

Mexico won against China tonight, read about the game here.

Friday's game between Mexico and China ended 55-0 to the Mexicans, and by this game Team China finished the championship.

We had 3 623 simultanous viewers. Hope you had fun!!!

We had 3 623 simultanous viewers. Hope you had fun!!!


18:30 Mexico vs China LIVE!

FISU Vice President and President of the organizing committe of the WUC in American Football 2014, Stefan Bergh, is plea...

FISU Vice President and President of the organizing committe of the WUC in American Football 2014, Stefan Bergh, is pleased with the tournament.




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