Morsarvet af Sjöfälla

Morsarvet af Sjöfälla Get in touch to get more info or visit our website at: At Norrvinga we offer a stay in the beautiful south Swedish highlands of Småland.

Morsarvet af Sjöfälla offers holiday rental, retreat long weekends, MTB weekends, events, sauna, boat rental, paintball and business development conference setups. The houses are perfect for the family or a bunch of friends that wants to enjoy a memorable stay for life. With only 50 meters to the lake, beautiful forests and mountains, You'll have the best situation possible. Am Norrvinga bieten wi

r einen Aufenthalt in der wunderschönen südschwedischen Hochland von Småland. Das Haus ist ideal für die Familie oder eine Gruppe von Freunden, die einen unvergesslichen Aufenthalt für das Leben genießen möchte. Mit nur 50 Meter zum See, schöne Wälder und Berge, haben Sie die beste Situation möglich.

For two weeks work has been quite intense to work and gradually perfect our main paintball track at M. It will be nice t...

For two weeks work has been quite intense to work and gradually perfect our main paintball track at M. It will be nice to soon get it evaluated by the first players. Will tell more about the setup soon - can though say that "strategy" and "stealth" will be more key than "shooting wild" and "run like h*ll"... 😎⭐️

(English below)Mycket händer just nu på Morsarvet av Sjöfälla - North & South Annex - under hösten har vi varit del av e...

(English below)
Mycket händer just nu på Morsarvet av Sjöfälla - North & South Annex - under hösten har vi varit del av ett EU-finansierat utvecklings-rådgivnings-projekt där vi på M fått stöd i att ta fram, framförallt konkreta aktivitetsplaner, för fyra nya koncept, där förhoppningen är att koncepten kan jämna ut aktiviteterna över året och öka kassaflödet. Morsarvet av Sjöfälla - North & South Annex har identifierats som "hög-potentiellt" utifrån landsbygdsutvecklings- samt turist-perspektiv - vilket känns superkul naturligtvis.
Mer info kommer inom kort. ✌️👑🍀

A lot is happening right now at Morsarvet av Sjöfälla - North & South Annex - during the autumn we have been part of an EU-funded development consultancy project where we at M received support in developing, above all, concrete activity plans for four new concepts, where the hope is that the concepts can even out activities over the year and increase cash flow. Morsarvet av Sjöfälla - North & South Annex has been identified as "high-potential" from a rural development and tourist perspective - which feels super fun of course.
More info coming shortly. ✌️👑🍀

En fantastisk upplevelse på kvällens löprunda!

En fantastisk upplevelse på kvällens löprunda!

Autumn work in fantastic light air... lovely... completion of hedge on todays schedule...

Autumn work in fantastic light air... lovely... completion of hedge on todays schedule...

Cafe at M 21-22 July - putting up the ads for it now! 😎

Cafe at M 21-22 July - putting up the ads for it now! 😎

Suddenly next week is available in North Annex - contact us for last minute booking 👍

Suddenly next week is available in North Annex - contact us for last minute booking 👍

Magical Midnight Midsummer bath... after "Näcken" was tied we could jump in the deep blue... 💦💙🧡💙💦

Magical Midnight Midsummer bath... after "Näcken" was tied we could jump in the deep blue... 💦💙🧡💙💦

Good  morning! Building a bushwood pile today. 💪😃 It's called "ris-vase" in Swedish which has the main purpose of giving...

Good morning! Building a bushwood pile today. 💪😃 It's called "ris-vase" in Swedish which has the main purpose of giving shelter to smaller fish who wants to rest and hide. This pile of spruce twigs (in this case a pine tree that serve as the originator) actually also oxygenates the water, and creates a spawning "ground" for those certain fish species. Outside the big pike might stand still lurking and waiting, which also makes it a good prerequisite for sports fishing.

Wishing All a lovely time with family and friends. Nature at it's best, the sun raying wonder beams across the landscape...

Wishing All a lovely time with family and friends. Nature at it's best, the sun raying wonder beams across the landscape... ☀️💚❄💚❄💚☀️

Lovely autumn colours today - raking leaves and branches (never ending job 😅)... enjoying high air and watching sea bird...

Lovely autumn colours today - raking leaves and branches (never ending job 😅)... enjoying high air and watching sea birds resting in big numbers in the lake on their way south... 🍁🦅🦆🍂


Early morning reward - silence and tranquility - the nature waking up in a wonderful harmonious way - tome for reflection about our fantastic Mother Earth...


Vi hyr nu ut vår bastu på M - kom och upplev något extra och vinterbad när det är som bäst! :)We are now letting our sau...

Vi hyr nu ut vår bastu på M - kom och upplev något extra och vinterbad när det är som bäst! :)

We are now letting our sauna! Come experience winter bathing at it's best! :)


All - You are most welcome to follow M at instagram (morsarvet_af_sjofalla), I am not that foten using Facebook, but at insta my aim is to make postings quite often! 😊👋🏻

Solar panel roof is coming into place at Hagerbonnhof... ✌️

Solar panel roof is coming into place at Hagerbonnhof... ✌️

Bryggspecialisten doing a good job with the North Annex new jetty! 🤝It will be great for swimming and sun bathing - lets...

Bryggspecialisten doing a good job with the North Annex new jetty! 🤝It will be great for swimming and sun bathing - lets just wait a few months! 😄

The gravel has just been raked - now tranqulity...

The gravel has just been raked - now tranqulity...


Morsarvet Af Sjöfälla


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