Halijah Travels

Halijah Travels We provide travel & tour services, Hajj & Umrah pilgrimages.

Hajj 2024, 30 JuneThe arrival of 23 pilgrims, led by officer Hj Nordin. Haji Mabrur, in sha Allah.

Hajj 2024, 30 June

The arrival of 23 pilgrims, led by officer Hj Nordin. Haji Mabrur, in sha Allah.

Hajj 2024Alhamdulillah, on June 28, pilgrims from groups 1 and 3ST, totalling 119 along with 4 officers (Ustaz Iqbal, Us...

Hajj 2024

Alhamdulillah, on June 28, pilgrims from groups 1 and 3ST, totalling 119 along with 4 officers (Ustaz Iqbal, Ustaz Syarafuddeen, Hj Hilmi, and Hajjah Caminah), have returned home safely.

Time has flown by, and the pilgrims are now reuniting with their families.

Let us pray for their journey to be smooth and protected by Allah SWT, ensuring they arrive home safely and in good health. Aamiin.

Hajj 2024 / 20th JunePraise be to Allah, 22 pilgrims performed the Nafar Thani ritual, completing the stoning on the 13t...

Hajj 2024 / 20th June

Praise be to Allah, 22 pilgrims performed the Nafar Thani ritual, completing the stoning on the 13th of Zulhijjah at the three Jamarat: Jamratul Sughra, Wusta, and Kubra.

May Allah always ease the affairs of the pilgrims in completing the remaining acts of worship to fulfill their Hajj journey.

Hajj 2024,16th JuneThe Hajj pilgrims completed the three stonings on the 11th of Zulhijjah. Alhamdulillah, we are gratef...

Hajj 2024,16th June

The Hajj pilgrims completed the three stonings on the 11th of Zulhijjah. Alhamdulillah, we are grateful that everything went smoothly


Alhamdulillah. Kami ingin umumkan ibadah korban (kambing & unta) telah selamat dijalankan di Makkah dan daging diagihkan kepada yang memerlukan. Terima kasih kepada semua yang telah membuat tempahan. Moga amalan kami diterimaNya. Amiin.

The qurban ritual (sheep & camel) in Makkah has just been completed. We thank you for your participation. May He accept our deeds. Amiin.


Haji 2024 / 16 June
Jemaah sedang berehat di Mina.

Hajj 2024 / 16 JuneAlhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah SWT.The congregation is staying overnight in Mina (for two nigh...

Hajj 2024 / 16 June
Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah SWT.
The congregation is staying overnight in Mina (for two nights).


Arafah prayer with Ustaz Syarafudeen.

Hajj 2024 / 15th JunePilgrims are in Arafah for the peak of the hajj rituals.

Hajj 2024 / 15th June

Pilgrims are in Arafah for the peak of the hajj rituals.

Hajj 2024, 14th JuneThe hajj pilgrims will depart for Mina at 9 AM and stay overnight there. They will proceed to Arafat...

Hajj 2024, 14th June

The hajj pilgrims will depart for Mina at 9 AM and stay overnight there. They will proceed to Arafat on Friday morning.

Let us pray for their safe journey and that their worship is accepted, as the Day of Arafah is crucial for all hajj pilgrims, with wukuf being essential for the validity of the hajj.

O Allah, ease the journey of our hajj pilgrims. Grant them health, strength, and peace in performing every act of worship. Accept all their deeds, forgive all their sins, and bestow upon them a blessed hajj.

Hajj 2024, 12th JuneThe pilgrims are taken to visit Jamrah to understand its significance and become familiar with the r...

Hajj 2024, 12th June
The pilgrims are taken to visit Jamrah to understand its significance and become familiar with the route from Sh**ha to Jamrah.

Hajj 2024, 13th JuneMinister Dr Maliki Osman and a team from Muis visited the hajj pilgrims at Noh Apartment in Sh**ha.

Hajj 2024, 13th June

Minister Dr Maliki Osman and a team from Muis visited the hajj pilgrims at Noh Apartment in Sh**ha.

Hajj 2024, 11th JunePilgrims were brought to Masjidil Haram at 1am, with transport arranged to and from Sh**ha.Details o...

Hajj 2024, 11th June
Pilgrims were brought to Masjidil Haram at 1am, with transport arranged to and from Sh**ha.

Details of night prayers:

• Went at 1am
• Stayed until syuruk time
• Some entered the mataf area and performed tawaf
• The rest performed qiyam al-lail

Pilgrims described this program as a “beautiful experience” and were very happy to have the opportunity to pray in the Haram while staying in Sh**ha.

Syukur Alhamdulillah kepada Allah Taala. Seramai 80 jemaah bersama Hj Husin, Ustaz Iqbal, Hj Ibrahim, dan Fatin Aliyah t...

Syukur Alhamdulillah kepada Allah Taala. Seramai 80 jemaah bersama Hj Husin, Ustaz Iqbal, Hj Ibrahim, dan Fatin Aliyah telah memulakan perjalanan Haji pada 8hb Jun. Mereka selamat tiba di Kota Makkah, Sh**ha Madinah pada jam 1 pagi. Mereka juga telah selesai melakukan Tawaf Qudum (Haji Ifrad) / Umrah (Haji Tamattuk).


Syukur Alhamdulillah, semuanya dipermudahkan. Seramai 51 orang jemaah Haji Halijah Travel kumpulan terakhir telah selamat berangkat ke tanah suci pada jam 4 petang tadi.

Tangisan kegembiraan dan doa dari ahli keluarga mengiringi keberangkatan 51 orang jemaah Halijah hari ini beserta pegawa...

Tangisan kegembiraan dan doa dari ahli keluarga mengiringi keberangkatan 51 orang jemaah Halijah hari ini beserta pegawai Haji Ramjan dan Hajjah Saidah ke Tanah Suci dirahmati Allah SWT. Sama-sama kita doakan agar perjalanan haji para tetamuNya dipermudahkan. Ameen Ya Rabbal Ameen

Kegembiraan terpancar dari wajah jemaah  di terminal 1 Changi Airport sebelum berangkat ke Tanah Suci.  "Ya Allah Ya Rah...

Kegembiraan terpancar dari wajah jemaah di terminal 1 Changi Airport sebelum berangkat ke Tanah Suci.
"Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim ……
Sejahterakanlah untuk mereka semua dengan kesihatan yang baik supaya dengannya mereka dapat beribadah kepadamu. Perginya mereka dengan mengharapkan keampunan dan redha Allah swt. Semoga kepulangan mereka disertai dengan haji yang mabrur”

Selamat berangkat ke bumi Haramain para dhuyufurrahman

Wajah-wajah bakal Dhuyufurrahman dari Halijah Group 1 dan 1E, seramai 77 orang bersama 5 pegawai, di Terminal 1 Lapangan...

Wajah-wajah bakal Dhuyufurrahman dari Halijah Group 1 dan 1E, seramai 77 orang bersama 5 pegawai, di Terminal 1 Lapangan Terbang Changi, berangkat ke tanah suci. Waris-waris jemaah juga turut hadir untuk mengucapkan selamat jalan. Ini merupakan penerbangan pertama terus ke Jeddah dan seterusnya jemaah akan memasuki Mekah untuk melaksanakan ibadah Umrah. Marilah kita doakan agar urusan bakal haji ini dipermudahkan dan mereka dikurniakan dengan haji yang mabrur, InsyaAllah.


🕋 Our Umrah packages for July 2024 onwards are out. Head over to halijah.com.sg to see the full list. For enquiries / booking, call 62949676 or whatsapp to 9632 3141

We provide travel & tour services, Hajj & Umrah pilgrimages.

It’s Friday! Don’t forget to recite Surah Al-Kahf ☺️🤍(Source: Sahih Muslim 809a)                                        ...

It’s Friday! Don’t forget to recite Surah Al-Kahf ☺️🤍

(Source: Sahih Muslim 809a)

Our Brunei 2-to-go tours are back! 🇧🇳 This time with a new Culinary Tour aside from our Cultural Tour!Discover the heart...

Our Brunei 2-to-go tours are back! 🇧🇳 This time with a new Culinary Tour aside from our Cultural Tour!

Discover the heart & soul of Brunei through its culinary delights, where every bite is a celebration of flavor, tradition and community.🫔🥘

Immerse yourself in the rich culinary traditions of Brunei as you explore the country’s specialty dishes. Witness & try out the art of preparation as locals expertly craft the traditional dishes that showcase the diverse cultural influences of Brunei.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to experience the warmth and hospitality of the locals as they share their passion for food, inviting you to savor the true essence of Bruneian culture.

(➡️ Swipe for Cultural Tour)

📞 Call us at 6294 9676 or drop us a whatsapp at 9632 3141 for booking or queries! 😊


Sertai Qurban bersama Halijah Travels (di Arab Saudi). Untuk mendaftar, sila layari https://halijah.com.sg/qurban2024/

We provide travel & tour services, Hajj & Umrah pilgrimages.

Salam Aidil Fitri HTPL - 27 April - part 2

Salam Aidil Fitri HTPL - 27 April - part 2

Salam Aidil Fitri HTPL - 27 April - part 1

Salam Aidil Fitri HTPL - 27 April - part 1


Wisata Ilmu kembali lagi. Sila whatsapp ke 9632 3141 untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut / tempahan. Lihat aturcara (PDF Doc) di sini ~ https://tinyurl.com/wisatailmu2024

We provide travel & tour services, Hajj & Umrah pilgrimages.


🏝️Wisata Berkumpulan ke Batam 🏝️✨

Sertai kami dalam wisata 3H2M mesra keluarga ke Pulau Batam & Pulau Ranoh!

Pelajari sejarah sarang burung di Muzium Sarang Burung, temui "Dinosaur" di Taman Tema Dinosaur, bersnorkel di kalangan ikan-ikan di laut biru yang jernih di Pulau Ranoh, bermain di taman permainan terapung dan banyak lagi!

Terdapat aktiviti sesuai dengan setiap peringkat umur! ☺️


🏝️June Batam Group Tour 🏝️✨

Join us on this family-friendly 3D2N getaway to Batam & Ranoh Island!

Learn the history of Birdnest at the Birdnest Museum, meet “Dinosaurs” at Batam’s Dinosaur Amusement Park, snorkel among the fishes in Ranoh Island’s blue waters, play on a floating playground and many more!

There’s something for everyone!

📞 Call us at 6294 9676 or drop us a whatsapp at 9632 3141 for booking or queries! 😊

We provide travel & tour services, Hajj & Umrah pilgrimages.

Dukacita dimaklumkan Mantan Ketua Pegawai Haji/Umrah, Hj Mohd Seain Bin Madsom serta Pegawai Haji/Umrah, Hj Jayah Bin Ga...

Dukacita dimaklumkan Mantan Ketua Pegawai Haji/Umrah, Hj Mohd Seain Bin Madsom serta Pegawai Haji/Umrah, Hj Jayah Bin Gani telah kembali ke Rahmatullah pada 24 April (15 Syawal) dan 11 April (2 Syawal).

Moga Allah memberikan kekuatan dan kesabaran kepada ahli keluarga yang ditinggalkan dan semoga kedua almarhum ditempatkan dalam kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Amiin.

🇻🇳 Mari ikuti kami dalam percutian ke Vietnam dengan lawatan berpandu kami sempena cuti sekolah! 🇻🇳Dapatkan tempahan baj...

🇻🇳 Mari ikuti kami dalam percutian ke Vietnam dengan lawatan berpandu kami sempena cuti sekolah! 🇻🇳

Dapatkan tempahan baju mengikut ukuran dalam masa yang singkat, dan alami pengalaman menaiki bot dan memetik buah di kebun buah-buahan 🛶🍎, di samping meneroka terowong bersejarah. Dan yang paling utama, anda boleh membeli-belah dengan harga borong di sana! 🛍️🤭

📞 Hubungi kami di talian 6294 9676 atau whatsapp kami di 9632 3141 untuk tempahan atau pertanyaan lanjut.
Untuk aturcara penuh: tinyurl.com/VietnamWithHalijah


🇻🇳 Come with us on this short getaway to beautiful Vietnam on our fully guided tour during the school holidays! 🇻🇳

Get clothes tailored within days, experience boat rides & fruit picking 🛶🍎 explore historic tunnels & best of all, you can shop till you drop! 🤭🛍️

📞 Call us at 6294 9676 or drop us a whatsapp at 9632 3141 for booking or queries! 😊
For detailed itinerary: tinyurl.com/VietnamWithHalijah


22 Kandahar Street

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 09:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 17:30
Thursday 09:30 - 17:30
Friday 09:30 - 17:30
Saturday 09:30 - 13:30




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