SOZO Ministries Asia

SOZO Ministries Asia Sozo Ministry is a unique inner healing & deliverance ministry based on biblical foundations to help people connect to the Godhead. Call for appointment.

Sozo Ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry based on biblical foundations. Sozo is the Greek word for saved, healed, delivered. The goal of Sozo Ministry is to help people connect to the Godhead through:
- healing of past wounds,
- breaking strongholds,
- replacing lies with truth, and
- removing barriers in the individual's life. We seek to restore hope in people as they exp

erience a personal encounter with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, and walk out of their past hurts and pains to fulfill their destiny as sons and daughters of God. As a member of the International Bethel Sozo Organization (IBSO), Sozo Ministry Asia's volunteer team serve with the same heart to connect people to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As part of the IBSO network, we have a strong relationship with founding leaders, Dawna De Silva and Teresa Liebscher, and the Bethel Church team. Our Team members receive regular training and mentoring in Singapore as well as at the yearly Sozo Summit held in Redding, California. To arrange for a Sozo appointment, please email us at: [email protected]

Have you ever felt like your winter is endless, with no fruits to show, especially in your financial matters? Despite gi...

Have you ever felt like your winter is endless, with no fruits to show, especially in your financial matters? Despite giving your best effort, every attempt to close a deal seems thwarted by unforeseen obstacles.

Sign up for our Financial Sozo Session.

Financial Sozo is an individual session that focus on breaking unhealthy financial cycles and beliefs related to money, work through questions of purpose or identity, identify root causes of being stuck financially, and help create realistic plans for achieving their goals.

You can book a session with us here

Goodbye to a dear friend who has impact our ministry.  Till we meet again. Grateful to Papa for Joe who raise the standa...

Goodbye to a dear friend who has impact our ministry. Till we meet again. Grateful to Papa for Joe who raise the standard of servant hood

Joseph Chean – known for his lifelong passion for missions – has passed away, aged 56, following a road accident in Istanbul on Wednesday, November 15, 2023.... Sozo is an individual session that focus on breaking unhealthy fina...

Financial Sozo is an individual session that focus on breaking unhealthy financial cycles and beliefs related to money, work through questions of purpose or identity, identify root causes of being stuck financially, and help create realistic plans for achieving their goals.

Scan QR Code now or click the url link to know more about Financial Sozo.

July 15, 2023 在淡海堂九樓舉辦了 2023 Sozo台灣區年會,這次年會也是第一次邀請了新竹北門聖教會和烈火教會Sozo團隊;和以觀摩身份來的中壢聖潔會的牧師和執事一起參加,讓大家能有一個互相學習和認識的機會。

經過敬拜和禱告後,先由主辦者淡江教會執行牧師鄭惠美牧師作開場的分享;淡江教會在2011年初次接觸 Sozo 並開始準備組織團隊,2012年經過由 國際伯特利 SOZO 事工亞洲區總監 Madeleine Tan帶領團隊培訓組員後正式成立。第一屆的Sozo訓練用了整整兩年時間來上課,原因是組員需要時間來轉換心思意念,回到屬天國神兒女的身份。而最重要的是要能把 Sozo養成成一種文化,並融入日常生活裡;然而文化是需要時間去培養的,所以需要更多一起學習和討論的環境和機會;把 Sozo文化推的更遠更廣。

第一屆畢業組員李蜜提到不久前團隊受到軍隊的邀請到軍中為阿兵哥服事,他們都是二十幾歲的年輕人,透過送聖經和圖卡和Mini Sozo的服事,讓他們重新發掘自己的價值,甚至有一些小時候有去過教會,長大後再也沒有去過,沒想到在軍中能再接觸到福音,讓他們能回歸到神的身邊的機會,甚至有軍人當場決志,實在看到神的作為真的很奇妙。



新竹北門聖教會的柯慧美師母說本來以一個學習的心態來淡江教會;但當到達淡海堂的時候,她的心思改變為要為淡海堂祝福。之後柯師母分享她擔當了教會的醫治釋放團隊多年,在學習Sozo後發現 Sozo能跟其他內在醫治事工互補,而在她學習了9個不同的內在醫治方法中, Sozo是最有效可以傳遞下去,一步一步用不同的Sozo工具進行,而不是單靠聖靈的感動。而當中學習Sozo時需要閱讀的五本屬靈書籍;給她和同工很大的啟發,擴闊了他們的境界。

然後在Q&A時段,來賓都踴躍的發問,由鄭惠美牧師一一親自作答:淡江教會的天國文化是莊牧師領受以弗所書4:11-12 「他所賜的,有使徒,有先知,有傳福音的,有牧師和教師,為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督的身體」教會希望弟兄姐妹們能先回復神兒子的身份,在找到天父給自己的命定和身份,也要把天國文化內化在生命裡,讓整個生命的氣息能活出神兒子的身份。


Madeleine補充在新加坡的Sozo成員必須要是有固定行十一奉獻的人。而在新加坡Sozo服事是一個須要付費的服務。目的是讓被服事者知道,他們也須要付出代價。而Madeleine會將獲得的收入用在Sozo團隊的訓練上。然後鄭牧師提醒大家必須要有第二位在場才能進行Sozo的服事,也建議要在有屬靈遮蓋的教會內進行。團隊的成長也是重要的一環,所以淡江Sozo團隊每兩月的一次聚會就以美國Bethel Sozo年會和 Sozo一書的內容進行分享和討論,藉此提升團隊的功力。 最後鄭牧師表示她一向都很看重淡江Sozo團隊和美國Bethel總會和各教會之間彼此的尊榮文化,希望能在台灣建立更多不同教會的Sozo團隊。



之後烈火教會張青萍師母來分享她在淡江教會學習Sozo的「歷史」,原來師母是在12年前第一屆的Sozo訓練的受訓者;她很記得當年她對從神而來的領受速度是需要慢慢的,不可能快;但當她被Sozo時卻發現原來這個是一個謊言!她本來也以為在禱告中看到食物是代表不尊心;後來在Sozo中發現天賦知道她愛美食,是特別讓她看到的! 這好讓她能更明白神的心意。當她恍然大悟之後,天父透過美食來讚賞她的時候,就感到很被接納和被愛。而她也在12年後在烈火教會建立了Sozo事工團隊,未來仍然會跟淡江教會團隊互相連結,為能讓更多人認識Sozo事工,及透過Sozo來幫助更多人。


在鄭惠美牧師為大家祝福禱告後,由耘政牧師帶領來賓參觀淡海堂,為2023年 台灣區Sozo 年會劃下一個完美的句號。

圖:李麗卿 姊妹
文:陳頌詩 姊妹

We need Fathers and Mothers for these generations!

We need Fathers and Mothers for these generations!


Notes: 3 days after Beni passed Bill preached this:

-The backslider in heart will always judge God by what He didn’t do!

-Answers wouldn’t fix the problem, only His presence will.

-Heaven is HIM!

Mark‬ ‭16:9-11, "Now after He had risen early on the first day of the week, He first appeared to Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons. She went and reported to those who had been with Him, while they were mourning and weeping. When they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, they refused to believe it."

-Mourning kept them from believing.

Matthew‬ ‭5:4‬, "‭Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."

-Mourning can lead you to comfort or it can lead you to unbelief.

‭‭-The inability to live with mystery keeps us from childlessness.

-Hope is the joyful anticipation of good.
-If I praise Him without surrender then I am just making a business deal. Example: "I will do this for you and you do this for me."

-I don’t ever want to be the one who critiques God; He critiques me.

-My friendship with God can only go as far as the depth of His Lordship in my life.

-His gives us peace beyond our understanding therefore I have to give up the right to understand so I can get the peace He wants to provide for me!

-Worshiping in pain is only possible on this side of heaven so this is a privilege.

Hebrews‬ ‭12:1-2‬, "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
-We must live in holiness and endurance.

-Every loss is a seed that can bring life and blessings!

-God brings beauty out of ashes.

Here is the youtube link to watch the sermon:

Praying for the Johnson’s family

Praying for the Johnson’s family

Have fears been holding you back from fully realizing your destiny? Learn how to be set free by signing up for Sozo Basi...

Have fears been holding you back from fully realizing your destiny? Learn how to be set free by signing up for Sozo Basic Training, 2-3 May 2022.

Register by 15 April 2022 to receive a free Sozo ministry session.


You have lived your version of your life. Want to know what Is His original version for you?

Sign up for Sozo Basic Training, 02-03 May 2022 to know what the Father has always intended when He created you.

Registration Form Link for Basic Sozo Training:

**Early birds that sign up before 31 Mar get a free Sozo Session.

In this new year, let's fix our thought on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable :)Fix your thought...

In this new year, let's fix our thought on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable :)

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Philippians 4:8 (NLT)

Wishing you and your family a very blessed Chinese New Year filled with His peace wherever you go and whatever you put y...

Wishing you and your family a very blessed Chinese New Year filled with His peace wherever you go and whatever you put your hands will prosper.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. T...

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)

Basic SOZO Training Sozo ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry aimed to get to the root of issues ...

Basic SOZO Training

Sozo ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry aimed to get to the root of issues hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. With a healed connection, you can walk in the destiny to which you have been called.

In this training, you will learn to use tools such as The Father's Ladder, Four doors, Presenting Jesus and Breaking Down Walls to help you have a deeper level of connection with God. You will also learn and experience the importance of Father's blessings.

Course Details:
Date & Time:
12 May 2021 7.30pm - 9.30pm &
13 May 2021 9.30am - 4.30m
Singapore time (GMT+8)

Mode: Zoom (Link will be sent to you 3 days before the course.)

Price: SGD150 (Early bird - $120 if you sign up before 29 April 2021)

Register via this link:

Register now if you desire to have a breakthrough and a deeper level of connection with God!

Basic Sozo Training equips you with tools to get to the root of things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. With a healed connection, you can walk in the destiny to which you have been called. Date and Time: 12 May 2021, 730PM to 930PM & 13 May 2021, 930 AM to 430...


At this unique and challenging time in the United Kingdom over 65 churches and movements, representing hundreds of others, have come together online to sing ...


130 Margaret Drive

Opening Hours

19:30 - 22:00


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