To all entrepreneurs, small and medium businesses - have an idea on how Government processes or regulations could be reviewed to help businesses save time and costs?
Share your idea with the Pro-Enterprise Panel (PEP) so that we can streamline processes and chart regulatory frameworks that enable businesses to go further.
Find out more about PEP Suggestions at
Hey Pro-Enterprise Panel, I do not need a public asset to testbed my solution. Instead, I have a new business model that would benefit Singaporeans but there are prevailing regulations that inhibit the implementation of my model. What should I do?
Unable to find any suitable sandbox frameworks by any agencies? Check out the New Idea Scheme at
As the way we consume energy changes in the next two decades, we will start to replace petrol vehicles with electric vehicles.
To accelerate our transition towards a greener future, the Green Economy Regulatory Initiative (GERI) is here to address the regulatory hurdles that you face and give you an extra boost to move your innovative green ideas forward.
Find out more about GERI at
#GERI #greeneconomysingapore
Do you have an idea on how Singapore can achieve our vision of being a low-carbon economy? Regardless which new technology you are seeking to introduce, as long as your idea directly contributes to the green economy and faces regulatory hurdles or gaps, the Green Economy Regulatory Initiative (GERI) is here to help materialise your idea.
Find out more about GERI at
#GERI #greeneconomysingapore
At the Pro-Enterprise Panel (PEP) - Singapore Business Federation Awards 2022, Minister Gan Kim Yong shared that the Government will need a nimble regulatory framework to help businesses optimise their resources, guide their activities, and enhance their competitiveness.
As part of the PEP's pro-enterprise efforts, we would like to invite all entrepreneurs and innovators to share your prototype or solutions with us. Together with our agencies, we are committed to lean in to testbed your new idea towards a better Singapore.
Share your New Idea proposal at
#greeneconomysg #proenterprisepanel #sustainabilitysg #smesg #startupsg #doingbusinessinsg #cuttingredtapes
PEP isn’t the new kid on the block for businesses. Established in 2020, we are a dedicated team supporting businesses in navigating the regulatory environment and facilitating a pro-enterprise environment in Singapore. The PEP is chaired by Head, Civil Service, and has members from both the public and private sectors.
If you’ve got a question about the PEP or like us to talk about a certain topic relating to business and regulations, drop us a DM today!
#askPEPanything #privatepublicpartnership #doingbusinessinsg #proenterprisepanelsg #agileregulations
Navigating the process of starting a business in Singapore is now a breeze with GoBusiness - a one-stop platform that connects business owners to various Government e-services and resources.
Watch this video to find out how you can register your sole proprietorship and partnership with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in just six easy steps on GoBusiness!
Find out more about starting up with GoBusiness here:
Navigating the process of starting a business in Singapore is now a breeze with GoBusiness - a one-stop platform that connects business owners to various Government e-services and resources.
Watch this video to find out how you can register your sole proprietorship and partnership with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in just six easy steps on GoBusiness!
Find out more about starting up with GoBusiness here:
Go Business_9 Dec_Finalised + Subtitle (1)
Navigating the process of starting a business in Singapore is now a breeze with GoBusiness – a one-stop platform that connects business owners to various Government e-services and resources.
Watch this video to find out how you can register your sole proprietorship and partnership with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in just six easy steps on GoBusiness!
Find out more about starting up with GoBusiness here:
Go Business_9 Dec_Finalised + Subtitle (1)
Navigating the process of starting a business in Singapore is now a breeze with GoBusiness – a one-stop platform that connects business owners to various Government e-services and resources.
Watch this video to find out how you can register your sole proprietorship and partnership with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in just six easy steps on GoBusiness!
Find out more about starting up with GoBusiness here:
Here’s wishing everyone a joyous holiday season and a happy new year! 😊 🎄