Sprinting on a Tuesday. If you want to learn how to love running like us join our next 6 week running program starting in January. Follow the link in our bio for more information and to book your spot. #momentumrunning #getmomentum
3 exercises + 30 reps each + 3 times through. <10mins 🔛💯 .
▪️Plank Jacks.
▪️Bicycle Abs.
#coreworkout #getmomentum #momentumbootcamps #fastyeteffective #getfit #abs #stayhomestaysafe
Warm up move we love: This movement “The loaded beast with kick through”. It combats tightness in the wrists, shoulders, upper back, lower back, hips, knees, and ankles. Start by breaking it down into three moves a. plank squat b. front step & c.kick through. Once you have these three components down, combine it into the one seamless move. This is a great mobility warm up move as it requires total body rotation challenging nearly every joint. Aim for 60 second, rest 30 seconds x 3. #warmup #mobilty #getmomentum #momentumbootcamps #virtualfitness #primeyourbodyformovement
It’s actually pretty simple. Either you do it, or you don’t. Excuses don’t get results. #getmomentum #groupfitness #zoomworkout #liveworkout #workoutmotivation #getresults #mentalhealth #physicaldistancing
Fast and effective Ab set for a 🔥
▫️Side plank rotation R
▫️Side plank crunch R
▫️Side plank rotation L
▫️Side plank crunch L
▫️Single Leg tuck in R
▫️Single Leg tuck in L
▫️Double leg tuck in
▫️Hip Dips
Complete 30sec of each exercise with minimal rest in between.
X2-3 rounds
💙 Jenny and her boys fitting in some hills sprints. Exercise through this time is even more important than ever to release those happy hormones. Heathy body, heathy mind.
Check out Jenny tomorrow for 7.30am VIRTUAL HIIT.
#Leadbyexample #lockdownfitness #sgbootcamps #runners #fitfamily #hiitathome #sgfitness #momentumbootcamps
We celebrated being together this morning at our last track session for April. We are going to miss sweating together in person but are so grateful for technology that is going to keep us moving and connected.
Along with VIRTUAL Bootcamp classes, we have also put together some really exciting Running Programs & Challenges. To sign up for these be sure to reserve your spot via MINDBODY and we will be in contact with you with all the details. These workouts will keep fit, keep you running, inspired and connected with us. #getmomentum #virtualworkout #runclub #momentumbootcamps #sgrunners #sgbootcamps
Curls for the girls 💪🏻 #Monday #armday #getmomentum #outdoorgroupfitness #armsandabs #momentumbootcamps #sgbootcamps
That’s a wrap for our first kids running session of 2020. We had a brilliant afternoon with them focusing on speed and agility drills. Stay tuned for the dates of the next one. #kidsathletics #minimomentum #speedandagility #trackday #kidsrunningclub
Gill is reversing lunging into the weekend and for day 7 in our 12 days of Christmas challenge! As one of the organisers of TEDxSingaporeWomen she’ll be at their Bold + Beautiful event at MarinaOne later today. Working our bodies and minds.
#getmomentum #momentumbootcamps #tedxsingaporewomen #reverselunge #adventcalendar #christmasfitness #bold #beautifulwomen #fitchicks #sgexpatliving
DAY 2 on our advent calendar calls for
🔺2 MINS JUMPING JACKS + DAY 1 exercise the 60 sec plank. Checkout our story for the whole months workout calendar.
#fitnesadventcalender #getmomentum #festiveworkout #decemberchallenge #momentumbootcamps #jumpingjacks #accumulator
It started with a flow and finished with a yin style yoga to stretch out and give love to our hard working bootcamp and running bodies. 🙏🏻 🧘♀️ 🏃♀️ #outdoorgroupfitness #getmomentum #hatha #stretch #yin #yogainthegardens #posthikestretch #yogaforrunners