Equipe Nomad Cycling Holidays

Equipe Nomad Cycling Holidays Road Cycling Adventures In Southeast Asia. Join us and explore the stunning, scenic, tropical roads The region is still a well-kept secret in cycling terms.

Malaysia, for instance, offers all the essential ingredients: good roads, great weather, beautiful landscape, safe road-side food and amenities and all the infrastructure needed for a great touring holiday. Even urban-dwelling cyclists living on her doorstep are largely unaware of the un-tapped gems this part of the world has to offer. Equipe Nomad plans to change all that, offering the average ve

lopede (as well as the above average!) a chance to discover the back-roads into the hills and valleys of this picturesque region. Discover the jungle clad climbs of the highlands: Cameron, Genting and Fraser's Hill - or the padi fields of the north - and everything in between. Always uncovering more breathtaking views, navigating around lakes, through friendly villages and into jungle covered mountains. Then discover the food! We offer packages ranging from 3 to 5 days of cycling ranging from the moderately challenging to the delightfully brutal. Though our cycling tours are designed to push you out of your comfort zone a little (after all, why would you be on a holiday like this if you didn't want to challenge yourself a bit?), we aim to cater for every level of rider. Our rides are graded thus:
Level 1: max 3 day rides only. This level will suit the rider who probably rides once or twice a week. Average 2-2.5 hours per day. Hill gradient average kept below 4. Level 2: Suits the rider that rides a couple of times a week and has some training structure. Average 3 hours per day. Level 3: For those who ride more than twice a week, train consistently and want to challenge themselves with some decent gradients and challenging rides. Level 4: For the riders who train 10+ hours weekly. Challenging terrain and distances. Level 5: Only for the brave! But even if you overestimate yourself, there's always the air-conditioned sag-wagon to retire into when the day - or the going - gets too hot. Once you sign up for a ride, we will give you advice on how to prepare yourself from where you are now to the fitness level required for the challenge you've signed up for. On an Equipe Nomad adventure you will get:

Our selection and guidance through the most cyclable roads in the
region. Experienced cycling guides to lead and advise you all the way staying
with both the faster and slower riders. Fully equipped support vehicles staying with the group. Mechanical assistance on the spot. Clean and comfortable accommodation at the end of each day's ride. A hearty breakfast at the start of each day. Lunch at the end of the ride. On-the-go nutrition and ice-cold drinks to keep you well-fueled. A fully-equipped first aid kit on standby for any scrapes or bumps. Plus we know where all the most amazing food is....and it is amazing!

We are a small family-run operation (British and Malaysian). We have a multi-lingual staff: English, Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien), Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia, Spanish and German. We keep all groups as small as possible (max 10 at the moment) and as cycling nuts ourselves we are there for the personal touch. Planned for July 2012:

One level 3(2) 3-day (4 nights) weekend ride:
KL- Janda Baik - Bentong - Fraser's Hill - KL
Friday 20th - Monday 23rd July. Cost per person based on twin sharing: $516 (Singapore dollars. Malaysia-based riders please contact us for the ringgit price).. Includes hotel, breakfast, lunch, support vehicle, guides, refreshments and all incidentals on rides. Does not include evening meals. Bus from Singapore can be arranged with provision for bike transit.




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