Dear Amare brand partners,
Happy New Year!🎊🎆🎈🎉💜
May the new year bless you with peace and happiness.
Wishing you a new year filled with fresh opportunities and joyous moments.
亲爱的 Amare 品牌伙伴,
Let's watch the review video of the 2024 Asia Summit!
As The Mental Wellness Company, Amare proudly observes World Mental Health Day, a significant global reminder to prioritize mental well-being.
Supporting mental wellness is more important than ever, and so we invite you to join us in taking actionable steps toward making it a part of your daily practice. It starts with us, and the time is now!
It’s time... take time for your mental wellness talk about it check in ask for help prioritize YOU
Join the conversation on social media using #TheTimeIsNow
How are you making time for your mental wellness?
作为心理健康公司,Amare 自豪地庆祝世界心理健康日,这是一个重要的全球性提醒,提醒人们优先考虑心理健康。
使用#TheTimeIsNow 加入社交媒体对话
On your Path to Paradise, you’ll earn points and rewards for your Customer and Brand Partner enrollments and for hitting and maintaining certain Ranks — all while you help others be mentally, physically, and financially well.
The ultimate reward? Earn a trip to paradise!
Our Amare community embarked on an unforgettable 7-night Mediterranean cruise from September 16-23, 2024.
Want to be a part of our next trip? Visit to learn more.
The mental wellness movement may be the road less traveled, but it won't be for long. Learn more about how we're creating a better world, REBORN through you. #amareglobal
一個更美好的世界因您而重生! #amareglobal
At Amare, our mission is to lead a global movement that empowers people to live positive, productive, and purposeful lives. Amare’s core values are love, integrity, innovation, service, and humility. We are honored to further this mission through the Amare Caring Hands Foundation™.
In rural Mexico, where poverty is high and education is scarce, the Amare Caring Hands Foundation has made a significant impact.
Check out the video below for more information!
在 Amare,我们的使命是领导一场全球运动,让人们过上积极、富有成效和有意义的生活。Amare 的核心价值观是爱、正直、创新、服务和谦逊。我们很荣幸通过 Amare 携手关爱基金会™ 进一步实现这一使命。
在贫困率高、教育资源匮乏的墨西哥农村,Amare 携手关爱基金会发挥了重大作用。
Discover more about new facilities and processes being implemented under the direction of Amare Owner & Chairman, David Chung, to keep Amare at the forefront of the mental wellness movement.
了解更多有关在 Amare 股东兼董事长 David Chung 的指导下实施的新设施和新流程的信息,以使 Amare 始终处于心理健康运动的前沿。
Join us for Amare's 2025 International Convention at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando, Florida.
欢迎与我们一起参加在佛罗里达州奥兰多迪士尼科罗纳多温泉度假村举行的 Amare 2025 年国际大会。
Amare International
The Global Mental Wellness Movement is truly unstoppable with businesses operating internationally.
Check out the video below for more information on the global markets that Amare offers you! 💜🌍
David Chung’s story
Amare Owner & Chairman, David Chung, shares how his humble childhood and the example set by his mother helped him become a successful businessman poised to support the mental wellness movement at Amare.
Amare 股东兼董事长 David Chung 分享了他的童年以及母亲树立的榜样如何帮助他成为一名成功的商人,并支持Amare心理健康的理念。