Ikhlas Transport Service

Ikhlas Transport Service IKHLAS Transport Service has been operational for more than 5 years. We believed in providing our cl that could affect our customer’s journey.

Our Service:

Staff transporting services is our core business. To deliver quality, reliable and efficient service to our customers, our drivers work closely with the coordinators to ensure timely delivery of information and instructions such as traffic congestion, changes to schedule etc. To further enhance our service quality, we have also implemented a GPS-tracking system which allows us to kno

w exactly where our buses are, whether they are already on the way, or caught in traffic congestion, so that we can make real time diversion, or arrange for replacement buses if necessary. Our Core Businesses are:
• Daily transport service for staff
• Ad-hoc Chartering services
• Event Occasions such as Wedding / Engagement etc.
• Airport Transfer
• Malaysia Transfer

Our mission:

To meet every customers' need to the fullest while ensuring continuous effort to deliver safe and quality private bus charter services in the most cost-efficient manner. Our Fleet:

With our team of dedicated and service-oriented drivers, the customers will get to experience the best quality in service available. Our drivers are our primary touch-points with our customers; as such we will always strive to upkeep our drivers' standards in order to serve our customers better. We have a team of bus operations coordinator to oversee the smooth running of our daily bus schedule round-the-clock. These coordinators can be reached via the 24-hour Hotline to attend to customers' queries, as well as any last minute requests. Being bilingual and customer oriented, they are able to handle almost all kinds of queries.

Scan here for booking! Hari raya charter

Scan here for booking! Hari raya charter


The Plaza



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