
Wajdusna Vipava Valley's friendliest guides

Vipava Valley - Slovenia

Cycling tours, tandem paragliding, hiking, food & wine tours The bora changed the wheel of time.

Wajdušna is an adventure tourist agency based in the western part of Slovenia, offering active holidays in Vipava Valley and its surroundings. Combination of cycling, hiking, and paragliding with premium local wines and cuisine is making your visit to this Slovenian hidden gem a truly unique experience. Join us and discover one of the best wine regions in Slovenia along with its rich history

and amazing landscape. We are Vipava Valley's friendliest guides!

🍀 Read our sustainability policy: https://wajdusna.com/sustainability-policy/

Ajdovščina, in the local dialect also known as Wajdušna, is a city born from bora and because of bora. This is the location where the Christian Roman Emperor Theodosius fought and defeated the western Roman ruler Eugenius using the power of the bora wind and ending the long-lasting civil war (the Battle of the Frigidus). Romans used stone to build a stronghold still standing today. The knowledge of defying the bora and harvesting its power still remains. Stones on the rooftops and a strong life force – these are the first impressions a traveler feels when arriving in the town situated beneath the hillsides of Čaven and Gora. And here, in all directions, on paths and roadless areas, endless sunny and sometimes windy days, lies an endless field of opportunities. Come and put your power to the test, let your energy take a deep breath, or let the draft into your head. Do you want to experience unforgettable activity-filled days? Wajdušna knows what you desire! Here we are, with the bora in our genes, passionate challengers, enthusiastic sportsmen, and creators of exciting stories. Cycling, paragliding, trekking, stalking wildlife, and enjoying the beauty of the unspoiled nature. We are here to provide you with new and exhilarating experiences. SLO:
Wajdušna je turistična agencija, ki na svojem spletnem portalu ponuja informacije in možnost rezervacije različnih športnih in sprostitvenih aktivnosti v naravnem, prijaznem in s kulinarično ponudbo bogatem okolju.

🍀 Preberite si našo trajnostno politiko in zavezanost: https://wajdusna.com/trajnostna-politika/?lang=sl

Ajdovščina, v jeziku domačinov Wajdušna, je središče Zgornje Vipavske doline na zahodnem robu Slovenije. Manj kot uro vožnje iz Ljubljane, dobro uro vožnje iz Benetk. Wajdušna je kraj z mnogimi značilnostmi Mediterana, znan po močni burji, zleknjen v zeleni dolini pod strmimi pobočji Čavna in Gore. Kamenje na strehah in silna življenjska energija – to je prvi vtis, ki ga dobi popotnik v našem mestu. In od tu naprej, v vse smeri, po poteh in brezpotjih, v neskončnem številu sončnih dni in tudi v tistih vetrovnih, se odpira brezmejnost možnosti. Si človek, ki išče pristnost in nove priložnosti za akcijo? Želiš preizkusiti svojo moč, dovoliti svoji energiji, da zadiha s polnimi pljuči, ali spustiti v glavo prepih? Hočeš preživeti nekaj nepozabno aktivnih dni? Wajdušna ve, kaj želiš. Tu smo, z burjo v genih, strastni izzivalci, navdušeni športniki in ustvarjalci vznemirljivih zgodb. Kolesarimo, jadramo s padali, hodimo v neznano, zalezujemo divjad in se predajamo lepotam neokrnjene narave. Tu smo, da te popeljemo v nova, nora doživetja.

Kulturni praznik je lepa priložnost, da se ne le spominjamo umetnikov, ki so ustvarjali v Sloveniji, ampak tudi podpiram...

Kulturni praznik je lepa priložnost, da se ne le spominjamo umetnikov, ki so ustvarjali v Sloveniji, ampak tudi podpiramo še živeče in aktivne ustvarjalce. 🥰

The winter time in the Vipava Valley. ☀️

The winter time in the Vipava Valley. ☀️

📍 Old Vipava Castle

📍 Old Vipava Castle

🎁 Podarite nepozabno izkušnjo! 🌿Z našimi Wajdusna darilnimi boni lahko svojim najbližjim podarite posebne trenutke v čud...

🎁 Podarite nepozabno izkušnjo! 🌿

Z našimi Wajdusna darilnimi boni lahko svojim najbližjim podarite posebne trenutke v čudoviti Vipavski dolini:

🍷 kulinarične in vinske ture
🚴‍♂️ kolesarske in pohodniške dogodivščine
🪂 razburljive polete v tandemu
🚵‍♀️👩‍🦽 izposoja: e-koles, MTB koles in tandemskega e-kolesa

📩 Kontaktirajte nas za nakup in podarite nekaj posebnega!

Winter magic ❄️

Winter magic ❄️

📍Vrhpolje, Vipava ValleyFrom this viewpoint, we look out over the serene landscape where the Battle of the Frigidus unfo...

📍Vrhpolje, Vipava Valley

From this viewpoint, we look out over the serene landscape where the Battle of the Frigidus unfolded in 394 AD. What seems peaceful now was once the site of a brutal conflict between the forces of Emperor Theodosius I and the rebel Eugenius. This decisive battle not only secured Theodosius' reign over a unified Roman Empire but also marked a turning point in the rise of Christianity as the dominant religion of the empire.

The echoes of history linger here, a reminder of the sacrifices and events that shaped the world we know today.

When the wind bora blows all the clouds away, the best way to spend winter afternoons is to go for a hike in nearby wood...

When the wind bora blows all the clouds away, the best way to spend winter afternoons is to go for a hike in nearby woods! 🌲☀️🚶‍♀️

What to do in the Vipava Valley in winter? ❄️ Hike Vipava hills through the vineyards and visit agrotourism for lunch! 😋...

What to do in the Vipava Valley in winter? ❄️ Hike Vipava hills through the vineyards and visit agrotourism for lunch! 😋

Finishing an exciting day with dinner at the winemaker's! 🍷🍽️

Finishing an exciting day with dinner at the winemaker's! 🍷🍽️

Around Christmas time, locals from Vipavski Križ build and display more than 100 nativity scenes all over the town! ✨ A ...

Around Christmas time, locals from Vipavski Križ build and display more than 100 nativity scenes all over the town! ✨ A perfect reason to visit this cultural gem of the Vipava Valley. 🎄

Hope your Christmas is filled with good health, cozy vibes, and plenty of laughs with the people you love. Merry Christm...

Hope your Christmas is filled with good health, cozy vibes, and plenty of laughs with the people you love. Merry Christmas! ❄️🎅🎄🎁❤️

❄️ Winter colors

❄️ Winter colors

The village of Prvačina in winter time. ❄️

The village of Prvačina in winter time. ❄️

Lokavec in Stomaž pod mogočnim Čavnom ⛰️

Lokavec in Stomaž pod mogočnim Čavnom ⛰️

Misty morning 😶‍🌫️

Misty morning 😶‍🌫️

Vinsko-kulinarični teambuilding v Vipavski dolini 💓🎄Na zdravje!

Vinsko-kulinarični teambuilding v Vipavski dolini 💓🎄
Na zdravje!

Winter wine tour 🍷🎄

Winter wine tour 🍷🎄


Župančičeva 1c

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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Our Story

ENG: We love telling stories, we love flying, we love hiking, we love cycling, and we are passionate about local food and wine. What we love the most is to share all this with you, the same way we treat our best friends. We do not rush. We take time to enjoy the moment.

We are Vipava Valley's friendliest guides! SLO: Wajdušna je turistična agencija, ki na svojem spletnem portalu ponuja informacije in možnost rezervacije različnih športnih in sprostitvenih aktivnosti v naravnem, prijaznem in s kulinarično ponudbo bogatem okolju.