Alpe Šport Vančar

Alpe Šport Vančar Dobrodošli v dolini doživetij. Welcome to Valley Adventure. BOVEC is a major European tourist hub for water sports. Od 30 do 60 minut uživanja v zraku. Nepozaben.

ALPE ŠPORT VANČAR že več kot 20 let varno vodi obiskovalce na razigrane brzice reke Soče. Mi priskrbimo vso potrebno opremo in strokovno usposobljenega vodnika za varno in prijetno plovbo. Obiskovalci lahko odločajo za KAJAK šole in izlete, spust z gumenjakom (znameniti RAFTING na Soči) in REČNI BOB. Vse bolj priljubljen je tudi SOTESKANJE, pustolovsko raziskovanje sotesk in tolmunov. POLET Z JADR

ALNIM PADALOM V TANDEMU je polet v neznano, polet v nov svet. Ko se odločite za polet, ste pripravljeni na popolnoma novo, nepozabno doživetje. Alpe šport Vančar vas vabi na polet v dvoje – JADRALNO PADALSTVO V TANDEMU. Doživeli boste najbolj pristne občutke letenja, brez kabine in hrupa, z vami bo le piš vetra visoko nad tlemi. Bovec je eden izmed najlepših POHODNIŠKIH destinaciji. KOLESARSKE POTI različnih težavnostnih stopenj so speljane ob najlepših kotičkih Julijskih Alp (potrebno kolesarsko opremo si lahko izposodite pri nas). Vaš program kolesarsko učne poti lahko pripravili skupaj. Vabimo vas, da si ogledate kaj vse vam ponujamo in kontaktirajte z nami, če si želite aktivno popestriti vaš prosti čas. ALPE ŠPORT VANČAR is one of the longest established sports company with over 20 years of experience in organising water activities and ensuring the safety of visitors. We will provide the necessary equipment and a qualified guide to ensure that you have a safe and pleasant trip. You can choose a KAYAKING course or trip, the famous RAFTING on the Soča River, and HYDROSPEED (riverboarding). Another activity gaining in popularity is CANYONING, the adrenaline-filled exploration of gorges and pools. TANDEM PARAGLIDING is a jump into the unknown , jump into a new world. When you decide to jump, are you ready for a brand new , unforgettable experience. Alpe Šport Vančar invites you to fly for two - TANDEM PARAGLIDING. You will experience the most authentic feeling of flying without cab noise, you will only wind noise high above the ground. From 30 to 60 minutes of use in the air. Memorable. Bovec is also one of the most beautiful HIKING destinations. CYCLING routes of varying levels of difficulty lead through the most beautiful corners in the Julian Alps (we can provide all the necessary cycling equipment for you). We can plan your cycling-educative path programme together. We invite you to check out our offer and contact us if you want to actively spend your free time with different types of entertainment.

Step out of the comfort zone and refresh yourself💦😉

Step out of the comfort zone and refresh yourself💦😉

This is how summer looks on Soča river☀️

This is how summer looks on Soča river☀️

What to do in  ?? Find a guide and go canyoning!

What to do in ?? Find a guide and go canyoning!

You can refresh yourself with us😎

You can refresh yourself with us😎

Kids are totally mesmorised by our guide  ! It is not a suprise since he is also working with   in winter teaching them ...

Kids are totally mesmorised by our guide ! It is not a suprise since he is also working with in winter teaching them ski!

What will I do while rafting? Enjoy our beautiful nature! ❤️

What will I do while rafting? Enjoy our beautiful nature! ❤️

Rafting is more than just  . It’ s enjoying a show that   puts on for us!

Rafting is more than just . It’ s enjoying a show that puts on for us!

Spring is perfect for rafting adventure in  . Perfect water levels and summer temperatures these days is something you d...

Spring is perfect for rafting adventure in . Perfect water levels and summer temperatures these days is something you do not want to miss!

Winter has never looked better!

Winter has never looked better!

November is here and this means the end of our summer water adventures. Big thanks to everyone who trusted in us and mad...

November is here and this means the end of our summer water adventures. Big thanks to everyone who trusted in us and made our summer of 2023 unforgettable.

You are worried your kids are too small for rafting advature? Don’t be! They always have the most fun!! School is slowly...

You are worried your kids are too small for rafting advature? Don’t be! They always have the most fun!!
School is slowly approaching, so make sure you visit us in these last summer days!

If you set a trap for others you will get caught in it yourself… 😈… or as we say it in Slovenia - kdor drugemu jamo kopl...

If you set a trap for others you will get caught in it yourself… 😈

… or as we say it in Slovenia - kdor drugemu jamo koplje, sam vanjo pade 😜💦

Beautiful nature + your better half + a touch of adrenaline = THE perfect date 😍

Beautiful nature + your better half + a touch of adrenaline = THE perfect date 😍

This year we experience a lot of storms in our valley. But do not fear after every rain the sun shines (or rainbow 😉). A...

This year we experience a lot of storms in our valley. But do not fear after every rain the sun shines (or rainbow 😉).

And we have to send our thanks to rain gods, because we are supper blessed with great water levels.

Friends, lovebirds, families… rafting is a great activity for anyone who wants to experience Soča valley to the fullest....

Friends, lovebirds, families… rafting is a great activity for anyone who wants to experience Soča valley to the fullest.

Bonus? Staying cool on a hot summer day & having the best time on one of the most beautiful rivers in the world 😎

Human versus the sensational Parabola waterfall 🤯 Fratarica is a small stream in the northern wall of Loška stena, near ...

Human versus the sensational Parabola waterfall 🤯

Fratarica is a small stream in the northern wall of Loška stena, near the village of Log pod Mangartom. It’s a popular destination for ice climbers in the winter, but in the summer it offers one of the most beautiful (and blood-pumping) canyoning adventures in Bovec area.

Time spent paddling and adventuring in our little piece of heaven is never wasted 🤩

Time spent paddling and adventuring in our little piece of heaven is never wasted 🤩

Nature's masterpiece unveiled: Soča River gracefully meandering through the enchanting landscape from Veliki Babanski Sk...

Nature's masterpiece unveiled: Soča River gracefully meandering through the enchanting landscape from Veliki Babanski Skedenj

New adventures do make you feel alive, but the connections and bonds you create with people on the way - they’re pricele...

New adventures do make you feel alive, but the connections and bonds you create with people on the way - they’re priceless 🥰

This heat wave is perfect to join us on rafting trip. For sure you will refresh yourself.

This heat wave is perfect to join us on rafting trip. For sure you will refresh yourself.

Soaring through the skies with .sport , where dreams take flight! Join us on this exhilarating paragliding adventure and...

Soaring through the skies with .sport , where dreams take flight!
Join us on this exhilarating paragliding adventure and experience the thrill of a lifetime. ☀️🪂

Pozdravljeni vsi raft, kajak vodniki. Sezona se je začela in čez pol meseca se začne tudi ribolovna sezona. Kot raft vod...

Pozdravljeni vsi raft, kajak vodniki. Sezona se je začela in čez pol meseca se začne tudi ribolovna sezona. Kot raft vodnik in ribič se včasih počutim, da sem ujet med dvema ognjema. Ribiči se pritožujejo nad raftarji in kajakaši ter obratno. Verjamem, da imamo vsi Sočo zelo radi in ker si jo tudi vsi delimo, moramo delovati v sožitju. Zato sem se odločil, da napišem nekaj podatkov o ribičih in samem ribolovu, da ustvarimo odlično sobivanje in prekinemo frustracijo med raftarji, kajakaši in ribiči.

Spoštujte njihov prostor: Ribiči pogosto želijo loviti ribe na mirnejših območjih reke, zato je pomembno, da jim pustite prostor. Izogibajte se veslanju ali pljuskanju v njihovi bližini.
Komunicirajte: Če naletite na ribiča ali skupino ribičev, poskusite z njimi komunicirati, da ugotovite, kje lovijo ribe in kje bi radi, da greste. Bodite vljudni in prijazni ter poskusite najti skupno rešitev. Če opazite ribiča sredi reke, požvižgajte in ga vprašajte, po kateri strani naj plujete mimo. Če vas slučajno ne vidi ali sliši, je vedno najbolje, da se peljete mimo za njegovim hrbtom, vendar bodite pozorni, da vas slučajno ne zapne z muho, vendar brez skrbi, ribiči tudi pazijo na vas in bi raje imeli na trnku ribo, kot pa kakšnega turista.
Bodite pozorni na njihove potrebe: Ribiči se lahko premikajo po reki, da najdejo dobra mesta za ribolov, zato bodite pozorni na njihovo gibanje in se izogibajte motenju. Lahko tudi stopijo v vodo, zato jim zagotovite dovolj prostora za varno gibanje.
Izogibajte se glasnim zvokom: Glasni zvoki lahko prestrašijo ribe, zato poskusite ohranjati raven hrupa na minimumu. To pomeni izogibanje kričanju, predvajanju glasbe ali povzročanju nepotrebnega hrupa na reki. Predvsem NE udarjamo vesel po vodi, da ustvarimo močan pok. Tudi sam sem to počel preden sem postal ribič. Ribe imajo čutila kot mi, vonjajo, slišijo in predvsem zelo dobro čutijo vibracije po vodi. Ko udarjamo z veslom po površju vode, je za ribo enako, kot če bi vam nekdo vzel dva pokrova posode in udarjal ob ušesu. Zato vas resnično naprošam, da tega več NE počnemo.
Spoštujte njihovo opremo: Ribolovna oprema je lahko draga in občutljiva, zato se izogibajte trčenju z njihovo opremo ali povzročanju kakršne koli škode.
Sledite lokalnim predpisom: Različne reke imajo lahko različne predpise glede ribolova, raftinga in kajakaštva. Upoštevajte lokalne pravila in predpise. Tu predvsem ciljam na to da se poskušamo držati ur, saj je na nekaterih delih reke plutje po reki dovoljeno le do 19.00 ali celo 18.00. Zgodi se, da imamo "nerodne" goste in se situacija lahko zavleče na vodi. V takem primeru, ko srečate ribiča, se mu opravičite, razložite situacijo in poskusite priti na cilj čim prej.
Izobražujte in spodbujajte zavedanje: Če vidite, da ribiči počnejo nekaj, kar bi lahko škodovalo reki, izkoristite priložnost, da jih poučite o pomembnosti ohranjanja narave in pravil. Na primer: na Soči je dovoljeno samo muharjenje, tako da če vidite nekoga, ki lovi z napačno opremo, ga opozorite o napačnem načinu ribolova, lahko pa tudi dejanje prijavite ribiškemu čuvaju.
Vsi imamo radi reko Sočo. Nekateri iščejo tam zabavo, ohladitev in adrenalin, drugi pa mir, meditacijo, stik z naravo.
Pomembno je , da si jo delimo v sožitju in spoštovanju do nje in drug drugega.
Hvala, ker ste si vzeli čas za branje in želim vam lepo in uspešno sezono.
Andraž Bilmez

English version:
Hello, all rafting and kayaking guides. The season has begun, and in two weeks, the fishing season starts as well. As a rafting guide and fisherman, I sometimes feel caught between two fires. Fishermen complain about rafters and kayakers, and vice versa. I believe we all love the Soča River very much, and since we all share it, we must act in harmony. Therefore, I have decided to write some information about fishermen and fishing itself so that we can create excellent coexistence and break the frustration between rafters, kayakers, and fishermen.
Respect their space: Fishermen often want to catch fish in quieter areas of the river, so it is essential to leave them space. Avoid paddling or splashing near them. Communicate: If you encounter a fisherman or a group of fishermen, try to communicate with them to find out where they are fishing and where they would like you to go. Be polite and friendly and try to find a common solution. If you notice a fisherman in the middle of the river, whistle and ask him which side to paddle past. If he does not see or hear you, it is always best to pass behind him, but be careful not to get caught on his hook. Don't worry; fishermen also watch out for you and would rather have a fish on their line than a tourist. Be attentive to their needs: Fishermen may move around the river to find good fishing spots, so be attentive to their movements and avoid disturbing them. They may also step into the water, so provide them with enough space for safe movement. Avoid loud sounds: Loud sounds can scare fish, so try to keep the noise level to a minimum. This means avoiding shouting, playing music, or making unnecessary noise on the river. Above all, do NOT hit the water with your paddle to create a loud bang. I also did this before I became a fisherman but not anymore. Fish have senses like us; they smell, hear, and, above all, feel vibrations in the water very well. When we hit the surface of the water with a paddle, it is the same for the fish as if someone took two pot lids and banged them next to your ear. So I really urge you not to do this anymore. Respect their equipment: Fishing equipment can be expensive and delicate, so avoid colliding with their equipment or causing any damage. Follow local regulations: Different rivers may have different regulations regarding fishing, rafting, and kayaking. Follow local rules and regulations. Here, I mainly refer to trying to stick to the schedule, as on some parts of the river, floating on the river is only allowed until 7 pm or even 6 pm. Sometimes, we have "awkward" guests, and the situation can drag on the water. In such a case, when you meet a fisherman, apologize to him, explain the situation, and try to reach the destination as soon as possible. Educate and promote awareness: If you see that fishermen are doing something that could harm the river, take the opportunity to educate them about the importance of nature conservation and rules. For example, only fly fishing is allowed on the Soča River, so if you see someone fishing with the wrong equipment, warn them about the improper fishing method or you can also report the act to the fishing warden.
We all love the Soča River. Some look for fun, cooling off, and adrenaline there, while others seek peace, meditation, and a connection with nature. We must share it in harmony and respect for it and for each other.
Thank you for taking the time to read and I wish you a beautiful and successful season.
Andraž Bilmez

Our entire valley is full of treasures, so no matter where the rainbow falls, it always finds treasure💚💙                ...

Our entire valley is full of treasures, so no matter where the rainbow falls, it always finds treasure💚💙



ALPE ŠPORT VANČAR D. O. O. Trg Golobarskih žrtev 20

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday 08:00 - 21:00
Friday 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday 08:00 - 21:00




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