Apartmaji Mrakič

Apartmaji Mrakič V Bovcu oddajamo več apartmajev v družinski hiši z velikim vrtom. Apartments in Bovec with a big V Bovcu oddajamo 4 moderno opremljene apartmaje.

Za hišo je velik vrt nad katerim se navdušujejo predvsem družine z otroki. Dobrodošli pa so tudi vsi športni navdušenci, ki se navdušujejo nad smaragdno reko Sočo in tudi neokrnjeno naravo Triglavskega narodnega parka. We offer you 4 apartments in Bovec. Behind the house there is a big garden, where you can spend your days, and if you want have a picnic with your friends. The apartments are all equipped with everything you need on the holidays.


Družinske počitnice v Dolini Soče! 💚😍
Holiday activities in Soča Valley for families! 💚😍

Zdaj je čas. Za počitnice v Dolini Soče. 💚🌞💚

Zdaj je čas. Za počitnice v Dolini Soče. 💚🌞💚

Še ne veste, kje boste letos preživeli počitnice? Preverite našo ponudbo na www.mrakic.net 💚 Vabljeni!

Še ne veste, kje boste letos preživeli počitnice? Preverite našo ponudbo na www.mrakic.net 💚 Vabljeni!

Apartmaji Mrakič so v Bovcu pristoni že od leta 1985. Smo manjše družinsko podjetje, ki se trudi, da vsako leto svojim gostom ponudi kaj novega.


Dear guests, here are a few updates from Slovenia:

Tourists from EU are allowed to enter Slovenia again. At the boarder controls you will only have to show booking confirmation of your accommodation in Slovenia.

We are truly looking forward to welcoming you all soon. 💚



In the past few weeks, we have discovered quite a few places worth visiting. You should find them too! ������

In the past few weeks, we have discovered quite a few places worth visiting. You should find them too! ������


V smislu preventivnega pristopa k omejitvi širitve Koronavirusa od danes do nadaljnjega zapiramo smučišče Kanin. Zahvaljujemo se za vaš obisk v upanju, da se čimprej spet vidimo...

In terms of a preventive approach to limiting the spread of the Coronavirus, we are closing the Kanin Ski Resort until further notice. Thank you for your visit. We hope to see you soon again.

‼️ Zaradi koronavirusa je italijanska stran smučišča (Sella - Nevea) zaprta, slovenski del smučišča deluje nemoteno. ‼️ ...

‼️ Zaradi koronavirusa je italijanska stran smučišča (Sella - Nevea) zaprta, slovenski del smučišča deluje nemoteno.

‼️ Due to the coronavirus, Italian side of the ski resort - Sella Nevea is closed, but Slovenian side - Kanin is still open.

⚠ Zaradi Koronavirusa je Sella Nevea oziroma italijanski del smučišča, tako kot tudi vsa ostala smučišča italijanskega Promotur-ja, od danes do nadaljnjega zaprt!..

⚠ Due to the Coronavirus, Sella Nevea, the Italian side of the ski resort, has been closed by Promotur from today until further notice!

Which is your favourite activity in Soča Valley?  😀☀️https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h10ErBhb7tk

Which is your favourite activity in Soča Valley? 😀☀️


"There are a million way to feel Slovenia. Everywhere you go, you will always find something that speaks to your heart. What will be your way of feeling Slov...

Can't wait for the weekend! 🔝❄️☀️⛷😃

Can't wait for the weekend! 🔝❄️☀️⛷😃

Letos bomo v Bovcu silvestrovali z Omarjem Naberjem. Vabljeni! 🥂🎄😃🍾 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hhJL69Tygc

Letos bomo v Bovcu silvestrovali z Omarjem Naberjem. Vabljeni! 🥂🎄😃🍾 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hhJL69Tygc

Poseben dan Danes je zares poseben dan. Z drugim ga primerjati ne znam. Spet se piše roman, obrne se stran. Danes je tako poseben dan. Lep polet želi nam kap...


Dvor 53


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