V letu, ki se je ravno izteklo, smo praznovali 150 let tradicije Hotela Evropa in hotelirstva v Celju. 🥂
Ob tej priložnosti smo posneli dokumentarni film, ki so ga s svojimi dragocenimi izkušnjami in anekdotami oplemenitili dr. Borut Batagelj, Jože Volfand, dr. Tone Kregar ter drugi gostje, pod taktirko režiserja Alena Pavšarja. 🎬
👉 Videoposnetek: https://youtu.be/F1micYGuY_c
V ponedeljek je naš Božiček sredi Tartinijevega trga v Piranu obdaril lepo število otrok. Kot pravi, se je tudi sam moderniziral, saj se je na trg pripeljal s fancy električnim vozilom 🚗 Eurotas hoteli vam želimo mirne in vesele praznike! 😊
Ponedeljki in male zmage! Hvala Radio Capris ker tako uspešno polnite hladilnik z toplim, največjim srcem!
Kdo je pa tvoj zmagovalec v kuhanju Julius Meinl kave pri Eurotas Hotels? ☕
Vabljeni, da nas med 11.10 in 22.10 2024 obiščete v Hotelu Evropa na dogodku Teden restavracij! 🍽️
People are creating experiences. Thank you, for being our guests & friends!
Zavezani smo k trajnostnemu poslovanju in odgovornemu turizmu. #GreenKey
We are committed to sustainable business practices and responsible tourism. #GreenKey
Cycling is one of the best ways to discover places like this one! ✨
🚴 Did you know that our hotels offer bike rentals for our guests to roam around?
Location: Krog, Sečovlje, Slovenia
#eurotashotels #cycling
Discover Lovrenška lakes, just a short drive from our Green Key certified Hotel Arena in Maribor! 🌲✨ explore the serene landscapes and fresh air! 🌿
Weekend plans are made during the work week 😀 Here is some help 👇
🏊 Morning swimm in our Boutique Hotel Portorose, coffee & Citroën Ami pick up, open windows and summer breeze.
⛱ Drive to Barbara Piran Beach Hotel and spend the day at the beach, during the snorkling break make sure to try some pizza bites!
🍹 Evening stroll to Hotel Piran and sunset cocktail at the rooftop. Camera ready, because it is breathtaking!
You are welcome! 😀
More information & reservations ➡️ [email protected] / +386 (0)8 201 04 20