*Postanite strokovnjak za turizem starejših*
Pod okriljem evropskega projekta Silver Tourism (www.silvertourism.eu) je nastala brezplačna spletna vsebina (angl. MOOC), ki vam omogoča pridobitev naziva Silver Tourism Expert.
Da se življenjska doba podaljšuje in se svetovna populacija v povprečju stara, ni nikakršna skrivnost. Leta 2014 je bilo starejšega od 60 let 12 % prebivalstva, do leta 2050 naj bi odstotek narastel na 21. Posledično seveda narašča število turistov, ki svet raziskujejo v jeseni svojega življenja, pri čemer predvsem na Zahodu zaradi ugodnih življenjskih razmer in dobrega zdravstvenega sistema ostajajo relativno zdravi, aktivni in finančno preskrbljeni, zaradi svojih dolgoletnih (potovalnih) izkušenj pa pogosto slovijo tudi kot zahtevni gostje. Snovalci turističnih politik, produktov in storitev morajo tako svojo ponudbo sektorju, ki predstavlja vse večji segment dejanskih ali potencialnih kupcev, ustrezno prilagoditi.
Na spletnem naslovu http://www.campustop.academy/login/index.php lahko brezplačno dostopite do priročnika o turizmu za starejše (angl. Silver Tourism), ki pokriva pet tem: spoznati uporabnika, oblikovanje produktov, marketing, destinacije in management. Ob koncu vsakega poglavja lahko odgovorite tudi na kratek test, pravilni odgovori pa vam prinesejo naziv Silver Tourism Expert.
Več informacij o projektu je na voljo na www.silvertourism.eu ali na e-naslovu [email protected].
Interested in Silver Tourism? Here is your chance to learn more about it!
In the frame of EU co-financed project Silver Tourism (www.silvertourism.eu) partners have developed an on-line learning tool (MOOC) that brings you the title of Silver Tourism Expert.
Life expectancy is constantly growing and the world population is aging. In 2014, 12 % of inhabitants were older than 60, and the percentage is expected to rise to 21 by 2050. As a consequence, the number of tourists who are exploring the world in their 60s and older is growing. These visitors are relatively healthy, wealthy and active, due to their life experience often also pretty demanding. Therefore it is extremely important for tourism managers and suppliers to understand the needs of this growing sector and accordingly adapt their tourism offer.
On the following link http://www.campustop.academy/login/index.php you can access a free of charge manual on silver tourism that covers five main topics: user and their needs, product and service design, marketing, silver destinations and management. At the end of every unit you can answer a short test - correct answers will bring you the title Silver Tourism Expert.
More information about the project is available on www.silvertourism.eu.
CampusTOP is an initiative promoted by the Silver Tourism project carried out in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz, FUNDECYT-PCTEX, Euromontana, Trusted Business Partners, Zavod Novi Turizem and ADR NORD- EST within the Erasmus + kA2 Strategic Partnership (2015-1-KA202-015963) prog...