ARGOS - Association of Regional Tourist Guides of Slovenia

ARGOS - Association of Regional Tourist Guides of Slovenia Društvo regionalnih turističnih vodnikov Slovenije, deluje z namenom izboljševanja kvalitete dela

Društvo regionalnih turističnih vodnikov Slovenije (DRTVS) je bilo ustanovljeno z namenom izboljševanja kvalitete dela regionalnih turističnih vodnikov po celi Sloveniji. ARGOS - Association of Regional Tourist Guides of Slovenia was founded with the goal to improve the quality of tourist guiding service in all regions of Slovenia.

🇸🇮 Novo leto, novo poglavje z Argos !Pripravljeni na leto polno presenečenj?Z velikim veseljem napovedujemo začetek nove...

🇸🇮 Novo leto, novo poglavje z Argos !

Pripravljeni na leto polno presenečenj?

Z velikim veseljem napovedujemo začetek novega poglavja za leto 2025! ARGOS - Association of Regional Tourist Guides of Slovenia – vam letos prinaša še bolj bogato in pestro ponudbo. Naši turistični vodniki z licencami in posebnimi znanji vas bodo popeljali v globine slovenske kulture, zgodovine in tradicij, ki jih pogosto spregledamo.

Poudarek letošnjih vodenj bo na mestnem in kulturnem turizmu, kjer boste skozi zgodbe naših turističnih vodnikov spoznavali zakulisje zgodovine, umetnosti in običajev. Naš cilj je, da vas očaramo z nepozabnimi doživetji, ki združujejo strokovnost in osebni pristop.

Posebno vas vabimo, da spremljate naše objave, saj pripravljamo:
- edinstvene tematske oglede mest, kjer boste spoznali zgodovino na prav poseben način;
- izjemne kulinarične izkušnje z lokalnimi jedmi in vini;
- praznovanja ob kulturnem prazniku in dnevu turističnih vodnikov, kjer bomo nudili brezplačna vodenja po Sloveniji!

Naj bo leto 2025 priložnost za nova odkritja in nepozabne trenutke v Sloveniji. Naše tedenske objave vas bodo navdihnile z idejami za raziskovanje, ki jih ne želite zamuditi.

Vabimo vas, da delite naše zgodbe s prijatelji in obiščete našo spletno stran, kjer lahko spoznate naše vodnike ter se prijavite na vodenje po vaši meri.
📧 Pišite nam za več informacij: [email protected]
🌐 Obiščite našo spletno stran.

🇬🇧 A New Year, A New Chapter with Argos!

Ready for a Year Full of Surprises?

We’re excited to announce the beginning of a new chapter for 2025! Argos – the Association of Regional Tourist Guides of Slovenia – is bringing you an even richer and more diverse offer this year. Our licensed tourist guides, equipped with exceptional expertise, will take you on a journey into the depths of Slovenia's culture, history, and traditions, often overlooked in mainstream tourism.

This year, we focus on urban and cultural tourism, offering a unique perspective on the history, art, and customs of Slovenia through the stories of our tourist guides. Our mission is to enchant you with unforgettable experiences that combine professionalism and a personal touch.

Here’s what you can look forward to in our upcoming posts:
- nique themed city tours revealing hidden historical gems;
- extraordinary culinary experiences featuring local dishes and wines;
- celebrations for Cultural Day and International Tourist Guide Day, offering free tours across Slovenia!

Let 2025 be a year of new discoveries and unforgettable moments in Slovenia. Our weekly posts will inspire you with ideas for explorations you won’t want to miss.

We invite you to share our stories with friends and visit our website to meet our guides and book a personalized tour.

📧 Write to us for more information: [email protected]
🌐 Visit our website.


Farewell dinner Alps Danube Adriatic ADA tourist guide's meeting ARGOS - Association of Regional Tourist Guides of Slovenia World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations. (WFTGA) FEG Tourist Guides

🇸🇮 Intervju s turističnim vodnikom Alan Premerl Alan Premerl je vodnik z več kot dvajsetletnimi izkušnjami v turizmu. Vo...

🇸🇮 Intervju s turističnim vodnikom Alan Premerl

Alan Premerl je vodnik z več kot dvajsetletnimi izkušnjami v turizmu. Vodi predvsem po Ljubljani, pa tudi drugih priljubljenih slovenskih destinacijah in občasno v sosednjih državah.
S širokim znanjem in številnimi jeziki (slovenski, angleški, italijanski in hrvaško-srbski jezik), vodi paleto različnih domačih in tujih obiskovalcev.

M: Kdaj si se odločil za kariero turističnega vodnika?
A: Na tečaj za vodnika po Ljubljani sem hodil leta 2002, izpit pa sem naredil v februarju 2003. Nacionalno licenco pa sem pridobil samo par mesecov kasneje - julija 2003. Se pravi, v roku parih mesecov sem naredil in lokalno in državno licenco.

M: Si takrat, ko si pridobival te licence, mislil, da boš dobrih 20 let kasneje še tako aktivan v turizmu?
A: V bistvu nisem ničesar pričakoval oziroma nisem delal dolgoročnih načrtov. V tistem času nisem imel stalne zaposlitve in ker me je turizem že od nekdaj zanimal - že kot otrok sem rad potoval in hodil na izlete, sem se tudi odločil za delo turističnega vodnika. Licenci sem opravil z namenom, da to postane glavni poklic, delo in primarni vir zaslužka.

M: Kaj pa je tisto, kar te po več kot 20 letih še vedno tako motivira, da z veseljem opravljaš ta poklic?
A: Še vedno z veseljem predstavljam znamenitosti Ljubljane ljudem s celega sveta. Kljub temu, da večinoma vodim isto destinacijo, so na ogledu drugi ljudje, z različnimi interesi, zato lahko znamenitosti predstavim na različne načine in je vsak obisk Ljubljane, vsako moje vodenje novo doživetje, novo avtorsko delo. Poleg tega me veseli, da srečujem nove ljudi, s katerimi se lahko zapletemo v pogovor o njihovim življenju, državi od koder prihajajo, kako živijo in podobno.
Sicer pa vodim slovenske skupine tudi v tujino, predvsem v Italijo in Avstrijo - dve državi, ki sta mi zelo všeč in sem ju že večkrat obiskal. V teh dveh državah imam vsako leto urejen POD, kar mi omogoča, da lahko tam delam.

M: Za vodenje tako različnih profilov turistov, moraš zagotovo imeti zelo široko znanje. Vem da te zanima antika – spomnim se čudovitega vodenja, ki si ga imel za člane društva ARGOS po ostankih antične Emone, pa me zanima, na kakšen način poglabljaš svoje znanje in na katere teme se najraje osredotočaš?
A: Ja, antika v Ljubljani me zelo zanima, tudi zato, ker zbiram rimske kovance, kar je istočasno odličen način za spoznavanje rimske zgodovine. V Ljubljani se pogosto pri raznih gradbenih delih odprejo tudi arheološke raziskave, ki vedno odkrijejo kaj zanimivega o življenju v antični Emoni in to me motivira, da kaj novega pokažem tudi pri svojem vodenju.

M: Ali znanje pridobivaš tudi na kakšnih izobraževanjih?
A: Ja, obiskujem razne tečaje in predavanja, kot na primer predavanje v Narodnem muzeju na temo politične propagande na rimskih kovancih. Na primer, če je kakšen cesar posebej častil katerega od rimskih bogov, so ga še posebej izpostavili na kovancih in podobno. Zelo rad povezujem različne informacije, ki jih lahko vključim v vodenje.

M: Kakšnih turistov se najbolj razveseliš na vodenju?
A: Ne bi izpostavljal samo ene vrste obiskovalcev. Za otroške skupine lahko rečem, da rad delam s petimi in šestimi razredi, ker jih vse zanima, radi sodelujejo, odgovarjajo na vprašanje, so motivirani in tudi sami sprašujejo. Zelo hvaležni gosti so tudi upokojenci, ki marsikaj vedo in jih tudi zelo veliko zanima, si radi vse ogledajo in z zanimanjem poslušajo. Najmanj me veseli delo s sindikalnimi izleti, za njih je seveda v prvi vrsti pomembno predvsem druženje.

M: Kaj pa je tisto, kar je pri vodniškem delu zate najmanj prijetno?
A: Izziv vodniškega dela je predvsem to, da moramo biti aktivni v vseh vremenskih pogojih, ne glede na to, ali je 20°C in sonce ali pa -10°C. Delati moramo v snegu, držju, vetru. Nekoč me je nekdo vprašal ali vodenje odpade v primeru dežja in odgovoril sem mu: »To ni tenis«.

M: Res je, ampak na žalost na vreme ne moramo vplivati. Kateri pogoji za delo pa se ti zdijo pomembni, da lahko vodenje resnično dobro poteka?
A: Veliko mi pomeni, da lahko skupina pride kar se da blizu lokacije, kjer se začne vodenje, ne da je do tam že cel sprehod. To je zelo pomembno, posebno pri starejših obiskovalcih. Potem seveda vsak turistični vodnik rad vidi, da je skupina točna, da ne zamuja. V primeru da zamudi, pa morajo razumeti, da je vodenje pač sorezmerno krajše, saj imamo vodniki tudi druge obveznosti. Poleg tega je optimalno, da skupina posluša, da jih zanima moja razlaga, da ni potrebno vpiti zato da te slišijo tisti, ki želijo slediti razlagi.

M: Še vprašanje za konec – kaj si kot tudristični vodnik želiš v prihodnosti?
A: Želim si dodobra spoznati in svojim vodenjem dodati še kakšno novo destinacijo.

M: Alan, najlepša hvala ker si si vzel čas za ta pogovor. Želim ti veliko uspešnih vodenj in prijetnih gostov. Za vse ki bi te radi poiskali, pa spodaj dodajam še tvoj kontakt:

Telefon: 041 837 944
Email: [email protected]

🇬🇧 Interview with Tourist GuideAlan Premerl

Alan Premerl is a tourist guide with more than twenty years of experience in tourism. He primarily guides in Ljubljana, but also in other popular Slovenian destinations and occasionally in neighboring countries. With extensive knowledge and fluency in several languages (Slovenian, English, Italian, and Croatian-Serbian), he leads a wide range of domestic and international visitors.

M: When did you decide to pursue a career as a tourist guide?
A: I attended the guide training course for Ljubljana in 2002, and I passed the exam in February 2003. I obtained the national license just a few months later, in July 2003. So, within a few months, I got both - the local and national licenses.

M: When you were acquiring these licenses, did you think that 20 years later you would still be so active in tourism?
A: Actually, I didn’t expect anything or make long-term plans. At that time, I didn’t have a permanent job, and since tourism had always interested me — I loved traveling and going on trips as a child — I decided to become a tourist guide. I obtained the licenses with the intention of making it my main profession and primary source of income.

M: What is it that still motivates you after more than 20 years to happily pursue this profession?
A: I still enjoy presenting the sights of Ljubljana to people from all over the world. Although I mostly guide in the same destination, the visitors are different, with varied interests, so I can present the sights in different ways, making each visit to Ljubljana, each of my tours, a new experience, a new creative work. Moreover, I enjoy meeting new people, and I can engage in conversations about their lives, the country they come from, how they live, and so on.
I also guide Slovenian groups abroad, mainly to Italy and Austria — two countries I really like and have visited many times. In both countries, I have a regular work permit (POD), which allows me to work there.

M: To guide such a wide range of tourists, you must have a very broad knowledge. I know you’re interested in antiquity — I remember a wonderful tour you gave to members of the ARGOS society through the remains of ancient Emona, and I wonder how you deepen your knowledge and what topics you focus on most?
A: Yes, antiquity in Ljubljana interests me a lot, partly because I collect Roman coins, which is also an excellent way to get to know Roman history. In Ljubljana, during various construction works, archaeological excavations often take place, revealing interesting things about life in ancient Emona, which motivates me to show something new during my tours.

M: Do you also acquire knowledge through any educational programs?
A: Yes, I attend various courses and lectures, such as a lecture at the National Museum on the topic of political propaganda on Roman coins. For example, if a particular emperor highly honored one of the Roman gods, they would feature this god on the coins, and so on.
I really enjoy connecting different pieces of information that I can incorporate into my tours.

M: What kind of tourists do you most enjoy guiding?
A: I wouldn’t point out just one type of visitor. For school groups, I can say that I enjoy working with fifth and sixth graders because they’re all very curious, eager to participate, answer questions, are motivated, and also ask their own questions. Retirees are also very appreciative guests — they know a lot and are very interested, they enjoy seeing everything, and they listen attentively. I least enjoy working with union trips, as for them, socializing is the most important aspect.

M: What is the least pleasant part of being a tourist guide for you?
A: The challenge of being a guide is mainly that we have to be active in all weather conditions, whether it's 20°C and sunny or -10°C. We have to work in snow, rain, and wind. Once someone asked me if tours are canceled in case of rain, and I answered, "This is not tennis."

M: That’s true, but unfortunately, we can’t influence the weather. What conditions do you think are most important for a tour to run smoothly?
A: It means a lot to me when the group can get as close as possible to the location where the tour begins, without having to walk too far. This is very important, especially for older visitors. Of course, every tour guide appreciates it when the group is punctual and doesn’t delay. If there is a delay, they need to understand that the tour will be shorter, as we guides have other commitments as well.
Additionally, it’s optimal if the group listens and is interested in my explanations, and I don’t have to shout for the people at the back to hear me.

M: One last question – what do you wish for in the future as a tourist guide?
A: I would like to explore and add a new destination to my tours.

M: Alan, thank you so much for taking the time for this conversation. I wish you many successful tours and pleasant guests. For anyone who would like to get in touch with you, here are your contact details:

Phone: 041 837 944
Email: [email protected]


🇬🇧 Trnovo bridge - Ljubljana, Slovenia
Have you ever seen a bridge where trees grow?

🇸🇮 Trnovski most - Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ali ste že kje videli most, na katerem rastejo drevesa?

🇸🇮 Danes se nam predstavlja turistični vodnik Niko Rakovec iz Bleda…"Turizem me spremlja že od mladih let, saj sem že po...

🇸🇮 Danes se nam predstavlja turistični vodnik Niko Rakovec iz Bleda…

"Turizem me spremlja že od mladih let, saj sem že po končani osnovni šoli začel z delom v gostinstvu, kjer sem se hitro učil novih jezikov in ugotovil, da je delo z ljudmi moja strast.

V zadnjih dvanajstih letih je postalo turistično vodenje moja glavna dejavnost. V tem času sem pridobil mnogo izkušenj pri vodenju večjih skupin, poslovnih in protokolarnih gostov in tudi privatnih tur za pare in družine.

To delo mi omogoča, da ljubezen do naše čudovite dežele delim z ljudmi z vsega sveta. Vodim izlete v gorenjski regiji, kjer živim že od malih nog in regijo poznam do zadnjega kotička.

Sodelujem z mnogimi ponudniki turističnih storitev in lahko poskrbim za popestritev vašega obiska, celoten izlet pa vedno prilagodim vašim željam.

Na izletih zgodovini, geografiji, kulturni dediščini in umetnosti na vašo željo lahko dodamo še kakšen kulinaričen, glasbeni ali adrenalinski vložek. Vodenja izvajan v angleškem, nemškem in italijanskem jeziku.

Pridružite se mi in odkrijte mojo deželo na način, ki vam najbolj ustreza."

p.s. Nika poznamo po kuharskih tečajih, kako se naredi slavna blejska kremna rezina – kremšnita

E-naslov [email protected]
Telefon - Whatsapp - - Viber 00 386(0)41 650 069

🇬🇧 Today with us Niko Rakovec from famus Bled

"Tourism has been with me since I was young, because after finishing elementary school I started working in the hospitality industry, where I quickly learned new languages and realized that working with people was my passion.

For the last 12 years, tourist guidance has been my main activity. During this time, I have gained a lot of experience in leading larger groups, business and protocol guests, as well as private tours for couples and families.

This work allows me to share my love for our beautiful country with people from all over the world. I lead tours in the Gorenjska region, where I have lived since I was a child and know the region down to the last corner.

I cooperate with many tourism service providers and can make sure that your visit is enriched, and I always adapt the entire trip to your wishes.

On tours of history, geography, cultural heritage and art, we can add a culinary, musical or adrenaline input at your request. Guided tours are conducted in English, German and Italian.

Join me and discover my country in the way that suits you best."

p.s. We know Niko and his wife through cooking clasess. Here you can see, how to make A Bled cream cake

E-naslov [email protected]
Telefon - Whatsapp - - Viber 00 386(0)41 650 069

🇸🇮 Kako lahko začetek leta začnemo bolje, kot s srečanjem članov našega društva Argos?Dan za druženje in učenje, za učen...

🇸🇮 Kako lahko začetek leta začnemo bolje, kot s srečanjem članov našega društva Argos?

Dan za druženje in učenje, za učenje in druženje.

Hvaležni vsem, ki so z nami delili svoja bogata znanja:
👉 Rok Kušlan o našem glasu. Z glasom največkrat interpretiramo Vam, dragi gostje. Še kako pomembno je, da imamo glas v dobro kondiciji.

👉 POSEBNA ZAHVALA za dvorano etnografski muzej in ogled razstave Maksim Gaspari. Razglednice, jaslice, podobe, s katerimi smo živeli. Pod njihovo streho smo se odlično počutili.

👉 Z Mateja Kregar Gliha smo se potopili v pisano narodnost naših gostov in poskušali razumeti njihove odzive. Naj nas kulturna pestrost bogati.

Za konec zbor članov, poročila, načrti, opažanja, pripombe. Nadaljujemo na naslednjem srečanju…

Hvala vsem članom, ki ste si vzeli včeraj čas in bili del naše družbe. Da boste vi, naši gostje, deležni še boljše storitve.

🇬🇧 How could we start the year better than with a meeting of the members of our Argos association?

A day for socializing and learning, for learning and socializing.

We are grateful to all those who shared their rich knowledge with us:
👉 Rok Kušlan about our voice. With the voice, we most often interpret to you, dear guests. It is so important to keep our voice in good condition.

👉 Special THANK'S to etnografski muzej for the Conference room and the guided tour on exhibition of Maksim Gaspari. Postcards, nativity scenes, images with which we have lived. We felt great under their roof.

👉 With help of Mateja Kregar Gliha we immersed ourselves in the colorful nationalities of our guests and tried to understand their reactions. May cultural diversity enrich us.

At the end, a general assembly, reports, plans, observations, comments. We continue at the next meeting...

Thank you to all the members who took the time yesterday and were part of our community. So that you, our guests, will receive even better service.

🇸🇮🍀 Predstavitev in pogovor z turističnim vodnikom Tomažem Rantom iz Bleda:Kaj te je vodilo v turizem?T: V turizem sem v...

🇸🇮🍀 Predstavitev in pogovor z turističnim vodnikom Tomažem Rantom iz Bleda:

Kaj te je vodilo v turizem?
T: V turizem sem vstopil leta 2008, z ženo sva oddajala sobe in sem občasno vodil na oglede svoje goste, ko pa je prišla korona, se je pa to vse ustavilo, kar naenkrat ni bilo več turistov, imel sem čas za razmišljanje, kaj bom počel v prihodnosti, zmeraj mi je bilo pa vodenje turistov zelo všeč, ampak nikoli nisem imel dovolj časa za to.
Po koroni sva apartmaje oddala v trajen najem in s tem sem pridobil čas, da se posvetim temu kar me zares veseli, vodenju turistov. Hvaležen sem, za te posebne okoliščine, ko je bil čas sprememb in še posebej, da sem ostal zdrav.

Kaj vse si počel preden si postal turistični vodnik?
T: Že pri šestnajstih letih, sem zaradi očetove bolezni moral prevzeti družinsko obrt in sem postal fotograf, celo življenje sem športnik, učitelj smučanja, hokejist ...
V odrasli dobi sem se ukvarjal z distribucijo knjig in organizacijo prodaje v založbi, nato distribucija in zastopstvo za športno perilo, ves čas sem se ukvarjal tudi z logistiko in organizacijo prevozov, ter kasneje z oddajanjem sob in vodenjem turistov.

Kaj je tvoja posebnost kot turistični vodnik?
T: Moja posebnost je prilagodljivost, najprej se seveda pogovorim z gosti kaj želijo in nato pripravim okviren program, vedno spodbujam odprto komunikacijo in na samem vodenju še prilagajam program glede na želje.
Hvaležen sem staršem, da so mi dali ime Tomaž, ker sem po naravi »nejeverni Tomaž«, dokler ne vidim, dokler sam ne odkrijem – to ime pove veliko o moji osebni naravi. S starši smo veliko hodili v naravo in mi je to vse do danes zelo blizu. Avanture in doživetja v naravi je nemogoče izčrpati in rad raziskujem in svojim gostom pokažem skrite kotičke.

Lahko deliš z nami kakšen iskriv spomin na doživetje z gosti?
T: Lep spomin na kiwija, na Novozelandca, ki ni še nikoli videl snega, je imel pa veliko željo, da bi poskusil drsat, sem peljal njega in njegovo partnerko na naravno jezero drsat. Seveda sem pripravil tudi piknik s toplim čajem in domačo potico.
Pa še ena zanimiva: dve indijski gospe sta se prijavili na 5 dnevno turo, nista pa povedali, da sta ultra pripravljeni in uhojeni in pripravljeni čim več prehodit! To sem ugotovil šele po nekaj dneh in sem ju komaj dohajal :)

Kaj priporočaš gostom, ko načrtujejo obisk?
T: Priporočam, da si gostje vzamejo minimalno 3 dni, najbolje pa 10 do 14 dni. Priporočam, da odprejo uradno spletno stran in si ogledajo kaj vse je možno videti in obiskati. Kakšne aktivnosti so na voljo in seveda nato stopijo v stik z lokalnim vodnikom, kot sem jaz, da jim pomagam pripraviti resnično personalizirano doživetje Bleda in okolice.

Kako bi rad sklenil ta pogovor?
T: vsak dan sem hvaležen in vesel, da mi je bilo dano v življenju tolliko priložnosti in izzivov in da sem se lahko nanje, kot kameleon prilagodil. Posebna zahvala gre pa tudi mami, imela je 5 otrok, 3 je žal izgubila. Ko sem imel 17 let sem šel s takratno punco in sedanjo ženo, na prvi avtoštop. Mama me ni nikoli zadrževala ampak mi je dala svobodo, da sem potoval in raziskoval, kar pravzaprav najraje počnem z mojimi gosti še danes!

Hvala Tomaz Rant, tvoje življenje je zelo pestro in zanimivo. Hvala, da si si vzel čas za ta pogovor.

🇬🇧🇺🇸🇦🇺🌏 Presentation and discussion with tourist guide Tomaz Rant from Bled:

What led you into tourism?
T: I got into tourism in 2008, my wife and I rented out rooms and I occasionally took my guests on tours, but when Covid came along, it all stopped, suddenly there were no more tourists, I had time to think about what I was going to do in the future, and I always liked guiding tourists a lot, but I never had enough time to do it.
After Covid we rented out the apartments permanently and that gave me time to do what I really enjoy, guiding tourists. I am grateful for these special circumstances when it was a time of change and especially for staying healthy.

What did you do before you became a tourist guide?
T: At the age of 16, due to my father's illness, I had to take over the family trade and I became a photographer, I have been a sportsman all my life, a ski instructor, a hockey player...
In my adult life I was involved in book distribution and sales organisation in a publishing house, then distribution and representation for sports lingerie, all the time I was also involved in logistics and transport organisation, and later in renting rooms and guiding tourists.

What is your speciality as a tourist guide?
T: My speciality is flexibility, first of course I talk to the guests about what they want and then I draw up a tentative programme, I always encourage open communication and on the guided tour itself I adapt the programme according to their wishes.
I am grateful to my parents for giving me the name Tomaž (Tomas), because I am by nature a "disbelieving Tomas" until I see, until I discover for myself - this name says a lot about my personal nature. My parents and I went outdoors a lot and it is very close to my heart to this day. It is impossible to exhaust the adventures and experiences in nature and I love to explore and show my guests the hidden corners.

Can you share with us a sparking memory of an experience with guests?
T: I have a great memory of a kiwi, a New Zealander who had never seen snow before but had a great desire to try ice skating, I took him and his partner to a natural lake to go ice skating. Of course, I also prepared a picnic with hot tea and homemade »potica«.
And another interesting thing: two Indian ladies signed up for the 5-day tour, but they didn't say that they were ultra fit and trained well and ready to walk as much as possible! I only found this out after a few days and I could hardly keep up with them :)

What do you recommend to guests when they are planning a visit?
T: I recommend that guests take a minimum of 3 days, ideally 10 to 14 days. I recommend that they go to the official website and see what there is to see and visit. What activities are available and then of course get in touch with a local guide like me to help them create a truly personalised experience of Bled and the surrounding area.

How would you like to conclude this conversation?
T: I am grateful and happy every day that I have been given so many opportunities and challenges in my life and that I have been able to adapt to them like a chameleon. A special thanks also goes to my mother, she had 5 children, 3 of whom she unfortunately lost. When I was 17 years old, I went on my first hitchhiking trip with my then girlfriend and my current wife. My mother never held me back but gave me the freedom to travel and explore, which is actually my favourite thing to do with my guests to this day!

Thank you, Tomaz Rant, your life is very varied and interesting and I am grateful that you have taken the time for this conversation.

Mobille +386 31 375 224
Mail: [email protected]


🇸🇮🎄Zahvala za čudovito leto in najboljše želje za 2025 🥳

Ko se leto 2024 bliža koncu, se ozremo nazaj na neverjetno leto, polno nepozabnih doživetij, dragocenih prijateljstev in številnih pustolovščin. Dragim popotnikom, sledilcem in prijateljem – hvala, ker ste bili pomemben del naše zgodbe. 🎁

Razmislek o trenutkih, ki smo jih delili
Od vodenih ogledov zgodovinskih ulic Slovenije do smeha ob skupnih obrokih – vsak trenutek z vami je bil dokaz, kako potovanja povezujejo ljudi. Vaša radovednost, navdušenje in zaupanje so vsako potovanje naredili še bolj posebno, kot bi lahko izrazili z besedami. 🎁

Pogled v nove pustolovščine
Z velikim pričakovanjem vstopamo v leto 2025. Komaj čakamo, da z vami delimo nove zgodbe, raziskujemo nove kraje in ustvarjamo še več nepozabnih spominov. 🎁

Ostanite povezani z nami
Vabimo vas, da nadaljujete to potovanje z nami. Spremljajte nas za najnovejše novice, delite naše zgodbe s prijatelji in pomagajte širiti ljubezen do potovanj, kulture in povezanosti.
Veselo, dogodivščin polno leto 2025! Naj vam prinese zdravje, veselje in nešteto čudovitih doživetij. Hvala, ker ste del naše zgodbe – komaj čakamo, da skupaj napišemo nove poglavje. 🎁

🎄Thank You for an Amazing Year and Best Wishes for 2025 🎁

🎁 As 2024 comes to an end, we reflect on an incredible year filled with unforgettable experiences, meaningful friendships, and countless adventures. To our dear travelers, followers, and friends—thank you for being an essential part of this journey.

🎁 Reflecting on the Moments We Shared
From guided tours through Slovenia’s historic streets to shared laughter over hearty meals, every moment spent with you has been a testament to how travel can bring people together. Your curiosity, enthusiasm, and trust have made every journey more rewarding than words can express.

🎁 Looking Ahead to New Adventures
As we step into 2025, we’re excited about the opportunities that await us. We look forward to sharing new stories, exploring fresh destinations, and creating even more unforgettable memories together.

🎁 Stay Connected with Us
We invite you to continue this journey with us. Follow us for updates, share our stories with your friends, and help us spread the love for travel, culture, and connection.
Here’s to a happy and adventure-filled 2025! May it bring you health, joy, and countless beautiful experiences. Thank you for being part of our story—we can’t wait to create new chapters together. 🥳

Počitniški čas je tudi čas za branje. Ate opazili, da je v času strokovnega simpozija Življenje in delo pesnice Ade Šker...

Počitniški čas je tudi čas za branje. Ate opazili, da je v času strokovnega simpozija Življenje in delo pesnice Ade Škerl izšel tudi e zbornik, ki ga je finančno podprla Mestna občina Ljubljana? Tule več- prijetno prebiranje ❤️

Strokovni simpozijŽivljene in delo Ade Škerl


Dan samostojnosti in enotnosti- Happy independence and unity day dear Slovenia. 🇸🇮 ARGOS - Association of Regional Tourist Guides of Slovenia proudly representing our homeland World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations. (WFTGA) FEG Tourist Guides

🇸🇮Topel predbožični pozdrav vsem našim sledilcem!Praznični čas je pred vrati – čas za razmislek, praznovanje in cenjenje...

🇸🇮Topel predbožični pozdrav vsem našim sledilcem!

Praznični čas je pred vrati – čas za razmislek, praznovanje in cenjenje trenutkov, ki resnično štejejo. Medtem ko se pripravljamo na božič, bi se radi iskreno zahvalili vam, našim dragim sledilcem, ker ste bili del naše poti v letošnjem letu.

Širjenje duha skupnosti
Božič v Sloveniji je prav poseben in čaroben čas. Od praznično okrašenih ljubljanskih ulic in tržnic do srčnih tradicij v slikovitih mestih – celotna država zaživi v duhu veselja in skupnosti.
Naši turistični vodniki so imeli čast z mnogimi od vas deliti te nepozabne trenutke. Skupaj smo odkrivali zgodovinske cerkve, okrašene z jaslicami, srkali kuhano vino pod prazničnimi lučkami in občutili slovenski praznični duh na edinstven način.

Vabilo, da praznujete z nami
Ko se leto bliža koncu, vabimo vse, da objamemo ta praznični čas z odprtimi srci in obnovljenim občutkom čudenja. Pridružite se nam pri raziskovanju praznične Slovenije – bodisi osebno bodisi prek naših zgodb in objav.
Želimo vam vesel in miren božič, poln topline, ljubezni in nepozabnih trenutkov. Naj vas ta čas poveže z vašimi najdražjimi.


🇺🇸🇬🇧Warm Pre-Christmas Greetings to All Our Followers!
The holiday season is upon us—a time to reflect, celebrate, and cherish the moments that truly matter. As we prepare for Christmas, we want to take a moment to thank you, our dear followers, for being part of our journey this year.
Spreading the Spirit of Togetherness
Christmas in Slovenia is truly magical. From the festive lights of Ljubljana’s bustling markets to heartfelt traditions in charming towns, the entire country lights up with joy and community spirit.
Our tourist guides have been honored to share these special moments with many of you. Exploring historic churches adorned with nativity scenes, enjoying mulled wine under sparkling lights, and immersing ourselves in Slovenia’s festive atmosphere have been experiences we’ll always treasure.
An Invitation to Celebrate with Us
As the year draws to a close, let us embrace this holiday season with open hearts and a renewed sense of wonder. We invite you to join us in exploring Slovenia’s holiday magic—whether in person or through our stories and posts.
Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas filled with warmth, love, and memorable moments. May this season bring you closer to the ones you hold dear.


Cesta V Mestni Log 58g


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