Naša naloga je za vas ustvariti edinstven prostor – prostor, ki je odsev vas samih in vam hkrati nudi udobje ter zadovoljuje vaše funkcionalne potrebe. Z izkušnjami, pridobljenimi v preteklih letih, vam bomo pomagali najti in poudariti vaš stil ter vas vodili skozi proces oblikovanja doma ali poslovnega prostora, ki bo najbolje ustrezal vašim potrebam, hkrati pa bomo upoštevali tudi vaše finančne
zmožnosti. Načrtovanje razporeditve prostorov, izbor pohištva, talnih oblog, svetil, dodatkov za dom, oblikovanje in izdelava tekstilnih dekoracij po meri, za dodatek pa še skrb za usklajenost barv, tekstur in vzorcev za unikaten podpis so le nekatere storitve, s katerimi vam pomagamo poudariti funkcionalno vrednost, kakovost in estetiko vašega doma ali poslovnega prostora. Our job is to create a unique space for you – a place that reflects who you are, that offers the comfort you need and satisfies all your functional necessities. With the experience acquired in the past years, we will help you find and enhance your style and guide you through the process of creating a home or working space that best suits your needs and your budget. Space planning; selecting furnishings, floor coverings, lighting, accessories; creating custom made window treatments and other textile accessories; coordinating color, texture, pattern and finishes to add a unique signature within a space; these are some of the things we do to enhance the function, quality and aesthetic of your space. We are trained to help you solve problems, come up with solutions and prevent costly mistakes.