Zen Zone is a Health Travel Company. Zen Zone je zdravilna potovalna agencija.
Zen Zone je butična potovalna agencija, specializirana za organizacijo potovanj v izbrane ajurvedske, wellness in zdravilne resorte, ki ponujajo razstrupljevalne, antistres, pomlajevalne, wellness & beauty programe.
Zen Zone is a boutique travel company organising retreats and travels worldwide aiming to elevate individual's health and wellbeing. Zen Zone is the first health & well
ness travel company in Slovenia to present its guests with a range of travel experiences and healing programs for the prevention of the lifestyle diseases that come as a result of our modern stress related way of life. What our exciting programs have in common are changing everyday habits- how to wake up in the morning recharged and full of energy, when and what to eat, how to exercise and what is the most important- how to love and treat yourself. Our travels are a haven where stress-out people come to unwind and recharge their batteries with the help of healing treatments, massages, yoga and meditation exercises and carefully chosen delicious culinary experiences.
Dobro počutje po naše 🌟🍃
🍛 uživanje v novih okusih,
🪷 razvajanje s holističnimi wellness tretmaji,
🏞️ odkrivanje najlepših kotičkov sveta,
🧘♀️ in uživanje v dragocenih trenutkih, ki jih imamo samo zase. 💛
Odkrijte, kako majhne spremembe izboljšajo energijo, razpoloženje in vitalnost. Ste pripravljeni zažareti od znotraj navzven?
Ajurvedska kuhinja: revolucija na vašem krožniku in zdravju! 🍉
John K. deli svoje navdušenje:
"Vrhunec mojega ajurvedskega oddiha? ✨Hrana✨. Sveža, pisana, vsakodnevna pojedina za vse čute. Po vsakem obroku sem bil sit, a hkrati presenetljivo lahkoten. Od vsega pa je najboljše, da se mi je brez odrekanja holesterol v enem tednu znižal za 40 enot!"💪
📸📍Kerala, Indija
Po jogi kar poka od energije! 🧘♀️💥
Telo postaja bolj gibčno, misli bolj jasne in um bolj pomirjen.
In ta krasni občutek lahkotnosti.... Aaaah, človek bi ga kar zapakiral v kovček in odnesel domov. ✈️🩵
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Zdravilo za nemirnega duha, vedoželjen um in hrepeneče srce. Je protistrup za stres, nervozo in druge novodobne tegobe zdravega telesa.
Vstopite v svet zdravih potovanj butične agencije Zen Zone. Specializirani smo za organizacijo potovanj v izbrane azijske in evropske centre zdravja, ki ponujajo ajurvedske, wellness, razstrupljevalne, pomlajevalne in antistres programe.
Zen Zone je doživetje sprostitve, kot jo sanjamo.
The Healing Power of Zen Zone Traveling
We believe that travel is a medicine. It is the antidote for stress and other modern ailments that prevent you from being your healthiests.
It’s true that in its traditional definition Zen means self-control and inner peace, but for us it simply describes a moment in which we want to linger forever. A Zen Zone trip is a trip that interupts the tedium of our daily routines and puts us in touch with our innermost selves. We wish you countless such experiences.
From two sisters with with big dreams to the first and only Slovenian Health Travel Company with 30 + different health retreats in more than 7 different countries around the world.
As the travel company for the health-conscious people, we perfected the art of individual wellbeing-focused travels. Because we belive that the greatest wealth is health.
‘Take care of your body. It is the only place you have to live.’