All you need is ☀️, 🌳 and ✌️
Ko se v hiški Konoplja prebudiš v sončno jutro na Posestvo SONČNI RAJ 🥰🌞
Užitek, ki ga enostavno moreš izkusit!
Veseli smo, ko se prvi gostje oglašajo s povratnimi informacijami, da jim je bilo lepo pri nas. In da se bodo še vrnili. 🤗🙏
Vabljeni v Nesting resort v naša-vaša gnezda. ❤️
Rezervacije na ✅
We are so happy, when we get feed back from our guests how much they liked our resort and nesting. 🙏🤗 And that they will return. ❤️
Welcome to our Nesting Resort. 🤗
This is one of our nests in the middle of nature.
Offering everything you need for nesting 🌞.
Including great breakfast that mum bird will bring into the nest. 🦅❤️🌞
You are so welcome to try it 🤗🌸.