At the morning we were greeted by a stunning view over Bovilla Lake. There are no words to describe the beauty that surrounded us. We enjoyed our breakfast with the last view over magnificent lake and than it was time to say goodbye. We were on our way to Tirana, the capital of Albania. Tirana is vibrant, full of life, some would even say a little chaotic. But we just love to get lost, consumed by the city and their energy. It is so different, you can not compare it to any europeane city. The rules here are just written, because they need to be, but life itself is so vibrante and free, that just goes it`s own way. When you drive through Tirana, you have to get used to their driving habits. Albanians are polite drivers ands will let you in, but you have to show them your self-confidence, without your inner strenght, you will get nowhere. It is also nice to drive around with a Nissan Patrol, because your car is bigger then the most cars and more roboust . There are many parking spots, we chose the one with surveillance. Tirana is safe, so you do not need to worry. People are nice, friendly and helpful. Tirana is a city of opposites. It is modern with shops that we can see in big european cities. People are in tune with the latest fashion styles. But on every step you make, is visible their history and culture. If you go the the capital, you must visit Skanderbeg square, Farmers market (Pazar i Ri) and Bunk'art 2. Bunk’Art 2, at approximately 1000 m2 in size, is the second of two nuclear bunkers in Tirana that has recently transformed into an interactive artistic space. Located on the main block of ministerial buildings in the city’s center, this underground shelter was hidden from the public eye until to its recent unveiling in 2015. Bunk'art 2 reconstructs the history of the Albanian Ministry of Internal Affairs from 1912 to 1991 and reveals the secrets of “Sigurimi”, the political police that was the harsh persecution weapon used by the regime of Enver Hoxha. After visiting the museum that is located near Scanderbeg square, you have to visit the farmers market Pazari i ri. There you can buy local food as vegetables, fruit, nuts, olives, cheese, fish and meat. You can drink delicious coffee in a cafe near the market and just enjoy the energy and views of the city. Tirana will stay in our memory forever, because it is so different, than our cities, and that is what we love about it. Now it was time to go back to the wilderness. We chose to end our day at the private beach just for the two of us. It is totally free and wild. We walked along the beach, ate dinner before the sunset and just ejoyed the moment, that was there to capture and stay with us forever.
Zjutraj naju je pozdravil pogled na čudovito jezero Bovila. Ni besed, s katerimi bi lahko opisala lepoto, ki naju je obkrožala. Uživala sva v najinem zajtrku s čudovitim pogledom na jezero in se počasi pripravljala na slovo. Nato sva se odpravila v smeri Tirane, glavnega mesta Albanije. Tirana je živahna, polna življenja, nekateri bi celo rekli, rahlo kaotična. Nama je bilo všeč, da sva se zliza z mestom in njegovo energijo. Tirana je tako drugačna, da se je ne da primerjati z nobenim evropskim mestom. Tukaj so pravila zato, ker pač morajo biti, a življenje je tako nepredvidljivo in svobodno, da zmeraj izbere svojo pot. Ko se pelješ skozi mesto, se moraš hitro navaditi na njihov način vožnje. Albanci so zelo olikani in ti bodo zmeraj dali prostor, ampak moraš biti samozavesten in jim pokazati svojo odločnost in notranjo moč, drugače boš pač obstal na mestu. Prav tako je dobro, da imaš Nissan Patrola, ki je večji od večine avtov in bolj robusten . V Tirani je več parkirnih mest, midva sva se odločila za varovano parkirišče. Mesto je varno, zato si ne rabiš delati skrbi. Ljudje so zelo prijazni in pripravljeni pomagati. Tirana je mesto nasprotji. Je moderna, z veliko trgovinami, ki jih srečaš tudi v večjih evropskih mestih. Prav tako se ljudje oblačijo po zadnji modi. Po drugi strani pa na vsakem koraku srečaš sledi zgodovine in stare kulture. Če greš v prestolnico, moraš nujno obiskati Skaderbeg trg, živilsko tržnico Pazari i Ri ter Bunk'art 2. Bunk'art 2, katerega površina meri približno 1000 m2, je drugi največji bunker v Tirani, ki je bil spremenjen v interaktivni prostor. Nahaja se v v prostorih ministrstva, v središču mesta. Bunker je bil skrit pred očmi javnosti vse do leta 2015. Danes je odprt za javnost in v njem je predstavljena zgodovina albanskega zunanjega ministrstva med leti 1912 do 1991. Podrobneje boste spoznali »Sigurmi« politično policijo, ki je preganjala nasprotnike z vsemi sredstvi in jo je vodil takratni voditelj Enver Hoxha. Po obisku bunkerja se splača obisk živilske tržnice Pazari i Ri, kjer lahko kupite lokalne produkte. Prav tako lahko spijete kavo v eni od kavarn in uživate v energiji in razgledih. Tirana bo ostala v najinem spominu za vedno, ker je tako drugačna od vseh mest, ki jih poznava, in to je tisto, kar najbolj ceniva. Najin dan sva se odločila zaključiti na privatna plaži samo za naju. Plaža je popolnoma brezplačna in divja, kakor večina stvari v Albaniji. Sprehajala sva se po plaži, jedla večerjo ob zadnjih sončnih žarkih in uživala v trenutku, ki je bil tam, da ga ujameva in bo ostal z nama za vedno.