ESN MARIBOR ESN Office is open after previous arrangement, check out the location on the map. Erasmus Student Network Maribor is a non-profit student organization.

In collaboration with International Relations Office - University of Maribor we help incoming Erasmus Students with integration and inform local students about mobility. Buddy project - before the official start of every Semester we organize the Buddy project. Local students become buddies, mentors, to incoming Erasmus students, and help them with basic information, before and after arrival to Mar

ibor. Our biggest project at the beginning of every Semester is Welcome Weeks - two or three weeks of fun, cultural, sport, and social events that help Erasmus students start their Erasmus experience in Maribor. During the Academic year, we organize different projects on topics of SocialErasmus, Events, Parties and Trips, Mov'in Europe. Our mission is to help Erasmus+ students, local students, and to help create Erasmus Spirit in Maribor.


ESN je največja študentska organizacija v Evropi, ki je bila leta 1989 ustanovljena v Belgiji. Je neprofitna mednarodna organizacija, prisotna v 42 državah z približno 15.000 aktivnimi člani. Glavni cilj organizacije je pomoč študentom iz različnih držav, ki se odločijo za študijsko izmenjavo in jim tako zagotovijo nepozabno doživetje v državi gostiteljici. Delujejo po principu »students helping students«, tu sodelujejo tudi buddyji oz. mentorji, ki so dodeljeni tujim študentom. Tako ESN vključuje 40.000 ljudi, ki pomagajo 350.000 študentom vsako leto. Glavni poudarek ESN je na študentih na izmenjavi, ki se v novem okolju pogosto soočijo s težavami. Zato nudijo pomoč pri akademskem, socialnem in praktičnem procesu integracije. To vključuje kulturne in družabne dogodke, kot so potovanja po različnih krajih v državi, športne aktivnosti, jezikovni projekti, mednarodni festivali hrane in nenazadnje tudi zabave. ESN deluje na treh ravneh: lokalni, nacionalni in mednarodni. Organizacija podpira in razvija izmenjave študentov tako znotraj programa Erasmus + kot zunaj njega. Študentje, ki se vračajo z izmenjave nazaj domov, se pogosto pridružijo in tako pozdravijo svojo »post-erasmus depression«.

ESN Maribor letno pomaga pri integraciji v lokalno okolje več kot 700 Erasmus+ študentom in informiramo lokalne študente o mobilnosti. Tesno sodelujemo z Mednarodno pisarno Univerze v Mariboru. Kaj počnemo? - na kratko:

Buddy program - Erasmus študentom uredimo vsak semester buddije oz. mentorje – to je slovenski študent, ki pomaga Erasmus+ študentu pri integraciji v naše okolje pred in po njegovem prihodu v Maribor. WelcomeWeeks – tritedenski projekt na začetku vsakega semestra, ki vključuje dnevne dogodke, ti so zabavne, kulturne, socialne, športne narave...omogočajo lažjo integracijo in spoznavanje Erasmus+ študentov. EaT (Events and Trips) - Redne tedenske Erasmus zabave, ki potekajo v Trustu in v KMŠ-ju. Vsaka je tematsko drugače obarvana. SocialErasmus - Polyglot Caffe, Meet my Country, družabne igre, Speed Dating, Meet the native, SocialErasmus Week...

Kreativa – skrbi za osveščanje o aktivnosti ESN Maribor na socialnih omrežjih, spletni strani, izdelavo promocijskega materiala, cover fotografij za dogodke in še veliko več.

- Zakaj biti ESN Maribor član? ESN Maribor je prostor, ki ti omogoča, da zrasteš v samozavestno, odločno osebo, ki je ni strah nobenega izziva v življenju. ESN Maribor je prostor, smo ljudje, ki omogočamo kreativnost, inovacije in uresničevanje novih idej. Neizmerno število iskrenih prijateljstev, znanje, spodbujanje kreativnosti, zabava, udeležba na mednarodnih dogodkih, potrdilo o prostovoljstvu, spomini za vso življenje in zato, ker smo ekipa. Te zanima, in bi se nam rad pridružil? - Pošlji nam sporočilo! feel it!

✨The academic year is coming to an end and with it the ESN program as well. Shine in the final events of this semester. ...

✨The academic year is coming to an end and with it the ESN program as well. Shine in the final events of this semester. 🥳🪩✨

Throwback to April, when ESN Maribor made a Balkan trip🕌🚌🌅

Throwback to April, when ESN Maribor made a Balkan trip🕌🚌🌅

📢 Attention all Erasmus students! 📢 Exciting news ahead! Get ready for a month filled with amazing events just for you i...

📢 Attention all Erasmus students! 📢
Exciting news ahead! Get ready for a month filled with amazing events just for you in April! 🌟
Stay tuned as we'll be posting updates with exact event timings a few days beforehand.
🗓️ Don't miss out on the fun – mark your calendars now and get ready for unforgettable experiences! 🎈 🌍

📢 Slovenia Weekend Getaway! 🌍Embark on an exciting journey with us through the wonders of Slovenia! 🎉📅 When: March 9th-1...

📢 Slovenia Weekend Getaway! 🌍

Embark on an exciting journey with us through the wonders of Slovenia! 🎉

📅 When: March 9th-10th

🌟 Experience:
Join us as we delve into the depths of Postojna Cave on Saturday, followed by a captivating city tour in Ljubljana, where you'll have free time to explore its charming streets and culture. As night, brace yourselves for an unforgettable party, uniting Erasmus students from all corners of Slovenia! 🥳
🛌 Rest your heads at a cozy hostel in Ljubljana.

🏞️ Sunday Highlights:

We'll wake up to the beauty of Lake Bohinj, immersing ourselves in nature's tranquility before journeying to the iconic Lake Bled. Here, we'll row our way to Bled Island, followed by a delicious traditional Slovenian lunch to satisfy our hunger for adventure and gastronomy! 🚣‍♂️🍽️

💰 Price: €120 per person

🎟️ Limited Spots Available: Secure your spot during office hours!

Don't let this opportunity slip away! Join us for an unforgettable weekend escape in Slovenia! 🌟

🎉 Welcome Weeks Alert! 🎉 Calling all Erasmus adventurers! Get ready for an unforgettable journey filled with 15 incredib...

🎉 Welcome Weeks Alert! 🎉
Calling all Erasmus adventurers! Get ready for an unforgettable journey filled with 15 incredible events where you'll forge lifelong friendships, immerse yourself in our culture, and experience endless fun! 🌍✨

📅 When: February 26th to March 8th
💰 Cost: Just €40 for a Welcome Weeks bracelet!

But act fast! Spots are limited! Secure your spot by purchasing your bracelet during our office hours:

🕛 When: February 21st (Wednesday) to February 24th (Saturday), every day from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
📍 Where: ESN Office, Slomskov trg 15 (Entrance on the corner next to the library)

Please bring exact change as we can only accept cash payments. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to kickstart your Erasmus journey with a bang! See you there! 💫

❄✨🔥 Embrace the magic of the holiday season with Eurosender! 🔥 ✨❄ As we come together to celebrate Christmas and welcome...

❄✨🔥 Embrace the magic of the holiday season with Eurosender! 🔥 ✨❄

As we come together to celebrate Christmas and welcome the New Year, let us help you make this time even more special. 🎁 Whether you're sending gifts to loved 🩷 ones, shipping holiday decorations, or moving to a new place, Eurosender is here to assist you every step of the way. With our fast and affordable shipping services, you can easily send your holiday cheer across the globe. 🌎 Don't let distance get in the way of spreading joy and love to your loved ones. 🥰 Let Eurosender help you make this holiday season one to remember. Use the code ESNSLO at checkout and get a special 10% discount! ❄

Last but not least... huge thanks to our OC team which organized  !😍🥳🤩The idea which appeared completely randomly last y...

Last but not least... huge thanks to our OC team which organized !😍🥳🤩

The idea which appeared completely randomly last year during gala night at General Assembly in Sakarya and started to grow with huge help of Adél Smejkalová from the International Board of ESN and later with amazing guidance of Zuzana Molnárová and Tereza Simou, our Regional and Training Coordinators.😊

Dreams came true, and we had so much fun! 🤩 We are enormously happy to have hosted all of you in Maribor and to have been on the side of the organizers during the Central European Platform.

And now we can't wait to see who will be the OC of CEP 2024!💪

🌍✨ Join the Budapest Adventure! 🇭🇺✈️ Hey Erasmus Students in Maribor! 🎓 Ready for another epic trip? Join us in Budapest...

🌍✨ Join the Budapest Adventure! 🇭🇺✈️

Hey Erasmus Students in Maribor! 🎓 Ready for another epic trip? Join us in Budapest from Dec 15-17 for just €110! 🤩

What's Included:
- 🏨 2 Nights in a cozy hotel
- 🍳 Daily delicious breakfast
- 🚶‍♂️ Guided tours to discover Budapest
- 🚌 Stress-free transport from Maribor

📢 How to Reserve:
Contact us to secure your spot! 📧
Limited spots! Reserve yours now!

Let's make memories together! 💥📸 🌟

🌟 A Special Thanks to Our Incredible CEP Coordinators and Facilitators! 🌟A heartfelt appreciation goes out to our dedica...

🌟 A Special Thanks to Our Incredible CEP Coordinators and Facilitators! 🌟

A heartfelt appreciation goes out to our dedicated CEP coordinators who have been the backbone of our journey right from the start. Your unwavering support, belief in our vision, and guidance have been invaluable. 🙌

From nurturing the seed of an idea to helping it bloom into a successful reality, your enthusiasm and commitment have been the driving force behind our achievements. Thank you for being the pillars of strength throughout entire ! 🌱💪

And to all the facilitators who played a crucial role in making our event a resounding success, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your expertise, passion, and dedication in sharing knowledge and fostering engaging experiences were instrumental in creating impactful moments for everyone involved. 🌟🎓

Your commitment to excellence and your willingness to go above and beyond to supportothers have left a lasting impression on all of us. We're incredibly grateful for your unwavering support and contributions. 🌟🤝

Let's continue this journey of learning, collaboration, and growth together, making a positive impact every step of the way. Thank you for being the champions of change and inspiration in our community! 🌟🌍

And here we have some

🌍✨ A Taste of the World - International Dinner Recap! 🍽️🎉What an incredible evening we had during   at our International...

🌍✨ A Taste of the World - International Dinner Recap! 🍽️🎉

What an incredible evening we had during at our International Dinner! It was a true feast for the senses, and it wouldn't have been possible without the contributions of so many wonderful people and organizations. 🙌

First and foremost, a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the delegations who brought their delicious food and drinks, allowing us to savor flavors from around the world. Your culinary talents and the cultural richness you shared were nothing short of amazing! 🌮🍣🍷

A big round of applause to Štuk graciously providing the perfect setting for our event. The atmosphere was superb, and your support made the evening even more special. 🏢👏

Special thanks go out to Akademska folklorna skupina Študent for their captivating performance and the incredible effort they put into showcasing Slovenian culture to our international guests. Your enthusiasm and talent truly shone through! 🎶🇸🇮

And last but certainly not least, kudos to Restavracija Piano for bringing the delectable flavors of Slovenian cuisine to our tables. Your culinary expertise delighted our taste buds and made the evening truly unforgettable. 🍽️🇸🇮

To everyone who attended and made the International Dinner a night to remember, we're so grateful for your participation. Let's continue celebrating diversity and cultural exchange together! 🌍🎉

P.S. Videos from the evening will show up soon in a reel.☺️

✨ Wrapping Up the Mobility Fair - A Huge Thanks to All! 🌐As the curtains fall on our incredible Mobility Fair, which was...

✨ Wrapping Up the Mobility Fair - A Huge Thanks to All! 🌐

As the curtains fall on our incredible Mobility Fair, which was a part of , we want to take a moment to express our deep appreciation to everyone who made this event a massive success! 🙌

First and foremost, a heartfelt shoutout to Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko for providing us with the amazing space, which served as the perfect backdrop for our fair. Your support was instrumental in creating a welcoming and inspiring environment for all attendees. Thank you, FERI! 🏫👏

We're also immensely grateful to Univerza v Mariboru and Erasmus plus UM for their invaluable assistance in organizing the fair. Your guidance and collaboration were instrumental in making this event a reality. 🌍🤝

A special nod goes out to all ESN sections and the wonderful Erasmus students who brought materials and shared information about their respective countries. Your enthusiasm and dedication added an extra layer of diversity and richness to our fair. 🌏🌟

Last but not least, we want to express our thanks to E-Študentski Servis, Yes-Trips and MKC Maribor for joining us in person to promote your services. Your presence and engagement truly enhanced the fair experience for all our attendees. 👏💼

To everyone who attended and contributed in any way, you are the lifeblood of the Mobility Fair, and we're incredibly thankful for your support! 🌟🌐


🎤🎉 A Heartfelt Thank You to Responsible Party and Club LUX Maribor! 🥤💧Hey there, Party Enthusiasts!During   we had the m...

🎤🎉 A Heartfelt Thank You to Responsible Party and Club LUX Maribor! 🥤💧

Hey there, Party Enthusiasts!

During we had the most unforgettable Karaoke night, and we owe it all to the fantastic support from Club LUX and Drink More Water. 🙌🎤

First off, a huge round of applause and a million thanks to Club LUX for hosting our epic Karaoke Party for the participants of CEP. 🎉 Your venue set the stage for some unforgettable moments and amazing performances! 🎤🌟

But it doesn't stop there! We also want to give a special shoutout to Drink More Water, who made sure our young partygoers could enjoy themselves responsibly. 🥤💧 Your provided water and merchandise were a game-changer, reminding us to stay hydrated and party smart. Thank you for promoting a fun and safe party atmosphere!

To Club LUX and Drink More Water, you've truly gone above and beyond to make this event a hit. Your support is invaluable, and we're incredibly grateful for your contributions to our CEP Karaoke Party.

Of course, we are also grateful for our ESN Drink More Water crew which was pouring water during the whole event! 🥤💧

Check out some photos taken by our ESN-photographer Sergej Drakulić ! 🎤🎊

🕰️✨ Flashback to our City Walk! 🏙️🚶‍♀️Throwback to the memorable city walk that marked the beginning of the Central Euro...

🕰️✨ Flashback to our City Walk! 🏙️🚶‍♀️

Throwback to the memorable city walk that marked the beginning of the Central European Platform's journey! 📸🌆

We ventured through the historic streets of Maribor and city park towards Piramida hill. It was a fantastic experience filled with stories, discoveries, and connections that started properly. 🗺️🌟


🙌 Gratitude Time! ☕🍪🥤Hey there, amazing friends of ESN MARIBORDuring   we had the most delightful coffee breaks, and it ...

🙌 Gratitude Time! ☕🍪🥤

Hey there, amazing friends of ESN MARIBOR

During we had the most delightful coffee breaks, and it wouldn't have been possible without our incredible sponsors. 😍☕

A massive shoutout and heartfelt thanks to Red Bull, Radenska, Responsible Party and J. Hornig generously providing us with the scrumptious food and drinks that fueled energy and conversations of our participants and organizing committee. 🙏

Your support means the world to us, and it's because of your kindness that our event was a resounding success! ☕🍪🥤

Let's raise our coffee cups ☕ and toast to these wonderful sponsors! Thank you for being an integral part of our Central European Platform in Maribor and making it extra special. 🎉🙌

Tako je izgledal International Dinner v okviru CEPa! 😊Naši kolegi iz Akademska folklorna skupina Študent so prišli zaple...

Tako je izgledal International Dinner v okviru CEPa! 😊

Naši kolegi iz Akademska folklorna skupina Študent so prišli zaplesat💃 in predstavit tujcem iz sedmih držav Centralne Evrope, kako raznolika in zanimiva je slovenska kultura🕺.

Imeli smo se odlično, naši udeleženci pa so se naučili plesati pobreško polko🎵, okusili nekaj slovenskih jedi🍗 ter predstavili kulinariko svojih držav🍖.

Radi bi se tudi zahvalili ŠOUM za pomoč pri organizaciji tega mednarodnega večera.🙌

Hvala našim dragim partnerjem MKC Maribor za njihovo prisotnost na Sejmu mobilnosti ter za to, da so gostili del naših u...

Hvala našim dragim partnerjem MKC Maribor za njihovo prisotnost na Sejmu mobilnosti ter za to, da so gostili del naših udeležencev v svojem hostlu Hostel Pekarna! Vaša podpora in sodelovanje sta neprecenljiva. Veselimo se nadaljnjih skupnih projektov! 🤝😊

🎉 Exciting News! 🌟 As the organizing committee of the Central European Platform Maribor 2023 we are thrilled to announce...

🎉 Exciting News! 🌟 As the organizing committee of the Central European Platform Maribor 2023 we are thrilled to announce the incredible support of our sponsors, who have joined hands to fuel innovation, volunteering and growth across the region. Their commitment to fostering collaboration and development is vital in propelling our shared vision forward. Together, we are shaping a brighter future for youth in Central Europe! 🚀

GRAWE zavarovalnica d.d. MOVIT Yes-Trips Univerza v Mariboru MKC Maribor Erasmus Student Network Responsible Party


Here's the Welcome Weeks calendar with all the events! You will be informed and reminded of each event the day before it...

Here's the Welcome Weeks calendar with all the events! You will be informed and reminded of each event the day before it happens so you can prepare for it. 🥰

Since we are sure some of these events sound confusing and you want to know what you're paying for (understandably so!), we will go into a bit more detail about them day by day:

Day one: The Welcome Reception is a wonderful event where you meet all the Erasmus people at once and you learn more about the whole Erasmus experience. After you've seen everyone at the same place it's time to get to know them better during the Speed-friending event! This is a fun event filled with activities and its goal is to help you make some meaningful connections, as well as meet interesting new people, so use it wisely! 👫🏻

Day two: This day is all about culture and good food! As every one of you (hopefully) knows, you've come to a whole new country, which means the cuisine and the culture is completely new to you which also means it's time to explore it! This night is filled with hedonism with cheerful music, dancing and amazing delicacies so prepare all your senses! 🇸🇮

Day three: This day is pretty self-explanatory - first we go from bar to bar and drink shots and afterwards we party until the sun comes out! I expect to see all you party animals there and remember, you're gonna show us how you guys party in your country, so make sure to do your country justice and have the best time ever!

Day four: I hope that all of you know that the best way to cure a hangover is to drink wine, no? Is it not how it works? Oh well, I guess you'll have to come to the Wine tasting event just to be sure...👀
The international dinner is where we eat foods from all of your countries, so once again prepare your senses!

Day five: We've decided to be generous and give you guys a bit of a break and make these events a bit more chill, but just as much fun! 🎤

Day six: This is a wonderful opportunity to see Maribor in a whole new way! The views you will experience are amazing, make sure not to skip this one! 🌌

Day seven: Today is all about sports and Timber Rafting! All you sports fans make sure to attend this one! As for the Timber Rafting - as the name suggests it's on a raft! There's music, chilling, drinking wine all while sailing along the river and enjoying the views! 🏀⛵

Day eight: Match up is another event where you can get to know different people and socialize and who knows if you like them enough you can even come to our Cinema night together! 🍿

Day nine: This is when the second group will be attending the Wine tasting event!

Day ten: Second group's PubCrawl but the party, just like the first one, is for everyone to attend!

Day eleven: We are pretty sure you all know what this is so we will spare you the unnecessary details!

Attention students!🎓Going back to school may be a hassle but shipping doesn't have to be! With Eurosender, you can easil...

Attention students!🎓

Going back to school may be a hassle but shipping doesn't have to be! With Eurosender, you can easily and affordably send packages📦, envelopes✉️ and even luggage🧳 all around the world🌍. We're offering a discount of 10% off when using the code ESNSLO. Take advantage of it!🎒


🎉 It's Welcome Weeks time 🥳13 events 🔥 in 11 crazy, fun and adrenaline-filled days 🏄. With everything from sports ⚽️, so...

🎉 It's Welcome Weeks time 🥳

13 events 🔥 in 11 crazy, fun and adrenaline-filled days 🏄. With everything from sports ⚽️, social events 👭, and getting to know the culture of Maribor 🏞, there's something included for everyone's taste!

When❓ 2.10. - 12.10. 🗓
Where❓ In different locations throughout Maribor🍷
How❓ By purchasing an exclusive Welcome Weeks bracelet 📿 that gives you access to all the Welcome Weeks events.

For more information and answers to some frequently asked questions, check out

Sale dates and the official Welcome Weeks calendar will be announced soon, so stay tuned ✈️

🌻 May we tell you something? ☀️This month's updated events calendar. Happy May!

🌻 May we tell you something? ☀️
This month's updated events calendar. Happy May!

Looking for a sweet weekend getaway 🍫? Join ESN Maribor on 20.5.2023 for a trip to Zotter chocolate factory and Reigersb...

Looking for a sweet weekend getaway 🍫? Join ESN Maribor on 20.5.2023 for a trip to Zotter chocolate factory and Reigersburg castle! Indulge in around 300 chocolate treats 🍬🍩 and visit the Edible Zoo 🦓🍓, home to traditional animal breeds and local produce. Don't miss out on exploring the impressive Riegersburg castle built on volcanic rock 🌋. The price includes transportation 🚌, factory tour with unlimited chocolate 🍫, Edible Zoo entry 🐄, and castle entrance 🏰. Spots are limited, so apply now! ⏳

Price: 45€ (it includes transportation, factory tour with unlimited amounts of chocolate, editble zoo entry, entrance to the castle).

Apply here:

Hello Erasmus in Maribor! ☀️Here's the calendar for the events happening in April, so I'm sure each of you can find some...

Hello Erasmus in Maribor! ☀️Here's the calendar for the events happening in April, so I'm sure each of you can find something fun! We took your feedback seriously and we've decided to make a calendar where you'll be able to see all the events planned for the following month so you can organize your time more efficiently! 🗓️

Hope to see you at our events and enjoy April 🥰

It's time to finally start the Welcome Weeks craziness🤪!If you still don't have your bracelet, you will have opportunity...

It's time to finally start the Welcome Weeks craziness🤪!

If you still don't have your bracelet, you will have opportunity to buy it🛒 during office hours on MONDAY between 🕐 8.00-10.00 and 11.30-15.00

And then we start▶️!

Our first event will be 💃FOLK DANCING🕺. Come and learn yourself how to dance the traditional folklore dances and meet new friends!

To join the event fill in the form and choose the time slot which suits you the best⬇️

Meeting point: Pri Parku 7, Maribor, 2000

🔸Fill in the form if you already have the bracelet or will buy it on Monday
🔸Fill the form only once
🔸Come at the time you chose

Take with you sporty clothes👕, shoes suitable for the gym👞 and a bottle of water🚰

Please click the link to complete this form.


Slomškov Trg 15, Between Rectorate And Library


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