
Krebe-Tippo Krebe-Tippo d.o.o. is a company with more than fifty years old tradition and experiences about producing industrial washing and processing equipment.

The company is constantly evolving and expanding. With our flexibility we are skilfully following the changes in the market.


Back to school! 🏃‍♂️

We are already in “studying mode” and today most of our kids are going to be too. 👩‍💻

We wish all the young one’s a good return to the school benches. 👨‍🏫

Dear kids, let the new school year bring you a lot of success and help your dreams come true! 🎓

We are roothing for you, 🤗

Krebe-Tippo team

Dear Friends.KT's annual leave! ☀️🧡❤️We are returning on the 12th of August with full powers & can't wait to talk to you...

Dear Friends.

KT's annual leave! ☀️🧡❤️

We are returning on the 12th of August with full powers & can't wait to talk to you soon.

Enjoy these beautiful summer days!

Your trully,


We are with you all the way. Through thick and thin. Helping with taking care of your health. 👩‍🔬

We are with you all the way. Through thick and thin. Helping with taking care of your health. 👩‍🔬


😍 🤗 ❤️

😍 🤗 ❤️

»Sometimes we are still going old school« ❤️  Our appreciated hardworking employees are sometimes having troubles saying...

»Sometimes we are still going old school« ❤️

Our appreciated hardworking employees are sometimes having troubles saying goodbye to the old machinery even though it is necessary. Therefore, sometimes we still leave some backup in the "old school way". 🕰

We are always looking forward to new knowledge and experiences however, we are still following old school principals, when it comes to quality and robustness of the machines. This enables long lifetime of the machines and highly raises customer’s satisfaction. Behind us there are almost 70 years of experiences, which we are implementing in everyday work. 💪

We are eager to see what the future holds. 🔜

Our long-term partner a home for the elderly in Ajdovščina asked us to move their laundry equipment from the old to thei...

Our long-term partner a home for the elderly in Ajdovščina asked us to move their laundry equipment from the old to their brand new location. 🗺

Again and again, we are amazed to see age our equipment is able to reach under constant operation. This kind of quality is our signature. 😍

At the same time, we would like to thank to DSO Ajdovščina for this opportunity. We are looking forward to new mutual projects. 🤝

Naš dolgoletni partner Dom starejših občanov Ajdovščina nas je zadolžil za selitev pralne opreme iz stare na čisto novo lokacijo. 🗺

Vedno znova smo navdušeni nad leti, ki jih naša oprema dosega. To je naš podpis in najboljši dokaz kvalitete našega dela. 😍

Istočasno bi se radi zahvalili Domu starejših občanov Ajdovščina za to priložnost. Veselimo se našega prihodnjega sodelovanja. 🤝


‼️ POZOR ‼️

PCH barrier washing extractor 💦👚👖👕These models offer several benefits. Some of them are: ✅ Ensure the best quality of wa...

PCH barrier washing extractor 💦👚👖👕
These models offer several benefits. Some of them are:

✅ Ensure the best quality of washing results with minimum consumption of water, detergent, and energy.
✅ Extreme Robustness & Stability.
✅Ergonomy & Safety.
✅Easy Service & Maintenance.
✅Modern Technology.
✅Optimized operation enabled with a selection of advanced Options.
✅Usable in Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Agro, Food, Nuclear Industry & many more.

Learn more about the product:

This week we are visiting beautiful Banja Luka, which is the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ❤️Currently ...

This week we are visiting beautiful Banja Luka, which is the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ❤️

Currently we are very busy at the exhibition. We can't wait to share more details with you. 🔜

Ove sedmice posjećujemo prekrasnu Banja Luku, koja je drugi najveći grad u Bosni i Hercegovini. ❤️

Trenutačno smo jako zauzeti na rastavi. Jedva čekamo da dijelimo više detalja sa vama. 🔜

Ta teden smo obiskali čudovito Banja Luko, ki je drugo največje mesto v Bosni in Hercegovini. ❤️

Trenutno smo zelo zaposleni na razstavi. Komaj čakamo, da delimo več podrobnosti z vami. 🔜

New spaces, new projects, new laundries 🥰💪😍

New spaces, new projects, new laundries 🥰💪😍

"Nothing is more real than the masks we make to show each other who we are."Today we celebrate "Pust" (Masquerade), whic...

"Nothing is more real than the masks we make to show each other who we are."
Today we celebrate "Pust" (Masquerade), which is why some of us dressed up to show some hidden personalities. 😆👺👹👻😻👩‍🌾🧚‍♂️
Let's eat these delicious Robert's home-made donuts & have some fun!

Today was a special morning. 🤩With the upcoming carnival our colleague surprised us with the first batch of freshly bake...

Today was a special morning. 🤩

With the upcoming carnival our colleague surprised us with the first batch of freshly baked donuts. 🤡🧑‍🍳🍩

Our morning is sweet and we are hoping yours is great as well. 💕




• končna montaža (sestava) industrijskih pralnih strojev
• znanje branja tehnične dokumentacije

Delo je za polni delovni čas, zaželene so delovne izkušnje.

Kontakt: Maja Krepek, [email protected], 02 450 30 57

Vljudno vabljeni, veseli vas bomo!





Organizacija in razpored dela serviserjev predvsem na področju Slovenije, priprava materiala, podpora strankam, urejanje garancijskih zahtevkov in ostalo delo za zagotavljanje optimalnega dela servisa.

• organizacija in vodenje servisa
• poznavanje dela z računalnikom
• osnovno znanje hrvaškega/srbskega/bosanskega jezika
• prednost je tudi osnovno znanje angleškega/nemškega jezika

Delo je za polni delovni čas, zaželene so delovne izkušnje

Kontakt: Maja Krepek, [email protected], 02 450 30 57

Vljudno vabljeni, veseli vas bomo!


“Success is a journey not a destination.” (Arthur Ashe) On our journey we are following the highest standards and are th...

“Success is a journey not a destination.” (Arthur Ashe)

On our journey we are following the highest standards and are therefore reaching top results. We are proud to be a part of every story and are looking forward to piles of clean laundry.

Holidays are behind us, and we are happily looking back to the great memories we have created.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 We are hoping that...

Holidays are behind us, and we are happily looking back to the great memories we have created.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 We are hoping that you have enjoyed your holidays and got some rest. ❤️

At the very beginning we would like to wish you a prosperous, joyful, and an overall successful New Year. 🤗

Let's get this 2024 started, 🥳

Krebe-Tippo team

With 2023 coming to its end, we would like to use this opportunity to thank all our suppliers, customers, partners, and ...

With 2023 coming to its end, we would like to use this opportunity to thank all our suppliers, customers, partners, and supporters. Without your trust and cooperation our work would not be possible, and we are grateful for all the partnerships we’ve created. 🤝❤️

We are thankful to all our employees. Only with your dedication and hard work we can make our dreams a reality.🥳👩‍💼

We are looking forward to new adventures in the new year! At the same time, we wish you and your loved ones all the best in the following year. Let all your hopes and dreams come true!⭐️✨

We wish you all peaceful holidays and a great start of 2024!🚀

Yours truly,


Z veseljem predstavljamo nov dom za starejše, ki se gradi v Kopru. Nova zgradba na obali bo kmalu varen dom mnogim v jes...

Z veseljem predstavljamo nov dom za starejše, ki se gradi v Kopru. Nova zgradba na obali bo kmalu varen dom mnogim v jesenskem obdobju življenja. Hvaležni smo, da smo lahko sodelovali v tem projektu. Hvala za zaupanje. ❤️

We are happy to present a new home for the elderly, which is being built in Koper. This new building at our Slovenian coast will soon become a safe home to many. We are thrilled to have the opportunity of being a part of this project. Thank you.❤️

Another one in progress 💪🥰🥳

Another one in progress 💪🥰🥳

In our manufactory we are justifying quality with our work. 💪Below is one of our recent works in progress. 🪛With it we a...

In our manufactory we are justifying quality with our work. 💪

Below is one of our recent works in progress. 🪛

With it we are reaching the highest standards and are therefore, offering the best possible quality. 🤩

We are looking forward to new similar projects. ➡️

❓Would you like to learn more about our work?

🖱 Visit: #
📧 Write us: [email protected]

We are proud to be the only industrial laundry machinery manufacturer in Slovenia, which is why we put a lot of energy a...

We are proud to be the only industrial laundry machinery manufacturer in Slovenia, which is why we put a lot of energy and investments into our factory. 🤩🏭🥇

We are a team of 80 goal oriented and hard-working people that stand firmly behind the quality of our products.💪

❓ Do you want to learn more about us?

📲 Read more:

and keep in touch:

📧 [email protected]

We will be happy to talk to you. 🤗

We are proud of our 20 years long partnership with the Portuguese company Kitsec, which is under the guidance of Mrs. Si...

We are proud of our 20 years long partnership with the Portuguese company Kitsec, which is under the guidance of Mrs. Sidónia Faustino and Mr. Vitor Hugo Faustino. We have done many successful projects together; the main one is Washstation. ❤️

As a result of this partnership, we are gladly presenting one of our great accomplishments - Self-service laundry. 👕💦⚙️

This concept of laundry has several benefits. Some of them are:

✅ convenience (you can wash more in less time),
✅ wide spectrum of washing possibility,
✅ economic accessibility,
✅ easy guidance (it is suitable for beginners as well),
✅ saves time,
✅ friendly to the environment.

❓Do you have some experience with self—service laundry?

❓Are you looking for solution like this?

We would love to hear from you.

📧 [email protected]

“Barrier washing machines are one of the main elements of Clean Room laundries regardless of classification level (ISO)....

“Barrier washing machines are one of the main elements of Clean Room laundries regardless of classification level (ISO). Our company has been producing barrier washing machines for almost 70 years, and laundries are equipped with them almost all over the world.

In addition to regular production, we take on more and more high complex Clean Room projects that require additional development, a great deal of flexibility and refreshed knowledge, which gives us additional drive and pushes us further to strive and to be the best at what we do. Over the years, we have developed advanced solutions for equipping the most demanding hygienic laundries, which ensure the operation of the laundry system and the achievement of goals at the highest level.

We are very proud of this knowledge and experience, and above all, we are beyond grateful to our partners, who trust us and support us.” (Anja Uranjek, Head of Sales & Marketing)

Hey all! We are finally back from our vacation adventures. 😀Time has passed by so quickly. ⏰ But we are happy to be back...

Hey all!

We are finally back from our vacation adventures. 😀

Time has passed by so quickly. ⏰ But we are happy to be back relaxed and with full powers! 💪

We enjoyed the seaside, mountains, and visited some other popular destinations. 🏝🗻🕌

Where have you traveled to? 🌎


Gasilci, naši junaki in poosebljeni super heroji.
Zahvaljujoč poslanstvu, ki ga čutijo gasilci so rešena številna človeška življenja in njihovo materialno stanje.
Ponosni smo, da imamo v svoji KT ekipi človeka, ki se zmeraj znova poda v boj nesebično in brez pomisleka.
Vinko je v svoji dolgi gasilski karieri med drugim kar dva krat reševal tudi naše podjetje, ko smo bili izpostavljeni požaru, ravnokar pa se trudi v boju s posledicami poplav na enem izmed najbolj prizadetih območij.
In pri tem ne pozabi na nikogar. Niti najmanjšo ribico.
Hvala Vinku in vsem ostalim super herojem.
Firefighters our heroes our superheroes.
Thanks to the responsability that firefighters feel many human lives and their material properties have been rescued and saved.
We are so proud to have such a person in our KT team who always goes into battle selflessly and without hesitation.
In his long career as a firefighter Vinko has, among other things, saved our company twice when we were exposed to fire, and he is currently struggling with the consequences of floods in one of the most affected areas.
And noone is forgoten. Not even a fish.
Big thanks to Vinko and all the other super heroes.
Vinko Žunko


3. avgust je bil začetek zelo žalostnih dni za Slovenijo. Obsežne padavine so, v večini delov Slovenije, povzročile katastrofalne razmere. Za celotno državo je bil razglašen rdeč alarm. Priča smo težko primerljivi katastrofi. Ljudje so izgubili svoje domove in utrpeli veliko škodo. Vse specializirane enote so in še vedno pomagajo prebivalcem. Življenja mnogih so bila v veliki nevarnosti.

Naše misli so z vsemi, ki so bili prizadeti v teh težkih časih z željo, da imajo moči, da premagajo to situacijo.

Naj bodo prihodnji dnevi varnejši za vse.

Vir slike:

The 3rd of August was a start of very sad days for Slovenia. Sever raining has, in the most parts of Slovenia, caused catastrophic circumstances. Whole country was in red Alarm. We are witnessing a disaster, which hardly has any comparison. People lost their homes and suffered great damage. All specialised forces were and still are helping citizens. Life of many was in great risk.

Our thoughts are with all the affected in these difficult times in wish of strength to overcome this situation.

Let the following days be safer for everyone.

Picture source:

The time has come to get some vitamin sea. 🌞It is time to fill our batteries and return with new energy. 💪We are closing...

The time has come to get some vitamin sea. 🌞

It is time to fill our batteries and return with new energy. 💪

We are closing our company due to the summer holidays from 24th of July to 4th of August.

We wish you the best holidays. Let your days be filled with fun and a ton of ice cream, 😉

team Krebe-Tippo


Špelina Ulica 19


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