Vipavska dolina - Vipava Valley

Vipavska dolina - Vipava Valley Local & Travel Website
Official page of the Vipava Valley, Slovenia

Lokalne in potovalne storitve

Uradna FB stran destinacije Vipavska dolina, Slovenija. Nudimo informacije o turistični ponudbi in prireditvah, pripravimo vam program vašega izleta po Vipavski dolini. Official FB page of the destination Vipava Valley, Slovenia. We offer information on tourist services, on accomodations, on events and festivals, organization of trips and excursions across the Vipava Valley and tourist guiding.

🇸🇮 Vipavska dolina ponovno v priznanih svetovnih medijih. 🥳🎉🎈Uvrščena je med naj 10 destinacij za leto 2025 pri The Time...

🇸🇮 Vipavska dolina ponovno v priznanih svetovnih medijih. 🥳🎉🎈
Uvrščena je med naj 10 destinacij za leto 2025 pri The Times and The Sunday Times! #:~:text=Vipava%20Valley%2C%20Slovenia
Obdana z gorami in gričevjem, dolina ponuja slikovite vasi, vrhunska vina ter preplet slovanske in italijanske kulinarike. Ljubitelji aktivnega oddiha lahko uživajo v pohodništvu, kolesarjenju, plezanju, jadralnem padalstvu in drugih doživetjih. Središče regije je Nova Gorica, ki skupaj z italijansko Gorico kot Evropska prestolnica kulture 2025 ponuja bogat kulturni program – idealen razlog za obisk!

🇬🇧 Vipava Valley again in the world's renowned media. 🥳🎉🎈
Ranked among the top 10 destinations for 2025 at The Times and The Sunday Times! #:~:text=Vipava%20Valley%2C%20Slovenia
Surrounded by mountains and hills, the valley offers picturesque villages, excellent wines, and a blend of Slavic and Italian cuisine. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy hiking, cycling, climbing, paragliding, and other activities. The heart of the region is Nova Gorica, which, together with the Italian town of Gorizia, serves as the European Capital of Culture 2025, offering a rich cultural program – the perfect reason to visit!


🇸🇮 Dobrodošli v evropski prestolnici kulture / European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia!
Zgodovinski dan je povezal dve mesti in dve državi. 🇸🇮 🤝 🇮🇹

Uvodna parada z 2000 nastopajočimi se je prelila iz italijanske Gorice v Novo Gorico, kjer je na Trgu Evrope – edinstvenem stičišču dveh držav – potekal uradni del z nagovori. 📜 Glavna govorca uradnega dogodka sta bila predsednica Republike Slovenije Nataša Pirc Musar in predsednik Italijanske republike Sergio Mattarella. 👩👨‍🦳

Umetniški del programa se je odvil na Trgu Edvarda Kardelja. 🎵💃 Rdeča nit programa je bila skladba Insieme Totoja Cutugna, ki nosi močan simbolni pomen. 💙 Enourni šov je ob številnih nastopajočih združil preteklost in prihodnost.
Spodaj si oglejte nekaj utrinkov, več o celotnem programu pa si preberite na

🇬🇧 Welcome to the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia!
A historic day has brought together two cities and two countries. 🇸🇮 🤝 🇮🇹

The opening parade, featuring 2000 performers, has seeped from the Italian city of Gorizia into Nova Gorica, culminating at Europe Square – a unique meeting point of two nations – where the official ceremony took place. 📜 The main speakers at the event were the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar, and the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella. 👩👨‍🦳

The artistic program unfolded at Edvard Kardelj Square, featuring music and dance performances. 🎵💃 The central theme of the show was Toto Cutugno’s song "Insieme", a piece rich in symbolic meaning. 💙 The one-hour spectacle brought together the past and the future through a diverse lineup of performers.

Check out some highlights below, and read more about the full program at the link

🇸🇮 Mi že komaj čakamo jutrišnje slovesno odprtje Evropske prestolnice kulture! Da vam bo ostala v neizbrisnem spominu, s...

🇸🇮 Mi že komaj čakamo jutrišnje slovesno odprtje Evropske prestolnice kulture!
Da vam bo ostala v neizbrisnem spominu, smo ob tej priložnosti skupaj z Zavodom GO! 2025 ustvarili tri nove, posebne izdelke oz. doživetja:
👉 Šverc tura ( 👖🍫
👉 piškoti Biškotične, ki jih odlikuje plemenit priokus vrtnic 🌹🍪
👉 družabna igra Plemenita potepanja, s katero spoznate gradove in dvorce na celotnem območju evropske prestolnice kulture 🎲 🏰

Za edinstveno Šverc turo se lahko že prijavite na spletni strani, ostali produkti pa bodo v kratkem na voljo v TIC Nova Gorica in TIC Ajdovščina, piškoti pa tudi v vseh Brumatovih pekarnah. Izdelki so lepo darilo pa tudi izviren spominek. 🎁

🇬🇧 We can’t wait for tomorrow’s grand opening of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia!
To make it an unforgettable experience, we have created three special new products and experiences in collaboration with Zavod GO! 2025:

👉 Smuggling Tour ( – a smuggling-themed tour 👖🍫
👉 Biškotične Cookies – delicious biscuits with a refined hint of roses 🌹🍪
👉 Noble Adventures board game – a fun way to explore castles and manors across the entire European Capital of Culture region 🎲🏰

You can already sign up for the unique Smuggling Tour at, while the other products will soon be available at TIC Nova Gorica and TIC Ajdovščina. The biscuits will also be sold in all Brumat bakeries.

These products make for a wonderful gift or a unique souvenir! 🎁

🇸🇮 Trg Evrope skupaj z železniško postajo v Novi Gorici blesti v novi podobi ... vse je pripravljeno na sobotno slovesno...

🇸🇮 Trg Evrope skupaj z železniško postajo v Novi Gorici blesti v novi podobi ... vse je pripravljeno na sobotno slovesno odprtje Evropske prestolnice kulture!

🇬🇧 Europe Square, together with the railway station in Nova Gorica, shines in its new look ... everything is ready for Saturday's grand opening of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia!

🇸🇮 Samo še en teden nas loči do slovesnega odprtja evropske prestolnice kulture, ki s spektakularnim programom simboličn...

🇸🇮 Samo še en teden nas loči do slovesnega odprtja evropske prestolnice kulture, ki s spektakularnim programom simbolično združuje obe mesti, Novo Gorico in Gorico. 🎉 Začenja se vznemirljivo in vsebinsko bogato leto kulture. Prvič čezmejno, prvič z navdihujočo vizijo sobivanja dveh mest in kultur. 🤝
Na Prešernov dan, slovenski kulturni praznik, toplo vabljeni v somestje Nove Gorice in Gorice!

🇬🇧 We are just one week away from the grand opening of the European Capital of Culture on February 8, 2025—Slovenia’s Cultural Day—will kick off a dynamic and eventful year, symbolically uniting the cities of Nova Gorica and Gorizia with a showstopping programme extravaganza. 🎉 For the first time, the celebration will take place without border divisions, embracing an inspiring vision of coexistence between two cities and two cultures. 🤝
On the Slovenian cultural holiday, you are cordially invited to the conurbation of Nova Gorica and Gorizia!

| European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia

Na slavnostnem odprtju evropske prestolnice kulture, ki se bo zgodil na slovenski kulturni praznik 8. februarja 2025, se b***a s povorko od goriške do novogoriške železniške postaje simbolično združili obe mesti. Uradna otvoritev bo ob 16.00 na Trgu Evrope, umetniški spektakel pa ob 18.00 na ...

🇸🇮 Travel curator med top destinacije za leto 2025 prišteva tudi Slovenijo - s poudarkom na Novi Gorici kot evropski pre...

🇸🇮 Travel curator med top destinacije za leto 2025 prišteva tudi Slovenijo - s poudarkom na Novi Gorici kot evropski prestolnici kulture.
Obiščite pa tudi Theodosius forest village, če se želite naspati v stilu, in z Michelinovo zvezdico nagrajeno Gostilna pri Lojzetu Dvorec Zemono. 🙌🎉

🇬🇧 Travel Curator has included Slovenia among the top destinations for 2025, highlighting Nova Gorica as the European Capital of Culture.
Be sure to visit Theodosius forest village, for a good night's sleep in style, and the Michelin-starred Gostilna pri Lojzetu Zemono. 🙌🎉

Wanderlux Journeys

🇸🇮 Britanski časopis The Times and The Sunday Times redno objavlja rubriko "Best of Travel", kjer bralcem ponuja izbor n...

🇸🇮 Britanski časopis The Times and The Sunday Times redno objavlja rubriko "Best of Travel", kjer bralcem ponuja izbor najboljših potovalnih destinacij, doživetij in nasvetov. V tej rubriki so predstavljeni različni članki, ki pokrivajo širok spekter tem, od skritih draguljev v znanih mestih do edinstvenih potovalnih izkušenj po vsem svetu.

Tokrat je v tej rubriki svoj prostor dobila tudi Vipavska dolina.

🇬🇧 The British newspaper Times and The Sunday Times regularly features the "Best of Travel" section, offering readers a selection of the best travel destinations, experiences, and tips. This section includes various articles covering a wide range of topics, from hidden gems in well-known cities to unique travel experiences around the world.

This time, the Vipava Valley has also found its place in this section.


sunset, Solkan Bridge, Slovenia


🇸🇮 Vročica pred uradnim odprtjem Evropske prestolnice kulture stopnjuje! 🔥Time Out London in Daily Mail priporočata leto...

🇸🇮 Vročica pred uradnim odprtjem Evropske prestolnice kulture stopnjuje! 🔥
Time Out London in Daily Mail priporočata letošnjo evropsko prestolnico kulture Novo Gorico in Gorico kot eno izmed 25 najboljših stvari, ki jih lahko doživite v letu 2025! 🔝 🫶

🇬🇧 The excitement is building ahead of the official opening of the European Capital of Culture! 🔥
Time Out London and The Daily Mail recommend this year's European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia, as one of the 25 best experiences to have in 2025! 🔝 🫶



morning in Vipavski Križ, Slovenia

photo Miloš Vodopivec - Občina Ajdovščina

🇸🇮 Solkanski most, največji kamniti ločni most na železniških progah na svetu je zdaj na ogled tudi v pomanjšani različi...

🇸🇮 Solkanski most, največji kamniti ločni most na železniških progah na svetu je zdaj na ogled tudi v pomanjšani različici. 🚈🌉🤏

🤩 V muzeju Slovenija v malem v Šenčurju ga je (skupaj z mnogimi drugimi slovenskimi znamenitostmi) upodobil mojster izdelovanja maket Igor Grabnar.

Maketa je nastala na osnovi digitiziranega solkanskega mostu, ki si ga lahko ogledate na povezavi (samo za mobilne naprave):
ter v videu:

Prava paša za oči in čudovit način za odkrivanje naše kulturne dediščine na enem mestu! 🏛️

Več o muzeju:

🇬🇧 The Solkan Bridge, the world's largest stone arch railway bridge bridge, is now also on display in a scaled-down version. 🚈🌉🤏

🤩 It has been depicted in the museum "Slovenija v malem" (Slovenia in Miniature) in Šenčur, along with many other Slovenian landmarks, by master model maker Igor Grabnar.

The mock-up is based on a digitised Solkan Bridge, which can be viewed at the following link (for mobile devices only):
and in the video:

A real feast for the eyes and a wonderful way to discover our cultural heritage in one place! 🏛️

More about the museum (in Slovene):

🇸🇮 Vipavska dolina je po izboru Journee mondiale razglašena za skriti evropski dragulj št. 1, ki ga morate obiskati! 💎 👍...

🇸🇮 Vipavska dolina je po izboru Journee mondiale razglašena za skriti evropski dragulj št. 1, ki ga morate obiskati! 💎 👍💯

Pravijo: »Vipavska dolina, umeščena med griče in bujne vinograde, je najbolj varovana skrivnost Slovenije.«

🇬🇧 Vipava Valley has been named the #1 hidden European gem you must visit according to Journee mondiale! 💎 👍💯

They say: "Nestled between rolling hills and lush vineyards, the Vipava Valley is Slovenia’s best-kept secret."


🇸🇮 🎉 Odštevamo dneve do 𝗼𝘁𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘃𝗲 𝗲𝘃𝗿𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗸𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗸𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗚𝗢! 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱! 🥳žite ...

🇸🇮 🎉 Odštevamo dneve do 𝗼𝘁𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘃𝗲 𝗲𝘃𝗿𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗸𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗸𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗚𝗢! 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱! 🥳

Pridružite se nam 𝟴. 𝗳𝗲𝗯𝗿𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗷𝗮 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱, ko bo Nova Gorica z Gorico postala osrednja evropska kulturna točka! 📍🎯✨ Skupaj bomo slavili kreativnost, raznolikost in povezanost dveh mest in dveh kultur. 🤝

𝗢𝘁𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗶 𝗱𝗼𝗴𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗸 Evropske prestolnice kulture GO! 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorica nosi pomenljivo ime 𝗢𝗱 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗷𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗷𝗲. S povorko od goriške do novogoriške železniške postaje se b***a na slavnostnem odprtju EPK simbolično združili obe mesti.

🟦 Uradna otvoritev bo ob 16.00 na Trgu Evrope,
🟦 umetniški spektakel pa ob 18.00 na travniku pred SNG Nova Gorica. 🎭

Pripravlja se nepozaben program z vrhunskimi umetniškimi dogodki, ki jih preprosto ne smete zamuditi!

Čaka vas spektakularna povorka z izjemnimi nastopi umetnikov, plesalcev in glasbenikov, ki bodo skozi ulice in trge prikazali lepoto povezovanja dveh mest in dveh kultur. 🎶🕺✨ Vstopite z nami v leto polno kulture, povezovanja in novih priložnosti.

Bodite del te zgodovinske zgodbe. Skupaj presegamo meje!

🇬🇧 🎉 Counting down the days to the 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia! 🥳

Join us on 𝟴 𝗙𝗲𝗯𝗿𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱, when Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy) will become the heart of European culture! 📍🎯✨ Together, we will celebrate creativity, diversity, and the unity of two cities and two cultures. 🤝

The 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁 of the European Capital of Culture GO! 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia is meaningfully titled 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. With a parade from the Gorizia to the Nova Gorica train station, the two cities will symbolically unite during the grand opening.

🟦 The official opening will take place at 4 pm at Europe Square,
🟦 followed by an artistic spectacle at 6 pm on the meadow in front of the Nova Gorica Theatre. 🎭

An unforgettable program is in preparation, featuring world-class artistic events you simply cannot miss!

Look forward to a spectacular parade with exceptional performances by artists, dancers, and musicians, showcasing the beauty of connecting two cities and two cultures through the streets and squares. 🎶🕺✨ Step with us into a year full of culture, connection, and new opportunities.

Be part of this historic story. Together, we transcend borders!


Upcoming events in . From Station to Station: GO! 2025 Opening: dates, times, programme and details.

🇸🇮 Evropsko prestolnico kulture bo zaznamoval spektakularni Giro d'Italia! 🩷🥳🔝 Ulice Nove Gorice se bodo obarvale v živo...

🇸🇮 Evropsko prestolnico kulture bo zaznamoval spektakularni Giro d'Italia! 🩷🥳🔝 Ulice Nove Gorice se bodo obarvale v živo rožnato, saj bo 24. maja 2025 𝐜𝐢𝐥𝐣 𝟏𝟒. 𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐧𝐚 𝐓𝐫𝐠𝐮 𝐄𝐯𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞!

➡️ 186-kilometrska etapa se bo pričela v Trevisu, se nadaljevala po Furlanski nižini vse do Krmina, nato bodo kolesarji prečkali državno mejo v Plešivem, se po Brdih zapeljali skozi Medano, Dobrovo, Šmartno, Kojsko in Hum, nato se bodo za kratek čas vrnili v Italijo in preko Števerjana nazaj v Novo Gorico, kjer bo zagotovo vrhunec evforije! 🎉

Ponosni smo, da se po letu 2021 Giro vrača v Novo Gorico. Gostovanje tako pomembnega športnega dogodka bo dodatno poudarilo kulturni in turistični pomen mesta ter turistične destinacije ter pripomoglo k prepoznavnosti.

Kdo gre navijat za Primoža Rogliča? 🙋🙋‍♀️

🇬🇧 The European capital of culture will be marked also by the spectacular Giro d'Italia! 🩷🥳🔝The streets of Nova Gorica will turn bright pink as 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟏𝟒 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞 on 24 May 2025!

➡️ The 186-kilometre stage will start in Treviso, continue through the Friulian Lowlands to Cormons, then the cyclists will cross the national border in Plešivo, ride through Brda via Medana, Dobrovo, Šmartno, Kojsko, and Hum, then return briefly to Italy and via Števerjan back to Nova Gorica, where the euphoria will surely reach its peak! 🎉

We are proud that after 2021, Giro d'Italia is returning to Nova Gorica. Hosting such an important sporting event will further highlight the cultural and tourist significance of the city and the destination, contributing to its recognition.

Who's going to cheer for Primož Roglič? 🙋🙋‍♀️

🇸🇮 Ne samo v Ljubljani – tudi v Solkanu imamo svojevrstno tromostovje. 🙂 🌉 Vsak izmed mostov, ki se boči čez smaragdno S...

🇸🇮 Ne samo v Ljubljani – tudi v Solkanu imamo svojevrstno tromostovje. 🙂 🌉 Vsak izmed mostov, ki se boči čez smaragdno Sočo, ponuja svojevrstno doživetje:
▪️ na cestnem mostu lahko s TOP Extreme Bungee Jumping sprostite svoj adrenalin 🤸
▪️ čez znameniti Solkanski most se zapeljite z vlakom po zgodovinski Bohinjski progi 🚈
▪️ brv, po kateri se lahko sprehodite ali zapeljete s kolesom, pa je kot nalašč za ležerno pohajkovanje 🚲
V neposredni bližini se nahaja tudi adrenalinski Soča Fun Park, ki omogoča zipline čez Sočo ter zabavo na različnih poligonih. Prav posebno perspektivo pa boste doživeli, če se s kajakom ali raftom previdno (!) spustite po soških zelenomodrih valovih. 🚣

Ni več izgovora, da ne bi preživeli nekaj prijetnih uric ob reki. 😉

🇬🇧 Not only in Ljubljana – in Solkan we also have a unique triple bridge. 🙂 🌉 Each of the bridges spanning the emerald Soča offers a unique experience:
▪️ the road bridge is the perfect place to unleash your adrenaline with TOP Extreme Bungee Jumping 🤸
▪️ take a train ride across the famous Solkan bridge along the historic Bohinj railway 🚈
▪️ the footbridge is the perfect place for a leisurely stroll or a bike ride 🚲
The adrenaline-filled Soča Fun Park, which offers a zipline across the Soča River, and fun on various polygons, is located nearby. For a special perspective, take a careful (!) kayak or raft ride on the green-blue waves of the river Soča. 🚣

There's no more excuse to not spend some quality time by the river. 😉

🇸🇮 Evropska prestolnica kulture se nezadržno približuje, vse več oči je uprtih v Novo Gorico. V objavi Slovenske turisti...

🇸🇮 Evropska prestolnica kulture se nezadržno približuje, vse več oči je uprtih v Novo Gorico. V objavi Slovenske turistične organizacije Feel Slovenia lahko preberete delni program, ki nas čaka v tem letu.

🇬🇧 European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia is fast approaching and more and more eyes are on Nova Gorica. The Slovenian Tourist Board's Feel Slovenia post gives you a glimpse into the programme of what's in store for this year.

🌟 A Glimpse into the Official Programme of the European Capital of Culture 2025: Nova Gorica - Gorizia 🌍🎭 European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia

Nova Gorica and Gorizia are gearing up for an unforgettable year as the European Capital of Culture 2025! From thought-provoking exhibitions and groundbreaking performances to immersive workshops and green initiatives, the programme is as diverse as it is inspiring.

🌱 Highlights Include:
✨ War and Peace: Dive into the art and history of Zoran Mušič or attend the poignant "Art against Guns" performances.
🎭 Creation of the New: Explore architectural dreams in "Shining Invisible City" or witness the magic of the Biennale of Young Artists.
🌿 Very Green: Listen to a Bat Symphony at Rihemberk Castle or explore the Seed Library project preserving biodiversity.
🤝 Smugglers: Engage with cross-border stories through exhibitions and performances like Borderless Body.

Discover more events and the full programme:

🇸🇮 Nekaj pozornosti s strani slavnega BBC Travel ne škodi. 😉 Novinar  Charney je -kljub nekaj faktografskim napakam- zaj...

🇸🇮 Nekaj pozornosti s strani slavnega BBC Travel ne škodi. 😉 Novinar Charney je -kljub nekaj faktografskim napakam- zajel lepoto čezmejnosti letošnje evropske prestolnice kulture Nove Gorice in italijanske Gorice.

🇬🇧 Although the writer Charney made some factural errors, some recognition from the BBC Travel never killed nobody. 😉 His article captures the beauty of the cross-border nature of this year's European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia.

In 1947, Gorizia was abruptly split between Italy and Slovenia. In 2025, the two towns will reunite as the first transnational European Capital of Culture:


Kidriceva Ulica 11
Nova Gorica


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Our Story

[EN] The Vipava Valley lies in a unique spot on the western edge of Slovenia, a stone’s throw from the Italian border, half an hour from the Gulf of Trieste and less than an hour to the Julian Alps, placing it quite truly in the heart of one of Europe’s most picturesque regions. Diverse worlds, ways of life, cultures, climates, and geological formations intersect in the Vipava Valley. The Valley's nature is so diverse and picturesque it simply calls for exploration. Here you can find a winegrowing district which attracts visitors with its numerous natural landmarks and quality wines. The best thing about Vipava Valley's cuisine are its locally sourced ingredients, always seasonal and garden-fresh according to respected tradition. The colourful landscape of the Vipava Valley excites every hiker. Cyclists like to say that the Vipava Valley, with all there is to see, is best experienced on two wheels. The Valley and the sloping hills surrounding it form a true paradise for paragliders and hang-gliders.

If different is what you're looking for, Vipava Valley is the place to see. All year round.

~ Official page of the travel destination Vipava Valley, Slovenia. We offer information on tourist services, on accomodations, on events and festivals, organization of trips and excursions across the Vipava Valley and tourist guiding.
