[EN] The name of our special world on the western edge of Slovenia, just above the Gulf of Trieste, is the Karst or in Slovenian ‘Kras’. This is where water and soluble rocks make contact, which has seen the emergence of a magical world of underground caves, disappearing rivers, dolines and other karst phenomena. In fact, our Karst plateau gives its name to all similar landscapes around the world with comparable soil composition and the whole set of karst natural phenomena.
Underground caves are truly breathtaking karst wonders, and among the most beautiful and special are the Škocjan Caves featuring the world’s biggest underground canyon and included in the UNESCO’s World Cultural and Natural Heritage List.
Lipica village in the Karst is the home of white Lipizzan horses. The Lipica Stud Farm, founded in 1580, is the largest stud farm in the world boasting 300 thoroughbred Lipizzan horses. The Equestrian Park Lipica, with its dry-stone walls and cultivated karst grassland called ‘gmajna’, is the epitome of the typical karst landscape.
The picturesque medieval village of Štanjel, one of the oldest settlements in the Karst, is a wonderful example of traditional architecture and building construction. Declared a cultural monument, it also encompasses the castle and the later-introduced Ferrari Garden.
At the edge of the stony Karst lie the lush green hills of Brkini. Explore this stunning world of orchards and endless meadows, offering idyllic tranquillity that will let you unwind.
Wherever your path takes you in the Karst or in Brkini, you can tantalise your taste buds with local culinary specialities everywhere. The famous karst prosciutto, the unique Teran wine and traditional Brkinian brandies are the flagships of the pristine and highly diverse karst cuisine.
Come visit us. Meet our true colours.
Pick from a range of ideas and explore the Karst and the activities in the nature at www.visitkras.si.
[SI] Našemu svetu na zahodnem robu Slovenije, tik nad Tržaškim zalivom, je ime Kras. Tu sta se srečala voda in topen kamen, ki skupaj ustvarjata čarobni svet podzemnih jam, izginjajočih rek, vrtač in drugih kraških pojavov. Naša planota Kras je dala ime vsem pokrajinam na svetu s podobno sestavo tal, pa tudi njihovim naravnim pojavom.
Najbolj osupljivo kraško čudo so podzemne jame, med številnimi podzemnimi lepoticami pa imajo prav posebno mesto Škocjanske jame z enim največjih podzemskih kanjonov na svetu, vpisane na seznam svetovne dediščine UNESCO.
Beli lipicanci so doma v Lipici na Krasu. Kobilarna Lipica, ustanovljena leta 1580, je s 300 plemenitimi belimi konji največja kobilarna z lipicanci na svetu. Konjeniški park Lipica s suhimi kamnitimi zidovi in kultivirano kraško gmajno predstavlja vso lepoto tipične kraške krajine.
Slikoviti Štanjel, srednjeveška vasica in hkrati eno najstarejših naselij na Krasu, je čudovit primer kraške arhitekture in stavbarstva. Skupaj z gradom in pozneje zgrajenim Ferrarijevim vrtom je izjemen kulturni spomenik.
Na robu kamnitega Krasa vabijo med svoje zelene, rodovitne griče Brkini. To je čudovit svet sadovnjakov in neskončnih travnikov, dežela idiličnega miru za resnično sprostitev.
Kamor koli vas bo na Krasu in v Brkinih zanesla pot, povsod boste lahko uživali v lokalnih dobrotah. Sloviti kraški pršut, edinstven kraški teran in tradicionalna brkinska žganja so le zastavonoše pristne in zelo raznolike kraške gastronomske ponudbe.
Obiščite nas. Spoznajte naše prave barve.
Številne ideje za raziskovanje Krasa in aktivnosti v naravi najdete na www.visitkras.si.
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