Pri VIP prevozih združujemo luksuz, udobje in zanesljivost in se prilagajamo vašim željam– naj gre za osebne ali poslovne storitve. Prepustite vožnjo nam in uživajte v udobju. 🌐
📞 +386 41 66 19 18
#VIPprevozi #VIPtransfers #ChauffeurService #VIP #Mercedes #FirstClass #Business #DriveInStyle
VIP transport combines luxury, comfort and reliability and is tailored to your wishes - whether it's personal or business. Let us do the driving and enjoy the comfort. 🌐
📞 +386 41 66 19 18
[VIP prevozi x Hotel Cubo] S Hotelom Cubo že od pričetka sodelovanja združujemo udobje, prestiž, zanesljivost. ⭐ Skupaj ohranjamo najvišjo raven udobja in skrbimo za najpomembnejše - zadovoljstvo gostov hotela. 👑
#VIPprevozi #VIPtransfers #HotelCubo #Collaboration #Mercedes #Luxury #Elegance
[VIP prevozi x Hotel Cubo] Since the beginning of our cooperation with Hotel Cubo, we have been combining comfort, prestige and reliability. ⭐ Together we maintain the highest level of comfort and care for the most important thing - the satisfaction of hotel guests. 👑
Prelepi utrinki z dogodka Virtuoso Chairman's Slovenia 2024. ✨Luxury Slovenia Virtuoso Travel Kempinski Palace Portorož ❣
#VIPprevozi #ChauffeurService #VIP #Mercedes #FirstClass #Business
Beautiful highlights from the Virtuoso Chairman's Slovenia 2024 event. ❣
[VIP PREVOZI x Best Western Premier Hotel Slon] Skupaj stremimo k zagotavljanju maksimalnega udobja in skrbimo, da je zadovoljstvo naših strank vedno na prvem mestu. 💝
December je tu in čas je za nepozabne trenutke in doživetja. ❣
#VIPprevozi #VIPtransfers #BWPHotelSlon #HotelSlon #Collaboration #Merdeces #Luxury #Elegance
[VIP PREVOZI x Best Western Premier Hotel Slon] Together we strive to provide maximum comfort and make sure that the satisfaction of our customers always comes first. 💝
December is here and it's time for unforgettable moments and experiences. ❣
[MERCEDES BENZ S CLASS] Neprekosljiva eleganca razreda S združuje prefinjen dizajn in udobje, ki si ga zasluži vsak potnik. ❤ To vozilo ni le avto, je izkušnja ... in je le klik stran. 😎
#VIPprevozi #ChauffeurService #VIP #Mercedes #SClass #FirstClass #Business
[MERCEDES BENZ S CLASS] The unrivalled elegance of the S Class combines sophisticated design with the comfort every passenger deserves. ❤ This vehicle is not just a car, it's an experience ... and it's just a click away. 😎
[DOGODKI] 16. novembra smo na Vranskem sodelovali na dogodku varne vožnje za poklicne voznike avtobusov, kjer so bila v ospredju vsakodnevna tveganja v prometu. 🚙
Cilj je bil povečati zavedanje o pomembnosti prometne varnosti, saj strokovnost, natančnost in odgovornost poklicnih voznikov ključno prispevajo k varnejšim cestam. 🚦
#VIPprevozi #ChauffeurService #VIP #Mercedes #FirstClass #Business #Event #SafetyFirst
[EVENTS] On November 16th, we took part in a safe driving event for professional bus drivers in Vransko, where the focus was on everyday risks in traffic. 🚙
The aim was to raise awareness of the importance of road safety, as professionalism, punctuality and responsibility of professional drivers make a key contribution to safer roads. 🚦
[UTRINKI] Nepozabna velika otvoritev Grand Casino Mons Ljubljana 🎉
#VIPprevozi #ChauffeurService #VIP #Mercedes #FirstClass #Business #CasinoOpening
[HIGHLIGHTS] An unforgettable grand opening of the Grand Casino Mons Ljubljana 🎉
V veselje nam je bilo sodelovati na letošnjem dogodku Virtuoso Chairman's Slovenia. ✨ Hvala Luxury Slovenia Virtuoso Travel 🎉 Kempinski Palace Portorož
#Event #VIPtransfers #VIPprevozi #ChairmansSlovenia #Professional #Business #Mercedes #FirstClass
It was our pleasure to participate in this year's Virtuoso Chairman's Slovenia event. ✨ Thank you Luxury Slovenia Virtuoso Travel 🎉 Kempinski Palace Portorož
[UTRINKI] Eleganca in udobje na poročni dan.💍
Letošnji poročni sejem na SKEDENJ je bil pravo doživetje. 😊
#VIPprevozi #ChauffeurService #VIP #Mercedes #FirstClass #Business #weddingfair
Cvetličarna Na Ovinku Daniel Photography Merit Showroom Atelier Rebul Slovenia
[HIGHLIGHTS] Elegance and comfort on your wedding day.💍
This year's wedding fair at SKEDENJ was quite an experience. 😊
[360°] Zapeljite se z našim Mercedes Benz S Class in uživajte v nadvse udobni vožnji. Vedno poskrbimo tudi za hidracijo. 💪😉
#VIPprevozi #ChauffeurService #VIP #Mercedes #FirstClass #Business
[360°] Drive in style with our Mercedes Benz S Class and enjoy an extremely comfortable ride. We also always take care of hydration. 💪😉
[MERDECES BENZ SPRINTER] Potrebujete zasebni ali poslovni prevoz za večje število ljudi? 👉 Izberite Sprinterja. ✨
Naše najbolj prostorno in luksuzno kombi vozilo sprejme do 8 potnikov.
Brezskrbna vožnja v najboljši družbi in udobju naših VIP sedežev. 👑👉
#VIPprevozi #ChauffeurService #VIP #Mercedes #FirstClass #Business
[MERDECES BENZ SPRINTER] Do you need private or business transport for a large number of people? 👉 Choose Sprinter. ✨ Our most spacious and luxurious van can accommodate up to 8 passengers.
A carefree ride in the best company and comfort of our VIP seats. 👑👉
About Saturday night … ⭐️💎 Lidija Bacic Lille Thank you for riding with us, always a pleasure. ❤️
#VIPprevozi #ChauffeurService #VIP #Mercedes #FirstClass #Business