The mission of the Network is to promote citizens participation in Central and Eastern Europe and provide opportunities for grassroots initiatives to learn and exchange experiences and ideas. General aim
The main aim of the Network is to ensure democratic systems through citizen participation. Democratic systems endure when there is the mutually reinforcing practice and belief of transpa
rent, free and open citizen participation. That is why citizen participation needs to be fostered. The Network exists to both improve each member organization's efforts and also result in some external impact in the CEE region having in mind the following values:
Every citizen has the right to participate in the design and implementation of those activities affecting their lives, their families and their communities. Active inclusion of the unempowered and marginalized as equal partners must be ensured and stimulated. Respect for the diversity of our membership and their experiences. Mutual trust, shared vision, common aims and beliefs of the network members. Objectives
Increase awareness of the general public throughout CEE on the potential and actual impact of citizen initiatives. Increase skills and capacities of citizens to more effectively participate in local, regional and national development. Promote citizen participation in CEE. Activities
Network follows an annual work plan that includes but is not limited to:
Citizen Participation Week - annual week long program with simultaneous national and local events to heighten importance of active citizens
Citizen Participation University - early summer activity for people working in this field which provides time for reflection by combining theory and experience
Conducts action studies – documenting actual experience on participation in Europe which helps analysis and reflection
Promoting e-participation tools – exploring additional ways in which citizens can more effectively be active
Exchange experience and best practices – sharing of things that are being learned about how better to ensure active participation
Encourages joint activities and actual exchanges of grassroots initiatives – learning firsthand how others have brought about change