
Ecocapsule Ecocapsule is a portable house offering an unmatched dwelling experience.



Od transportu a aranžmánu až po večernú oslavu – zachytili sme celý proces uvedenia nášho nového produktu. V tomto videu nahliadnete do zákulisia príprav, spoznáte tím, ktorý všetko zorganizoval, a zažijete atmosféru launch eventu.
🎥 Kliknite a pozrite si, ako sme privítali Ecocapsule Box vo veľkom štýle!

👀 Ak chcete vidieť Box na vlastné oči, rezervujte si miesto na prehliadku cez [email protected]. Objednávať Boxy už viete aj cez náš web

Ďakujeme Roman Priščák za zachytenie atmosféry večera!

From transport and setup to the evening celebration – we captured the entire process of introducing our new product. This video takes you behind the scenes of the preparations, introduces the team that made it happen, and lets you experience the atmosphere of the launch event.

🎥 Click to watch how we welcomed the Ecocapsule Box in style!
If you want to see the Box in person, book your spot for a tour at [email protected]. You can order your Box now:

A big thank you to Roman Priščák for capturing the evening's atmosphere!

🤩 Bývať vo svojom Ecocapsule Boxe už o 2 mesiace?! 🤩 Hľadáte inovatívne a rýchle riešenie pre váš pozemok, záhradu alebo...

🤩 Bývať vo svojom Ecocapsule Boxe už o 2 mesiace?! 🤩

Hľadáte inovatívne a rýchle riešenie pre váš pozemok, záhradu alebo udržateľné bývanie? Chcete mať rovno z postele výhľad ako na fotografii? Box je odpoveďou! Spája minimalistický dizajn, funkčnosť a energetickú nezávislosť vďaka solárnej energii a vysoko kapacitným batériam. 🌱

Navštívte, prezrite si všetky detaily a pridajte sa k tým, ktorí už objavili výhody tohto jedinečného riešenia.

🧐Ak ho chcete najprv vidieť naživo, dohodnite si obhliadku s naším sales manažérmi cez [email protected] alebo [email protected].

Náš cieľ je postupne čas dodania skracovať na čo najnižšie možné minimum!
🤩 Living in your Ecocapsule Box in 2 months?! 🤩

Are you looking for an innovative and quick solution for your plot, garden or sustainable living? Do you want to have a view straight from your bed like in the photo? Box is the answer! It combines minimalist design, functionality and energy independence thanks to solar energy and high-capacity batteries. 🌱

Visit to see all the details and join those who have already discovered the benefits of this unique solution.

🧐If you want to see it live first, arrange a visit with our sales managers via [email protected] or [email protected].

Our goal is to gradually reduce the delivery time to the lowest possible minimum!

photo credit: Tomáš Manina

👉 The Ecocapsule Box is here 👈And here we go! Yesterday, we officially unveiled our new product at a fantastic event hel...

👉 The Ecocapsule Box is here 👈

And here we go! Yesterday, we officially unveiled our new product at a fantastic event held at a location with the most stunning backdrop for a launch. ♥ From the morning, the Box was buzzing with potential buyers and journalists, and in the evening, we were joined by potential investors, as you still have the opportunity to invest in Ecocapsule through Crowdberry.

✔️ If the Ecocapsule Box is exactly what you're looking for to enhance your property or garden, contact us at [email protected].
✔️ For more information, visit our beautiful new website at

Last but not least, a big thank you to our first customer, who is building an eco-resort with three Boxes in Tatranská Lomnica. A link to their website can be found in the comments.

Project Update: Ecocapsule BoxesS radosťou oznamujeme, že Ecocapsule boxy sa blížia k svojmu dokončeniu. Momentálne inšt...

Project Update: Ecocapsule Boxes

S radosťou oznamujeme, že Ecocapsule boxy sa blížia k svojmu dokončeniu. Momentálne inštalujeme fasádu, ktorá je tvorená solárnymi panelmi doplnenými čiernym drevom – kombinácia, ktorá spája funkčnosť s modernou estetikou. Zároveň dokončujeme aj interiér, aby spĺňal najvyššie štandardy kvality a dizajnu.

Nezabudnite, že oficiálne uvedenie produktu na trh sa uskutoční v pondelok 9. decembra v Bratislave. Stále si môžete zabezpečiť miesto cez [email protected].

Sledujte nás na ďalšie novinky, ako sa blížime k tomuto významnému míľniku!

Project Update: Ecocapsule Boxes

We are pleased to share that the Ecocapsule boxes are nearing completion. Currently, we are installing the façade, which features solar panels complemented by black wood accents, combining functionality with a modern aesthetic. At the same time, the interior is being finalized to ensure it meets the highest standards of quality and design.

Don’t forget that the official product launch will take place on Monday, December 9, in Bratislava. You can still secure your spot by contacting us at [email protected].

Stay tuned for more updates as we approach this exciting milestone!

UNBOXING THE BOX: Predstavenie Ecocapsule Boxu – 9. december v Bratislave!Náš nový produkt, Ecocapsule Box, je konečne t...

Predstavenie Ecocapsule Boxu – 9. december v Bratislave!

Náš nový produkt, Ecocapsule Box, je konečne tu! Spojenie moderných technológií a udržateľného bývania prináša inovatívny dizajn, ktorý bude oficiálne predstavený 9. decembra v Bratislave.

Chcete si ho pozrieť naživo? Zaregistrujte sa e-mailom na [email protected] a zažite Ecocapsule Box zblízka.

Ak premýšľate nad kúpou Ecocapsule Boxu, toto je ideálna príležitosť vidieť jeho vlastnosti a priestor na vlastné oči a presvedčiť sa o jeho jedinečnosti.
Viac informácií o produkte nájdete na našej novej webovej stránke

Nenechajte si ujsť túto exkluzívnu príležitosť!

The Launch of the Ecocapsule Box – December 9th in Bratislava!

Our new product, the Ecocapsule Box, is finally here! Blending cutting-edge technology with sustainable living, this innovative design will officially launch on December 9th in Bratislava.

Want to see it in person? Here’s your chance! Experience the Ecocapsule Box up close by registering via email at [email protected].

If you’ve been considering buying the Ecocapsule Box, this is the ideal moment to explore its features and discover what makes it truly unique. For more information, visit our new website at

Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of this exciting unveiling!

🌍PRVÝ EKO-REZORT Z ECOCAPSULE BOXOV!🌍Základom dobrého biznisu sú partneri, ktorí s vami zdieľajú rovnaké hodnoty. My sme...


Základom dobrého biznisu sú partneri, ktorí s vami zdieľajú rovnaké hodnoty. My sme hrdí na to, že máme prvého klienta, ktorý verí v udržateľnosť, inovácie a rešpekt k prírode rovnako ako my. Onedlho otvára jedinečný eko-rezort Glamperka, ktorý bude kompletne poskladaný z našich Ecocapsule Boxov! 🌿🌍✨

Z ich vlastných slov:
„Glamperku sme vytvorili ako alternatívu ku klasickým hotelom, s dôrazom na súkromie a pokoj. Staviame na kvalitnej architektúre, smart riešeniach a dôraze na trvácnosť. Súčasťou vybavenia ecocapsúl budú napríklad aj dizajnové kúsky z nášho Bunt showroomu. Sami v živote hľadáme a vytvárame riešenia, ktoré nám chýbajú. Luxusné kempovanie vo Vysokých Tatrách prinesie jedinečný zážitok – spojenie s prírodou a maximálny komfort, ideálny na víkendový oddych aj dlhšie pobyty. Glamperka je ideálnym útočiskom pre econadšencov a milovníkov prírody, ktorí chcú zažiť spojenie s okolím bez kompromisov v otázke pohodlia.“

Máte záujem o vlastný Ecocapsule Box?
Kontaktujte nás! cez náš nový web alebo priamo cez našeho sales manažéra 💌 [email protected]


The foundation of a successful business lies in partners who share the same values. We are proud to have our first client who believes in sustainability, innovation, and respect for nature as much as we do. Soon, they will open a unique eco-resort, Glamperka, fully built with our Ecocapsule Boxes!🌿🌍✨

In their own words:
"We created Glamperka as an alternative to traditional hotels, emphasizing privacy and tranquility. We focus on quality architecture, smart solutions, and durability. The ecocapsules will include design pieces from our Bunt showroom. In our own lives, we seek and create solutions that are missing. Luxury camping in the High Tatras will offer a unique experience – a connection with nature combined with maximum comfort, perfect for a weekend getaway or longer stays. Glamperka is an ideal retreat for eco-enthusiasts and nature lovers who want to connect with their surroundings without compromising on comfort."

Interested in your own Ecocapsule Box?
Contact us via our new website or directly through our sales manager 💌 [email protected].

Prvé tri kusy Ecocapsule Boxu naberajú reálne kontúry! 🚀🌍S nadšením vám prinášame novinky – sme v polovici výroby prvých...

Prvé tri kusy Ecocapsule Boxu naberajú reálne kontúry! 🚀🌍

S nadšením vám prinášame novinky – sme v polovici výroby prvých troch kusov Ecocapsule Boxu pre konkrétneho klienta! Boxy už nadobúdajú svoje finálne tvary a ich jedinečný dizajn a funkčnosť sa postupne zhmotňujú.

Bez akejkoľvek reklamy si prvé kusy našli svojho majiteľa, ktorý z nich plánuje vybudovať jedinečný ekorezort. Sme hrdí, že môžeme byť súčasťou tejto vízie, ktorá dokonale odráža hodnoty udržateľnosti a inovatívneho využitia priestoru. 🌿

Výroba pokračuje podľa plánu a začiatkom decembra sa môžete tešiť na oficiálny launch Ecocapsule Boxu. Zároveň vám postupne predstavíme aj spomínaný ekorezort, ktorý ukáže, ako môže vyzerať udržateľná budúcnosť. Sledujte nás na našej ceste k výsledku a buďte pri tom! 🔧✨

Nadšenie z pokroku najlepšie vyjadruje fotka našich zakladateľov a CEO, ktorí sú totálne nadšení! 🤩

Máte záujem o vlastný Ecocapsule Box? Kontaktujte nás! cez náš nový web www.ecocapsule .sk alebo priamo cez našeho sales manažéra 💌 [email protected]

The first three Ecocapsule Boxes are taking shape! 🚀🌍

We’re excited to share the news – we’re halfway through the production of the first three Ecocapsule Boxes for a specific client! The boxes are starting to take their final shape, and their unique design and functionality are becoming more evident every day.

Without any advertising, the first units have already found their owner, who plans to use them to create a one-of-a-kind eco-resort. We’re proud to be part of this vision that perfectly reflects the values of sustainability and innovative space utilization. 🌿

Production is progressing as planned, and at the beginning of December, we’ll officially launch the Ecocapsule Box. We’ll also gradually unveil the eco-resort project to showcase how a sustainable future can look. Stay tuned as we move closer to the final results! 🔧✨

The excitement about the progress is best expressed by the photo of our founders and CEO, who are totally thrilled! 🤩

Are you interested in your own Ecocapsule Box? Get in touch with us! Via our new website www.ecocapsule .sk or directly via our sales manager 💌 [email protected]

👉Ideálne prvé bývanie pre mladé rodiny👈Ecocapsule Box je skvelou voľbou pre mladé rodiny, ktoré hľadajú svoje prvé bývan...

👉Ideálne prvé bývanie pre mladé rodiny👈

Ecocapsule Box je skvelou voľbou pre mladé rodiny, ktoré hľadajú svoje prvé bývanie. Ponúka udržateľnú a cenovo dostupnú alternatívu k mestskému životu a poskytuje všetko potrebné pre bývanie, pričom si zachováva flexibilitu do budúcnosti.

Vďaka modulárnemu dizajnu vytvára pohodlný a praktický priestor, ktorý vyhovuje aktuálnym potrebám, no zároveň umožňuje rast. Či už potrebujete ďalšie miestnosti, viac úložného priestoru alebo prispôsobenie dispozície, priestor sa dá jednoducho upraviť podľa vášho životného štýlu.

Začnite budovať svoju budúcnosť už dnes s Ecocapsule Box—domovom, ktorý rastie spolu s vami a podporuje udržateľné a pohodlné bývanie na mnoho rokov.

Viac info na našom novom webe:

👉Perfect Fit for Young Families’ First Home👈

Ecocapsule Box is an excellent choice for young families looking to take their first step into permanent living. Offering a sustainable and affordable alternative to city life, The Box provides all the essentials for starting a home while keeping future flexibility in mind.

If you’re searching for your first home, The Box delivers a cost-effective and quick-to-set-up solution. Thanks to its modular design, it creates a comfortable and practical space that fits your current needs while allowing for growth. Whether you need additional rooms, more storage, or a customized layout, the space can be easily adjusted over time to match your changing lifestyle.

Start building your future today with Ecocapsule Box—a home that grows with you and supports sustainable, comfortable living for years to come.

🤩Introducing a customizable, real-time model of the Ecocapsule Box—developed with the super easy-to-use tool from Vectar...

🤩Introducing a customizable, real-time model of the Ecocapsule Box—developed with the super easy-to-use tool from Vectary to help you bring your vision to life. This interactive tool lets you explore all within a realistic 3D environment.

👀You can choose to take a tour around the exterior as well as the interior walk through. 👣 Step inside your design and see The Box exactly as you envision it.🤛

You can unlock the 3D model experience here:

More info about the product on our new website:

🧐Have you ever dreamed about having an eco-resort that can be set up in just a few days—sustainable yet offering more sp...

🧐Have you ever dreamed about having an eco-resort that can be set up in just a few days—sustainable yet offering more spacious cabins? The Ecocapsule Box might be just what you're looking for!

🌄Designed for free-spirited, eco-conscious people with a touch of rebel mind, these compact, off-grid units offer the freedom to create a unique resort in stunning, remote locations with minimal environmental impact.
Equipped with solar panels, and high-quality insulation, Ecocapsule Boxes let you build a comfortable, sustainable retreat that’s a little outside the box—perfect for adventurous souls who want to live in harmony with nature while making a statement. 🌍

👉Na základe nedávneho prieskumu medzi našimi zákazníkmi sme získali cenné poznatky o tom, čo si na Ecocapsuli najviac ce...

👉Na základe nedávneho prieskumu medzi našimi zákazníkmi sme získali cenné poznatky o tom, čo si na Ecocapsuli najviac cenia a aké cenové rozpätie považujú za primerané.

✅V reakcii na to predstavujeme nový produkt s názvom The Box—navrhnutý tak, aby spĺňal tieto požiadavky a zároveň prilákal väčšiu pozornosť masového trhu vďaka prístupnejšej cene.

The Box bol vyvinutý s dôrazom na energetickú efektívnosť, schopnosť fungovať mimo siete a kompaktné prevedenie, čím priamo odráža spätnú väzbu, ktorú sme dostali. 🌎♻️


👉Based on a recent survey among our customers, we've gained valuable insights into what they appreciate most about Ecocapsule and what price range feels right.

✅In response, we’re introducing The Box—a new product tailored to meet these needs and attract greater attention from the mass market with its more accessible price.

Designed with energy efficiency, off-grid capability, and compact form in mind, The Box directly reflects the feedback we received.

THINK INSIDE THE BOX 📦📦Ecocapsule, to výstredné malé „vajíčko“, ktoré vám umožní žiť off-grid vo veľkom štýle. Ale čo ak...


Ecocapsule, to výstredné malé „vajíčko“, ktoré vám umožní žiť off-grid vo veľkom štýle. Ale čo ak tam chcete vziať celú rodinu? Čo ak máte chuť na ešte väčšie „vajíčko“? 🤔
Preto sme urobili pravý opak "thinking outside the box" – išli sme doslova „inside the box“. 💯A, čuduj sa svete, ukázalo sa, že život vo veľkej krabici má svoje nesporné výhody.
📢Predstavujeme vám ‼️The Box‼️ Je to väčší a praktickejší súrodenec Ecocapsule. Rovnaká off-grid technológia, ale s miestom pre viac ľudí, viac vecí, viac... čokoľvek, čo chcete. 🏠
Je to ako život mimo sietí, len s rovnými stenami. A kto by nemal rád starú dobrú rovnú stenu? ✅

👉viac info na našej novej webovej stránke 🌐 🌐
Everyone’s been going mad for the Ecocapsule, yeah? That sleek little egg that lets you go off-grid in style. But then we thought... what if you want to fit the whole family in there? What if you fancy an even bigger egg? 🤔

So we’ve done the opposite of ‘thinking outside the box’ – we’ve gone inside the box. And, surprise, surprise, turns out living in a big rectangle actually has its perks.
‼️Meet The Box ‼️ It’s the Ecocapsule’s bigger, more practical sibling. Same off-grid tech, but room for more people, more stuff, more... whatever you want. ✅✅

Rectangle life – it's like off-grid living but with corners. And who doesn’t love a good corner?
👉more info on 🌐 🌐

🍂🎃 Happy Halloween from Ecocapsule! As the autumn leaves fall, it’s the perfect opportunity to connect with nature. Our ...

🍂🎃 Happy Halloween from Ecocapsule! As the autumn leaves fall, it’s the perfect opportunity to connect with nature. Our Ecocapsule provides a cozy escape amidst the beautiful autumn landscape. Imagine sipping hot cocoa while surrounded by vibrant colors and the sounds of nature.

Take a moment to embrace the season and enjoy ultimate life moments with us. 🌿✨

In the heart of Lithuanian’s wild beauty, the Ecocapsule blends effortlessly with nature. 🌲This incredible off-grid solu...

In the heart of Lithuanian’s wild beauty, the Ecocapsule blends effortlessly with nature. 🌲

This incredible off-grid solution lets you experience sustainable living without compromising on comfort. Estonia’s serene landscape reminds us how much we can gain when we live in harmony with the environment.

Would you stay here for a weekend getaway? 🌿

✨ Disconnect to reconnect ✨In the quiet of nature, under a sky filled with countless stars, it's easy to lose track of t...

✨ Disconnect to reconnect ✨

In the quiet of nature, under a sky filled with countless stars, it's easy to lose track of time and rediscover life's most meaningful moments. 🌌 Our Ecocapsule invites you to step off the grid and embrace the awe of the ultimate escape – where the noise of everyday life fades and you can truly feel the magic of the universe.

📸 Captured by our CEO, who recently spent the night in Ecocapsule

Imagine waking up to the gentle sounds of nature, breathing in the fresh air, and feeling in harmony with the world arou...

Imagine waking up to the gentle sounds of nature, breathing in the fresh air, and feeling in harmony with the world around you. With Ecocapsule, you don’t just live off-grid, you rediscover the wildness within you. ✨

Our self-sustainable micro-homes give you the freedom to embrace life in balance with nature, wherever your adventure takes you. Whether it's a secluded forest or a remote mountainside, the Ecocapsule lets you reconnect with the Earth while keeping all the comforts of modern living.

Explore. Live freely. Find the wilderness within.


🎥Check out the recent report by Televízna Regina RTVS featuring Ecocapsule located in Stupava, Slovakia and learn more about how this incredible invention is changing the future of housing! 🏡

Link to full report:

We’re proud to announce that Ecocapsule was attending the Rally Innovation Conference 2024 in Indianapolis, one of the l...

We’re proud to announce that Ecocapsule was attending the Rally Innovation Conference 2024 in Indianapolis, one of the largest global cross-sector innovation events 🚀

Our very own US representative, Juraj Gerzeni, took the stage to share insights on sustainable innovation and how Ecocapsule is redefining off-grid living.

Thank you to everyone who attended our session and visited our kiosk. Your enthusiasm and support drive us to keep innovating for a greener future. 🌍


Budkova 22


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