During the walking tour in Slovakia's capital our guides like to stop the schoolchildren and ask them to sing something for the foreign visitors.
Today, the guests from the ship A-ROSA Kreuzfahrten Riva were able to experience such a small concert in the courtyard of the town hall. The kids seemed so happy and excited, and their happiness and excitement was infectious for everyone.
This is also a reason why to fall in love with Bratislava!
During the Advent season our groups have a unique opportunity to experience a special live concert in the Chapel of St. Ladislaus with international carols. Especially the German guests love the singing version of "O Tannenbaum". Did you know that this famous Christmas carol was originally written in 1820 and that the US State of Maryland uses this well-known melody as its official anthem?
Today we started our Christmas programmes on the Danube for the river cruise guests. The visitors not only explored Bratislava by red city train and walking tour, but also tasted the oldest Slovak Christmas food - bobalky with poppy and honey wine and experienced a wonderful concert with Advent songs in the Gothic Chapel of St. Catherine built in 1325. Dancing guide Katarina is a nice bonus :)
Beautiful advertisement of the river Danube and Bratislava in the documentary ,,Christmas Cruising with Susan Calman''!
And as you can see - the tour in our red train Vláčik Blaváčik - Bratislava City Train and visit of Bratislava Castle can't be missed 😀
Finally we started today with the Christmas cruises programmes for the river cruise guests. First Sunday of Advent our german guests enjoyed a ,,Slovak Christmas'' with tasting of our oldest christmas speciality ,,Bobalky'' together with sweet honey wine and wonderful private concert in the Bratislava's oldest gothic chapel of St. Catherine. It's great to have this most beautiful time of the year back without any restrictions!
Heute haben wir endlich mit den Weihnachtsprogrammen für die Flusskreuzfahrtgäste begonnen. Am ersten Adventssonntag genossen unsere deutschen Gäste eine ,,Slowakische Weihnacht'' mit Verkostung unserer ältesten Weihnachtsspezialität ,,Bobalky'' zusammen mit süßem Honigwein und einem wunderbaren Privatkonzert in der ältesten gotischen Kapelle von Bratislava, der St. Katharinen-Kapelle. Es ist großartig, diese schönste Zeit des Jahres wieder ohne Einschränkungen erleben zu können!
Dnes sme konečne začali s vianočnými programami pre hostí z kabínkových lodí. Prvú adventnú nedeľu si naši nemeckí hostia užili ,,Slovenské Vianoce'' s ochutnávkou našej najstaršej vianočnej špeciality ,,Bobáľky'' spolu so sladkou medovinou a nádherným súkromným koncertom v najstaršej bratislavskej gotickej kaplnke svätej Kataríny. Je skvelé, že toto najkrajšie obdobie roka je opäť bez akýchkoľvek obmedzení!
Bratislava city train
Start of our most popular city tour with red noddy train!
Bratislava Sightseeing City train Guide Caste Old Town
Good morning from Bratislava!