Príbehy najvážnejších záchran plavčíkov High Sierra Pools počas minulej sezóny 2016...
Alexandru Melnic; Cabot Crossing Pool, Boston, MA
It was a sunny day on June 4th. I was on duty and we didn’t have many people. At one point three friends between 25 and 30 years of age came to the pool. The first one was a good swimmer, the second was just tanning and the third one was not a strong swimmer, but he was trying. At first he was at 3 feet depth, where he was feeling comfortable, but at one point he decided to go across the pool. Since I noticed earlier that he was not a good swimmer I kept a close eye on him. He didn't have enough stamina to go across the pool and he suddenly submerged. When he realized he can't touch the pool bottom I saw the panic in his eyes. I activated the EAP, I jumped into the water and pulled him out to safety. After we were out of the pool he was very thankful. At that moment I realized how important and responsible the lifeguard job is.
Nikola Risova, Potomac Lakes pool at Cascades HOA, Sterling, VA
It was 7:15pm on June 27th. One lifeguard was sitting on the 1st chair near the shallow end of the pool. Another lifeguard was sitting on the chair near the diving boards, whom I was speaking to when a mother came over yelling for help. She explained that her infant was choking after drinking a carton of milk. I immediately went over to the infant and assessed the situation. The infant was conscious but was unable to breathe. So, I alerted an assisting lifeguard to dial 9-1-1.The mother gave consent for me to provide help to her infant. I gave her 5 back blows. Then, as I was switching the infant to her back while preparing to perform chest thrusts, she threw the milk up and started to breath! I was glad to see the infant breathing comfortable with a gracious smile on her face
Mihai-Madalin Busaga, Camden College Park, MD
On July 23, at 8:00pm, I blew my whistle to call to let everyone know that the pool is about to be closed. I asked everyone to leave the pool. I stood up from my chair and walked around the pool when I saw a boy (5-6 years old) submerged. I immediately jumped in the water, pulled the child out on the deck and started procedure for first aid. The boy was unconscious and I started CPR. After the first cycle (compressions and breaths) he became responsive and started to vomit. While I was doing my rescue, bystander called 911 and EMS arrived few minutes later. They transported him to the hospital and, from what I hear, he is great now.
It was a good experience for me to realize how important my job is. LIFEGUARD!
Zoran Gurdeljevic; McNair Farm, VA
I was at my pool on Wednesday June 29th, a bright and sunny day. Around 7pm we had swimming lessons, and the pool was crowded. One boy around 7 years old, was swimming with a kickboard. He was swimming for 10 minutes in 3 and 1/2 feet depth, I kept eye on him, and suddenly he slid from the kickboard, he couldn't reach the bottom, and started to panic. I activated EAP, jumped into water, grabbed him and pulled him out of the water. His mother came immediately, and she was thankful. I advised her, that the child should wear life west. Later the child continued to swim, as if nothing had happened, but with his mother in the water.
Stefan Markovic; Broadlands Summerbrooke Pool, VA
On June 16th I had to use knowledge and skills learned from lifeguard training in Serbia. One older gentleman fell down and lost consciousness for a few seconds. I pulled him up in the chair and brought him banana and orange juice because I suspected diabetic emergency and I was right. I also put ice pack on his neck to make him feel better. He was good after a few minutes. I stayed with him until his wife came and took him home .
So, lifeguards, if you want happy ending, be always 100% prepared to react and help! "
Alzbeta Adamcova; Falcons Landing, VA
The day started as usual, I finished with the duties of the pool operator when 3 elder ladies came to visit my pool. It was few minutes after opening the pool. These ladies usually come at the beginning of the day to exercise using noodles and water weights. While I was checking the pool status, one of them had a seizure in the middle of the pool. I immediately jumped to the pool and supported her with my rescue tube underneath her back, which helped me to keep her head on the surface until her seizure passed. At this time I asked one of the women to call 911. The seizure lasted less than one minute. After that I helped her to a chair and covered her with towels to keep her warm. The EMS arrived in ten minutes and I helped them by opening the emergency gate and explaining the incident. She went through a couple of examinations and the doctors in the hospital didn't find anything serious. Now she is doing better. My advice to you guys: stay alert all the time!