
Olelculture Olelculture It helps the artist groups or bands to record albums or produces himself in live. This sponsorship of a group or of a clan or a crew.

www.myspace.com/olelculture face.com/ olelculture
phone number : 77 574 05 56
fax; 221338773114 zip code ;19521
General administrator : Cheikh LY
Programof Senegal
• OLELCULTURE is a cultural structure of production and promotion
• and of management of all kind. OLELCULTURE is a support to sided with production and promotional that helps
the artist or the group has found a spo

nsor in Senegal and elsewhere. The Individual Sponsorship (PI)

The individual sponsorship is a relation that binds a sponsor or a godmother to
an artistic inscribes in OLELCULTURE and a group without production or with
production. It binds a national structure or international to a cultural group. When the artist or the group takes an help, a contract or an invitation in a
manifestation any concerts or festival. OLELCULTURE according to the deed the amiability to the artist or the group
OLELCULTURE proceeds always to the coherent of the artist or the group. This customer permits us to protect the artist or the group in trader
Interests of the customer of OLELCULTURE. Nb.tours of artists and their artistic exhibitions, schools of dance and of percussion work shop

OLELCULTURE feels in the obligation and honors to protect the artist or
groups by the respect of its cultural productive values. OLELCULTURE is then intermediate directing of the relation artistic/label
or group. Philosophy of the Sponsorship
To OLELCULTURE, the sponsorship of an artist or a group is rather done
by the benefits on his cultural community. In fact , the artist or the sponsored group and the ambassador of his
community. The philosophy of the unfolded sponsorship manifest by :
- A deep spirit of interdependence and of cultural help
- principles and strong values
- A contract enters several actors of cultural
development from here and besides . Mission and Objective
Objective 1:
To contribute to the improvement of the artists to gain access to their
productivity. Objective 2 :
To contribute to the improvement of the plenty of their products of audio and
video live performances. [email protected] representative in Jerusalem



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