El Salvador Tips

El Salvador Tips Free information about tourism in El Salvador Tourism accounts for a large part of El Salvador's economy.

It offers many natural attractions including, beautiful beaches, a mild tropical climate and lush landscapes. It also offers an important archaeological and ecological heritage, with colonial and pre-Columbian vestiges, and national reserves. El Salvador also has an exceptional potential in the field of cultural tourism, with over 2,000 known archaeological sites, samples of Maya and Olmec culture

s, mainly. They stand out for their importance the archaeological remains of the Pyramids of San Andrés, Joya de Cerén, Cihuatán, Quelepa, Tazumal and Tehuacán. While tourism is an activity that exploded few over the past two decades due to political instability in times of civil war, after the Peace Accords, signed in 1992, there were new expectations, although its development went slowly due to lack of infrastructure in rural areas of the country because the government of the day established other priorities in economic policy, as the maquila. A feature of the territory is that the extension is small. To El Salvador it is known as the country of the 40 minutes because from the capital it is accessed in that time to various tourist attractions: beaches along the south of the territory, mountains located west north and inland towns. As with all peoples of the world El Salvador highlights the personality of Salvadorans, have human qualities, since they are delivered completely to please their visitors.


Small towns dedicated to the craftsmanship of wooden,objects,clay,natural fibers and recycled materials,a destination where you can visit its workshops and create your own souvenirs.These towns also offer a mix of entertainment .natural beauty,history,and an array of small mountains hotels and restaurants which will impress you during your stay.for more information please visit http://www.mayatriangle.com/


El Salvador.
Tierra de volcanes
En primera vista,El Izalco, en medio, Cerro Verde,(Parque Nacional Los Volcanes), luego, el Ilamatepec Apaneca Cordillera volcanica y al fondo a lo lejos, Volcan El Chingo frontera con Guatemala,El Salvador.

El Salvador.
Land of volcanoes on firts view Izalco,The green hill national park (National Park the Volcanoes),Santa Ana Volcano,Ilamatepec Mount range and Chingo Volcano boarder with Guatemala,El Salvador on the background.


Exploration is curiosity put into action. 🏞🐒

📍Bosque Chaguantique, Jiquilisco, Usulután
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(Manuel José de Arce y Fagoaga; San Salvador, 1786 - id., 1847) Político y militar salvadoreño, primer presidente de la República Federal de Centro América (1825-1829), surgida de la constitución dos años antes de las Provincias Unidas de América Central. Las pugnas y disensiones entre los estados y entre liberales y conservadores determinaron el escaso recorrido de esta nueva entidad política, que quedaría disuelta tras el mandato de su segundo presidente, Francisco Morazán (1830-1838).
Manuel José Arce luchó por la independencia de las colonias de la Corona española y contra el Imperio Mexicano. Nombrado jefe del ejército salvadoreño en 1821, formó parte del Congreso General Constituyente de San Salvador. En 1825, ya constituida la República Federal de Centro América (integrada por Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua y Costa Rica), Arce fue elegido presidente.


Punta Chiquirin, La Unión.

Esta playa está cerca de las faldas del Volcán de Conchagua, un paisaje único que encontrarás en la zona oriental del país.

Una Playa y un volcán en el mismo lugar.


Francisco Sánchez dirigente campesino y revolucionario, dirigió el levantamiento campesino en Juayúa el 22 de enero de 1932 es capturado y posteriormente fusilado en la plaza de Juayúa, 1932.


Can you feel the fresh air? Let's go hiking and collect some amazing views.

📍Cerro Eramon, Chalatenango
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Welcome to El Salvador.
In here we post tips about places you should visit in our beautiful country if you have any questions we are available in..www.mayatriangle.com



Punta Chiquirin, La Unión.

Esta playa está cerca de las faldas del Volcán de Conchagua, un paisaje único que encontrarás en la zona oriental del país.

Una Playa y un volcán en el mismo lugar.


Blvd, Del Hipodromo Edificio Skylight Center #202 Zona Rosa San Salvador
San Salvador


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