El Salvador Mayas Tours

El Salvador Mayas Tours El Salvador Mayas Tours Guatemala!¨, sino también en todo Centro América y México

El Salvador Mayas Tours es hoy por hoy, una de las empresas jóvenes con mayor crecimiento, gracias a la responsabilidad creada por todos los que formamos parte de este gran equipo de trabajo, esperando muy pronto que nos den la oportunidad de ser sus prestadores de servicios no solo en el "País de la Eterna Primavera..

Buena Compania de Amigos de Polacos Visistando ya por segunda ves El Pulgarcito Gracias aqui los espero el proximo !!!

Buena Compania de Amigos de Polacos Visistando ya por segunda ves El Pulgarcito Gracias aqui los espero el proximo !!!

Recorriendo el sitio de joyas de ceren y city tour en compania de buenos amigos !!!

Recorriendo el sitio de joyas de ceren y city tour en compania de buenos amigos !!!

un lindo dia para disfrutar la llegada de viejos amigos disfrutando l tour Joyas de Ceren y la Iglesia el Rosario

un lindo dia para disfrutar la llegada de viejos amigos disfrutando l tour Joyas de Ceren y la Iglesia el Rosario

Tour Monsenor Romero //

Tour Monsenor Romero //

Tour El Boqueron, Buggy Tour/ Ataco //

Tour El Boqueron, Buggy Tour/ Ataco //

Tour Puerto Barrilas 2015

Tour Puerto Barrilas 2015

El Salvador is a beautiful country with many natural beauties, cultural, material and immaterial. Its name in the indige...

El Salvador is a beautiful country with many natural beauties, cultural, material and immaterial. Its name in the indigenous language is Cuscatlán, which means “land of jewels,” Jewels that the visitor find in our country.
Its people, lands
capes, lakes, volcanoes, beaches, wildlife and Ancient culture, are only part of the elements by which El Salvador is Impressive!
We invite everyone to discover all the touristic beauties that keep El Salvador, and its routes designed to facilitate tours and experience the magic and culture of our “Pueblos Vivos”.

El Salvador Mayas Tours les invita a pasarla bien Tours los 7 dias de la semana reserva ya tu destino.info: 50379074463/...

El Salvador Mayas Tours les invita a pasarla bien Tours los 7 dias de la semana reserva ya tu destino.
info: 50379074463/
El Salvador Maya Tours invites you to have fun Tours 7 days of week please book your destination.
info: 50379074463 /

Información General !

Información General !

General information about the country Official name: Republic of El Salvador Capital: San Salvador Republican, democratic and representative government Land area: 20,742 km2 Population: 6,757,408 hab. Approx. Currency: US Dollar Language: Spanish, English is spoken in almost all tourist destinations…


General information about the country
Official name: Republic of El Salvador
Capital: San Salvador
Republican, democratic and representative government
Land area: 20,742 km2
Population: 6,757,408 hab. Approx.
Currency: US Dollar
Language: Spanish, English is spoken in almost all tourist destinations and "Nahuatl" it is spoken by some native villages
Religion: Most of it is Catholic or Christian.
National Bird: Torogoz (Momoto Cejiturquesa)
(Yucca guatemalensis) Flower Izote: National Flower
National Tree: Maquilishuat (Tabebuia rosea Family Dignoniageae)
Time: GMT-6
Electricity: 110 volts AC, 60 Hz and 220 volts.
Airport: International Airport El Salvador "Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdamez"
Main Port: Acajutla
Main exports: textiles, coffee, sugar and shrimp.
Weather: Warm all year, betwee rainy season may to October.
Geographical location: El Salvador is located in the southeast of Central America on the Pacific Ocean.
Practical information
Entry requirements: Valid passport, according to the country of origin, sometimes a tourist visa or tourist card at a cost of $ 10 is needed and are usually valid for 90 days.
Communications: You can use an international direct connection to any part anywhere in the world. The country code is 503. The code for international calls is: 00
Mobile: Currently GSM 850, 900, 1900 and 1950 is used.
Fax: Fax is available in all hotels
Internet: Internet is easy to access, Business Centre cafesand hotels and Wi-Fi hotspots
Currency: Visitors are advised to change money only at banks.
Credit and debit cards: Most cards circulating worldwide can be used
Checks: Can be exchanged at banks and hotels, upon presentation of a passport.
Airport Tax: US $ 32.00
Accommodation: The highest concentration of hotels is in the capital city. It isrecommended to book in advance. There are accommodations of all kinds
Tipping: 10% is appropriate in most restaurants and bars. Some already include thetip in the bill.
Clothing: light clothing and some rain along the coast during the rainy season.
Official name: Republic of El Salvador
Capital City: San Salvador
Land area of 20,742 km2
Total population: 6,757,408 inhabitants. Approx.
Currency: US Dollar
Time: GMT-6
Main Port Maritime: Acajutla
Main exports: Textiles, coffee, sugar and shrimp.
Weather: Mainly warm, rainy season between the months of May to October.
Location: El Salvador itself LOCATED located northwest of Central America and on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, is the only country in the region that has no coastline on the Atlantic Ocean.

Ven y disfruta  con nostros este dia sabado  06 de junio  y acompananos a la  Ruta Maya !!!!!

Ven y disfruta con nostros este dia sabado 06 de junio y acompananos a la Ruta Maya !!!!!

El Salvador Mayas Tours Les ofrece La Ruta : Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo RomeroVisita a la capilla de la Divina Providencia a...

El Salvador Mayas Tours
Les ofrece La Ruta : Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero
Visita a la capilla de la Divina Providencia así como la casa museo de nuestro querido mártir con recorrido a la Cripta en el mero corazón. Del centro histórico a la catedral metropolitana.

Reservaciones: 503-7907-4463/ Tours 24 /7 365.

Ben y disfruta con nostros Tours 365 24 / 7 PASEO DE CIUDAD PANORAMICOPASEO DE CIUDAD CULTURALCultural city tourEste pas...

Ben y disfruta con nostros Tours 365 24 / 7



Cultural city tour

Este paseo incluye, la visita a catedral
metropolitana, donde apreciara la
arquitectura del palacio nacional, el
parque Gerardo Barrios, museo de
armas, la puerta del diablo, los Planes
de Renderos.

This tour includes a visit to a nice
residencial areas where you can enjoy
great views of the city, the devils gate
1200 meters above sea level ,the
volcanic lake Ilopango ,chinchontepec
Volcano, the pacific ocean,and large
valley.includes the catedral, national
Palace, army museum ,devils gate.

Visitaremos el centro de la ciudad con
sus principales atractivo principales
como son : la Catedral Metropolitana,
el palacio nacional ,Teatro Nacional,
zonas Residenciales y nos detendremos
en el Mercado de artesanías y el Museo
David J. Guzmán.

This tour includes panoramic views of
the city ,the devils gate and a view of
ilopango lake ,the chinchontepec
volcano and the pacific ocean Also
includes the anthropology Museum and
the national handcraft Market.
Panoromic city tours


Disfrutando de un Domingo Historico !!!!!!

En los días previos al Día de la Cruz, que en El Salvador se celebra el 3 de mayo, los mercados y diferentes puntos del ...

En los días previos al Día de la Cruz, que en El Salvador se celebra el 3 de mayo, los mercados y diferentes puntos del país son abarrotados por las tradicionales cruces de jiote elaboradas de forma artesanal y en diferentes tamaños.
El papel de "china" también le da vida a esta tradición. En esta época, se convierte en la materia prima para adornar este santuario, con sus diferentes colores y formas.

Además, la fruta de temporada como los jocotes, los marañones, el mango, los cocos y las flores de coyol son la ofrenda que se coloca al pie de la Santa Cruz.

Las comunidades indígenas aseguran que esta arraigada tradición es el punto de partida de la época lluviosa, del nacimiento de las flores y de los frutos de la tierra.

En cada hogar y lugar de trabajo donde hayan católicos, se coloca una cruz. Niños, jóvenes y adultos se acercan con devoción para agradecer al Creador por los frutos; el ritual inicia cuando te arrodillas y te persignas haciendo la señal de la Santa Cruz, agarras el fruto que más te guste y te lo comes.

Los abuelitos aún cuentan a las nuevas generaciones la historia o el mito de que si un hogar no pone la Santa Cruz, el diablo llega a bailar en sus casas. De ahí, que la mayoría de hogares católicos ya tienen un sitio especial para colocar cada tres de mayo, el tradicional altar.


El Día de la Cruz es una celebración que proviene de la fusión religiosa entre las costumbres españolas de la Santa Cruz, que según la historia se refiere al hallazgo por Santa Elena de la Cruz de Cristo, en época del Emperador Constantino, y el tributo indígena a la madre tierra y al dios Xipe Totec.

En el siglo II de nuestra era, Santa Elena busca y encuentra en el calvario la cruz por la que murió Jesús, el Salvador. Una vez encontrada, dispuso la división del madero en tres partes: una fue enviada a Roma, otra a Jerusalén y la última, a Constantinopla.

En el año 700, la que pertenecía a Jerusalén fue robada por los persas y fue devuelta en 1816 por el emperador bizantino Constantino. Ese día histórico fue el 3 de mayo y quedó esa fecha como Día de la Cruz.

Otra parte de la historia cuenta que con la aparición de las primeras lluvias, se rendía culto a la fertilidad, a la madre Tierra y a la deidad de Xipe Totec, Señor El Desollado. Este dios fue muy importante en la época precolombina y es considerado como uno de los principales dentro del panteón mesoamericano.

El culto a Xipe Totec se efectuaba desollando una víctima, cubriendo con su piel al dios. Así como con la lluvia, la tierra se cubre con un nuevo manto de vegetación, así era vestido el dios Xipe Totec con la piel de las víctimas

El Salvador Mayas Tours les invita a pasarla bien Tours los 7 dias de la semana reserva ya tu destino.info: 50379074463/...

El Salvador Mayas Tours les invita a pasarla bien Tours los 7 dias de la semana reserva ya tu destino.
info: 50379074463/
El Salvador Maya Tours invites you to have fun Tours 7 days of week please book your destination.
info: 50379074463 /

OSCAR ARNULFO ROMERO !!!!There are two prominent churchmen of our era whose lives and words expose the difference betwee...


There are two prominent churchmen of our era whose lives and words expose the difference between a "preferential option for the poor" and a preferential option for the state.

The first is Archbishop Oscar Romero. When an agent of El Salvador's military regime fired a single bullet into Oscar Romero's chest, the archbishop was in the midst of celebrating Mass. But it seems that before Romero could be laid to rest, he became an unlikely hero to Marxists and Liberation Theologians in Latin America.

The second is Pope Francis and a similar adoption of the Holy Father is in process before our very eyes. He demonstrates great warmth, informality, and a passionate concern for the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized. Despite Francis's repeated insistence that his social and economic preferences are not being driven by ideology, he is too often interpreted as a man of the left. Francis describes himself as a man of the Church insisting that his concerns are animated by the values of the Gospel not politics.

Yet that appears to be a nuance lost on his press pool and activists in search of his blessing.

For whatever form of Liberation Theology (and there are several) either Romero or Francis represent, it is certainly not the variety most popularly espoused in the Latin America of the 1980s and condemned by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The ascendant form of Liberation Theology of that era emerged from a Christian encounter with Marxism as seen largely in the work of Gustavo Gutierrez (Peruvian), Leonardo Boff (Brazilian), Juan Luis Segundo (Uruguayan), Jon Sobrino (Spanish) and Ernesto Cardenal (Nicaraguan).

One finds no such references or echoes of them in the writings or homilies of either Francis or Romero. Even Archbishop Romero's former secretary, Msgr. Jesus Delgado, confirmed that Romero "knew nothing about Liberation Theology, he did not want to know about it. He adhered faithfully to the Catholic Church and to above all to the teachings of the Popes." On the contrary, one finds numerous cautions about politicizing the Faith in his writing and homilies. Their point of orientation is that of the Gospel, not Marx.

With particular reference to Archbishop Romero, whose cause for canonization now advances, one finds a rather traditional theology is manifestly evident in his esteem for Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. In a letter to Pope Paul VI on July 12, 1975, shortly after the Escriva's death, Romeo recounts his personal encounters with him and discloses that he was personally under spiritual direction by priests of Opus Dei in El Salvador. He closes by asking that the pope open the cause of canonization, which St. John Paul II celebrated in 2002.

The honest part of this kind of misunderstanding comes from not being able to see that when wealth is generated in one part of society it is not necessarily because another has been impoverished. The glaring disparity might simply exist because poverty is declining (and wealth is rising) as economic studies of the last two centuries demonstrate.

But there is a less honest part of this misunderstanding that has to do with the politicization of the Church.

One needn't dig too deeply to see the way in which the various prudential discussions on policy are frequently described in political categories. If one Catholic pundit favors a minimum wage and other doesn't, this is often described as a left vs. right debate, rather than a disagreement over what is for the well-being of lower wage earners.

What is needed in our current discussions on wealth and poverty is a full theological telos to understand that man ought to be free; that it is our nature to desire liberty, and that the social order must be conformed to the measure of man and not man to the social order.

Many today think they can enjoy the fruits of the tree without tending to the roots. They think they can live off the products of human labor, without considering the necessity of human freedom and dignity. Too many think they can build a just society without respecting the autonomy of the family; or that they can embrace an abstraction while forgetting the concrete human person -- which is what Liberation Theology tended to do, along with collectivism in general.

This brings us to our own contemporary situation and which much of Latin American needs to learn anew: command and control economies are doomed to fail. But the overall threat throughout the world today does not only come from governments or collectivism alone. It can also come from the very people who practice human creativity but detach that creativity from the principle that makes it possible: Freedom.

A temptation may emerge when people become so successful in their various industries and actually become part of the establishment that they begin to be offered and seek political favors, often to narrow competition or inhibit trade that does not benefit themselves. This in turn raises prices on goods and services, and the cycle gets to the point where one no longer knows whether the chicken or the egg came first. This is what is called "crony capitalism," and which many, particularly in Latin America mistake for a free economy.

The solution to this madness is to adhere to principle, even if it will upset some politicians. The solution is to decentralize power and disrupt concentrated political interests. Romero and Francis teach us that the center of the economy is the human person, and freedom means very little if it is not virtuous.

El Salvador Mayas Tours les invita a conocer nuestro Tour al bello Pueblo Colonial de "SUCHITOTO Y SU BELLO LAGO DE SUCH...

El Salvador Mayas Tours les invita a conocer nuestro Tour al bello Pueblo Colonial de "SUCHITOTO Y SU BELLO LAGO DE SUCHITLAN"
Tours Disponibles 24/7 365
Contactanos al 503-79074463.


San Salvador

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 23:00
Martes 09:00 - 23:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 23:00
Jueves 09:00 - 23:00
Viernes 09:00 - 23:00
Sábado 09:00 - 23:00
Domingo 09:00 - 23:00


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