Great news!
Premier Robinson has confirmed today that the TCI is back on the UK Travel Corridor List. This means that persons travelling to the UK from the TCI for whatever reason will not have to self - isolate on return.
“This is good news for the Turks and Caicos Islands”, says Premier Robinson.
“When we were first removed, I initiated a call with UK Ministers to set out the case on behalf of TCI. I shared that the methodology used was unfair to small territories and further the negative statement that this decision would make to other countries when TCI had been working so hard in the fight against co vid. The UK listened and offered to send direct support to the Premier’s Office, the Lab and the National Epidemiological Unit. We welcomed the support of Public Health England (PHE) and thank Professor Ian Cummings in his absence for all of his assistance but equally recognize Professor Duncan Selbie who continues on in direct support to the Premier with a small Team. In addition to existing strong protocols locally and our own entry requirements, several other new initiatives taken in relation to case management, internal systems and community testing played a major role in securing this decision. I am grateful to the Minister of Health and his Team at the Ministry of Health, the Public and Environmental Health Board, Cabinet colleagues and the people of this country for working together to get us to this place. It is a huge achievement which we must take care to maintain. This move sends a strong signal to other countries. All our efforts remain on addressing the challenges in the US. With cases down and testing up, we are encouraged in our efforts. We are indeed grateful to the UK Ministers for the decision taken.” Premier Robinson