Hour Time Mahal tayo Ng Diyos(Period). Wag natayong Umangal, tanggapin nalang natin at ibalik sakanya ang nara

THE BIBLEKEY STATEMENT: God is not silent. Has spoken, and He has done so in the Bible. Placed in the hands of many new ...

KEY STATEMENT: God is not silent. Has spoken, and He has done so in the Bible.
Placed in the hands of many new employees is a job policy manual. Included are the procedures that govern the operation and administration of the company, as well as a description of the daily routine.

-Life's Final and Ultimate Authority
The Bible is such a book, applicable to all men and women in every culture, in every age, in every walk of life. It is God's divine, supernatural manual which alone reveals the mind and ways of God so that humankind may know and experience His blessings for life on earth and hereafter.
The Bible is God's recorded document of His works through the ages. It includes substantial evidence of His nature, plan, and purposes so that we can legitimately and confidently place our faith in Him.
Prominent throughout the Scriptures is this pivotal phrase: "It is written." The Bible is the written, documented activity of God in history and beyond history. Because of the Bible, we are not left to archaeological, historical, or theological guesswork. We can know, for "it is written."
Because the Bible is inspired (God-breathed), it is life's final and ultimate authority. The Bible is the "last word" on issues pertaining to God and His ways. No individual, institution, or organization can supersede the authority of Scripture from which there is no appeal.
That is exactly why we are admonished not to "add to" or "take away" from the Scriptures. We may neither dilute them nor enhance them. They perfectly express the exact decrees and judgments of Almighty God. The Bible is authoritative because it is the truth: "The entirety of Your word is truth" (Psalm 119:160).
-God's Guide to Salvation and Wise Living
The Bible is also God's guide to both salvation and wise living. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105). It is His unique revelation to men and women concerning Himself and His ways.
Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the Bible enlightens each individual to personal sin, the need for salvation, and the correct course to pursue in this life. Without the revelation contained in the Bible to inform and illumine, we would be hopelessly unable to know and follow the living and true God.
The Bible is God's succinct communication to people. God is not silent. He has spoken, and He has done so in the Bible. It is the word of God, the "oracles of God," as the author of Hebrews wrote.
When we say, "Oh, I just wish I could hear God speak to me!" we have forgotten that He has spoken and still speaks through His Word. What God has said is sufficient for all of life. We need only to look to the Bible and hear Him converse with us. God walks and talks with us.
The Bible is also profitable and nourishing. Its entire content will provide us with an advantage in every department of life-family, business, and social relationships. It is profitable because it is the wisdom of God. When we abide by its teachings. we will be blessed. As we meditate and consider its truth, our spirits and souls will be nourished. We will become established and enriched in every experience of life, for we will live according to God's perspective.
The Bible is the book for everyone. It is the revelation, inspiration, and communication of the person and plan of the eternal, living, and powerful God.

further insights, read the following passages:
-Psalm 119:47, 97, 162, 133
-2 Timothy 2:12
-1 Peter 1:22-25; 2:1-2

AUTHORITYMark 10:42-45KEY STATEMENT: "The buck stops here." That celebrated manifesto by President Harry Truman is the e...

Mark 10:42-45
KEY STATEMENT: "The buck stops here."
That celebrated manifesto by President Harry Truman is the epitome of the man who had arrived in a position of authority. After years of taking orders from others, we finally find ourselves able to exercise authority over others. Our work becomes final, like that of the Roman centurion: "I say to this one, 'Go,' and he goes; and to another, 'Come,' and he comes" (Matthew 8:9).
Authority also places us on very dangerous footing. For as another statesman said, "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." Authority is gained and administered by the follower of Christ on a very different level than by members of the power-hungry world system.

-Learn How to Work Under Authority
The first fundamental for the judicious use of authority is to learn how to work under authority. This is critical. Until we are able to accept the authority of those over us, we will never quality to dispense it. If our current attitude toward those over us is rebellious and contemptuous, our understanding of authority is warped, as God sees it.
It was as Joshua worked daily under the reign of Moses that he sowed the seeds for his own promotion. It was as Elisha bowed down to the authority of Elijah during their travels that he earned the mighty prophet's mantle.
It should be noted that the Roman centurion not only barked out commands; he also was a man "under authority." He, too, had his superiors to whom he must answer. Mark it well that no matter how much authority we may possess, we will always be accountable to someone.
It may be that you are having a very difficult time working under your authority. If so, remember the angel's words to Hagar, the slave girl who had fled into the desert to escape the harsh treatment of jealous Sarah. "Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hand" (Genesis 16:9). A difficult task no doubt, but it became the basis for the blessing of having her descendants multiplied.

-The Power of Serve
Once we learn to submit to our leaders, we are then able to rightly seek and accept a position of greater authority. Such attainment, however, is not a cause for boasting and ostentations, but rather an opportunity for greater servanthood.
That is the second fundamental principle of authority-the higher our achievement, the more effective servants we must become.
That was the hallmark of the Savior who, though He had authority our unclean spirits (Mattew 10:1), over sins (Matthew 9:6), over the winds and the water (Luke 8:25), still "did not come to be served, but to serve" (Mark 10:45).
So the spiritual criterion for becoming the greatest ruler is to become the most effective servant. The power of true authority is the power to serve. In such a way, authority is not abused but used for noble purposes. That is the way of God. Such are those that God seeks to elevate, for in so doing He blesses everyone under them.
The individuals who serve best are also the ones who are served most heartily. Respect and devotion are not demanded but freely and gladly given.
-Service Reflects Faith in Christ
Most importantly, our service reflects the heartbeat of our faith in Christ, radiating His servanthood to others, helping them to see God in action through our behavior, so radically distinctive from the value system of the world.
Jesus had ultimate authority in heaven and earth, but He washed the disciples' feet! The buck doesn't stop at the president's desk. It begins there.

further insights, read the following passages:
Genesis 1:26-31
1 Timothy 6:1
Hebrews 13:17
1 Peter 3:13-15, 5:2-3

ANXIETYPhilippians 4:6,7KEY STATEMENT: We can be certain that God will freely give us His peace in exchange for our anxi...

Philippians 4:6,7
KEY STATEMENT: We can be certain that God will freely give us His peace in exchange for our anxiety.
Anxiety is a tense emotional state characterized by fear or apprehension regarding the future.
We are continually being thrust into situations that cause us to become anxious or unduly worried. The distressing incidents are often unavoidable, they produce.

-The Consequences of Anxiety
The consequences of anxiety are costly.
Divides the mind, making it difficult to concentrate
Slows down our productivity
Affects our personal relations with others
Causes us to make unwise decisions
Steals our peace and joy
Hinders us from enjoying life
Ultimately leads to physical and emotional problems
Proves to be a waste of time and energy.

-How to Handle Anxiety Attacks
How can we best handle attacks of anxiety? The answer is found in 1 Peter 5:6,7.
The first step is to humble ourselves before God. What does this have to do with overcoming anxiety? To answer this we must first ask what causes us to feel anxious. It is the feeling that we are not in control of our circumstances.
But we are commanded to humble ourselves before God, to be incomplete submission to His will. This is an acknowledgment that we believe He knows what is best for us, even though we don't understand why we are facing the circumstance. The Scripture says we are to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, a symbol of His protection and provision. His "mighty hand" is a reminder that God is in complete control of our circumstances, no matter how out of control they appear.
The moment we commit ourselves into God's mighty hand there is nothing else to be anxious about. It is in His control and our best interest. Why should we be anxious about what He is in control of?
The second step is to cast our anxiety upon God (1 Peter 5:7). When we cast our anxieties upon Him, He takes them along with their weight and burden. Sometimes our anxieties are related to natural responsibilities for which we have a right to be concerned: paying the mortgage, safety of our children, the health of our family, provision for a time of retirement. About such things, Jesus says, "Do not worry" (Matthew 6:25-33). And He reminds us that our heavenly Father knows that we have needs in these areas.
-How to Cast Anxieties upon God
How do we cast our anxieties upon God? We cast them upon Him through prayer (Philippians 4:6). Tell Him what you are anxious about. Admit your helpless feeling. Verbally lay them upon Him. Tell Him you are here and nowcasting your anxieties upon Him.
We cast our anxieties upon God through faith. we affirm our faith in His power to handle what is troubling us. We affirm His care for us. "He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). He has promised, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). Why do we worry if we are His concern? By faith, we can leave our anxiety with Him.
We can be certain that God, who has given us His Son, will freely give us all things-- His peace in exchange for our anxiety.

further insights, read the following passages:
Psalm 37:1-5
Mark 13:11
Luke 12:22-30
Acts 27:21-25
Romans 8:28

ADVERSITYEcclesiastes 7:14KEY STATEMENT: Adversity is a setback from which we can make our greatest leap forward. The wi...

Ecclesiastes 7:14
KEY STATEMENT: Adversity is a setback from which we can make our greatest leap forward.

The winds of adversity blow strongly and in every direction. Eventually, everyone feels the weight of some severe trial, hardship, misfortune, or setback. Your present situation is not what you anticipated or planned. Why did it happy? Who is to blame?
Did you knowingly and willfully violate your conscience? Is this adversity the result of sin on your part? Is it an act of evil on the part of another toward you? Or is this the work of God?

-Choose to Learn from Adversity
The key to overcoming adversity is the proper response. Finding someone to blame is a dead-end street. If you choose to respond properly you can turn your setback into a steppingstone to greater success. You can advance through your adversity. Your reaction to adversity can destroy you or develop you into the person God created you to be. The choice is yours.
What is the proper response? It is this simple prayer: "God, what are You doing in my life?" The key to turning your adversity into advancement is looking at it from God's viewpoint. No matter what may appear to be the cause, make up your mind to learn from it.

-Why Do We Experience Adversity
Consider the following: Adversity is God's way of getting our attention. Has He been the priority in our lives, or have we ignored His will for our own? Our difficulties may be a signal that we need a priority change (Mattew 6:33). It is time for self-examination.
Adversity is God's way of reminding us that He loves us. He chastens those He loves (Hebrews 12:5,6). His purpose is to protect you from completely destroying yourself.
Adversity is God's way of conquering pride. Success often breeds pride, which in turn leads to failure. "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble" (1 Peter 5:5). Adversity has a way of stripping away pride.
Adversity is God's way of reminding us of our weakness. When your back is to the wall, and there seems to be no way out, you suddenly recognize that you are not self-sufficient. You need the Lord. The apostle Paul learned through his adversity that in his weakness he became strong (2 Corinthians 12:10).
Adversity is God's way of demonstrating His faithfulness. Your helpless state is God's opportunity to keep His promises to you. "The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles" (Psalm 34:17)
Adversity is God's way of preparing us to comfort others. You become more useful to God and others through your own suffering. You should view your trials as a profitable period of equipping for ministry (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
Adversity is God's way of increasing our hatred of evil. Your hardship is often your own making. You reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7-8). Heat purifies. Hot water keeps one clean. Yesterday's adversity is a strong motivation for today's obedience.

further insights, read the following passages:
Deuteronomy 8:2-3
2 Samuel 12: 9-12
Psalm 94:12-15
Hebrews 12:5-11
1 Peter 1:3-8

ACCOUNTABILITY   2Corinthians 8:21   KEY STATEMENT: God has made us accountable both to Him and to others for personal w...


2Corinthians 8:21
KEY STATEMENT: God has made us accountable both to Him and to others for personal welfare and development.

In an age of individual rights, the principle of accountability runs starkly against the popular grain.
Out pride, egotism, and self-sufficiency rebel against the concept of accounting to another for our conduct.
Yet, accountability is the strong biblical teaching that greatly enhances our spiritual and vocational pursuits.
We are told by Scripture that God has made us accountable both to Him and to others for our personal and development.

-A Wise Check and Balance
Accountability to others is a wise check and balance. Whether it be a supervisor at work or a personal friend, we all need someone who will be able both to admonish and encourage us.
In such situations God provides a measure of protection, allowing others to observe and frankly discuss our areas of weakness, which otherwise can result in eventual ruin.
Let's face it. Nobody likes to admit his shortcomings, especially to another person. But in submitting to someone we hold in high esteem, or one in authority over us,
we are the winners. We stimulate our performance and help ensure that our freedom is not turned into a license.
Even though he was the preeminent apostle of his day, Paul remained accountable or his home church at Antioch, returning there on occasion to report on his journeys. As a
temperamental young preacher, Timothy was accountable to Paul. Earlier, the disciples of Jesus had been sent out, not just for mutual support, but for accountability.
Rather than avoid or chafe in such relationships we should thank God for a very practical means of promoting our spiritual growth and developing our sense of responsibility.

-We Are Accountable to the Lord
Our ultimate accountability, however, is to the Lord. "So then each of us shall give an account of himself to God" (Romans 14:12). Knowing that we must one day answer to a just God
for each and every action, response, word, and attitude should be a powerful incentive for holiness and obedience. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each
one may receive the things done in the body according to what he has done, whether good or bad" (2Corinthians 5:10)
Becoming a Christian does not relieve us of personal responsibility. Although our sins have been forgiven through Christ's sacrifice, we still are responsible for our behavior.
What we do on earth does matter, even if no one else notices. We will answer to God. We are free in Christ, but we are also bondservants of Christ.

-Accountability Positively Regulates Our Behavior
Yet, our accountability to God should not be a cause for fear. Those who belong to Christ by the new birth can no longer be condemned. Our accountability ought to be an internal motivation that positively regulates our daily behavior.
God has so designed us that we need continual awareness of our enteral accountability in personal relationships that can sharpen our skills and spirits through encouragement,
rebuke, and wise counsel. "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance for his friend" (Proverb 27:17)

For Further insights, Read the following passages:
2 Samuel 12:1-15
Matthew 25:14-30
Luke 12:47-48
Romans 2:12-29
1 Corinthians 8

ADULTERY 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 KEY STATEMENT:​The body is a noble instrument designed by God and intended for s*xual use...

1 Corinthians 6:12-20
KEY STATEMENT:​The body is a noble instrument designed by God and intended for s*xual use only within the confines of marriage.

The business world has become a significant factor in the development of adulterous relationships. A boss divorcing his wife and marrying his secretary, or coworkers.
carrying on immoral affairs, are common events in today's workplace. Many major companies even have departments that monitor s*xual harassment on the job.
Yet adulterous activity is a moral plague that has beset the human race from the earliest times. "You shall not commit adultery" was the seventh charge revealed to Moses.
Thousands of years ago when God gave the Ten Commandments. But men and women of all cultures, lands, and generations have succumbed to the deadly lure of adultery.
Despite its illicit appeal, however, this sin is an act that can be avoided as we investigate the Scriptures that unmask enticements to adultery.

-Consequences of Adulterous Behavior
We can begin with the Bible's sober appraisal of the ruinous consequences of engaging in adulterous behavior. "In the end, she [the adulteress] is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword" (Proverbs 5:4). "For by means of a harlot a man is reduced to a crust of bread, and an adulteress will prey upon his precious life" (Proverbs 6:26).
"Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he who does so destroys his own soul" (Proverbs 6:32). "For she has cast down many wounded and all who were slain by
her were strong men" (Proverbs 7:26).
Before you initiate or contemplate an adulterous liaison, think of the long-term effects. The pleasures of the moment sooner or later give way to ugly realities. The intimacy of marriage is violated. Family harmony is assaulted. Children are bewildered and betrayed. An enormous emotional and relational price is extracted.
The Spiritual life is also uniquely involved. In a mysterious but real way, the relationship between husband and wife represents the bond of Christ and His bride, the church.
When adultery is committed, deep spiritual bruising occurs. The marriage covenant of commitment-fidelity and loyalty-is broken. The unity of husband and wife is disrupted. The Holy
Spirit is grieved.

-Guard Against Adultery
However, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the cultivation of spiritual principles, we can guard ourselves against the sin of adultery.
First, we must work to keep the communication channels free and clear with our mates. Most adulterous situations begin with seemingly harmless conversations with the opposite s*x.
We find someone with whom we can share intimately, and the stage is set for immorality. By spending both qualitative and quantitative time with our spouses, marriages are wonderfully fortified against s*xual temptation.
Instead of spending the evening in front of the television or in too many social activities, regularly nourish husband-wife intimacy. Talk about goals, plans, vacations, politics. Share dreams and desires. Become best friends. Seek God together.
In Addition, find and develop a constructive friendship with another Christian of your own s*x. It may be someone in your church or even a work associate.
A mature spiritual individual with whom you can share your fears and weaknesses is a divine instrument for spiritual protection. Such relationships foster intercession, which is an effective check on your spiritual well-being. "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend" (Proverbs 27:17)
Remember, too, that the body is a noble instrument designed by God and intended for s*xual use only within the confines of marriage. He cares about our s*xuality and wants our physical desires to bring Him glory through marital faithfulness.
Our bodies are the earthly residence of His Spirit and thus involve His very presence in any physical relationship.
Adulterous affairs can be prevented from beginning by avoiding the appearance of evil. Caution at office social functions, consistent fellowship with the same s*x, minimizing coed travel, and maintaining professional employee relationships are all practical and wise barriers to the sin of adultery.

For Further insights, Read the following passages:
2 Samuel 11; 12:1-23
Proverbs 5; 6:20-35
1 Corintians 6:12-20
1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

ADULTERY-Consequences of Adulterous Behavior We can begin with the Bible's sober appraisal of the ruinous consequences f...


-Consequences of Adulterous Behavior
We can begin with the Bible's sober appraisal of the ruinous consequences for engaging in adulterous behavior. "In the end, she [the adulteress] is bitter as wormwood, sharp
as a two-edged sword" (Proverbs 5:4). "For by means of a harlot a man is reduced to a crust of bread; and an adulteress will prey upon his precious life" (Proverbs 6:26).
"Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he who does so destroys his own soul" (Proverbs 6:32). "For she has cat down many wounded and all who were slain by
her were strong men" (Proverbs 7:26).
Before you initiate or contemplate an adulterous liaison, think of the long-term effects. The pleasures for the moment sooner or later give way to ugly realities. The intimacy of
marriage is violated. Family harmony is assaulted. Children are bewildered and betrayed. An enormous emotional and relational price is extracted.
The Spiritual life is also uniquely involved. In a mysterious but real way, the relationship between husband and wife represents the bond of Christ and His bride, the church.
When adultery is committed, deep spiritual bruising occurs. The marriage covenant of commitment-fidelity and loyalty-is broken. The unity of husband and wife is disrupted. The Holy
Spirit is grieved.

ADULTERY 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 KEY STAYTEMENT:​The body is a noble instrument designed by God and intended for s*xual us...

1 Corinthians 6:12-20
KEY STAYTEMENT:​The body is a noble instrument designed by God and intended for s*xual use only within the confines of marriage.

The business world has become a significant factor in the development of adulterous relationships. A boss devoicing his wife and marrying his secretary, or coworkers
carrying on immoral affairs, are common events in today's workplace. Many major companies even have departments that monitor s*xual harassment on the job.
Yet adulterous activity is a moral plague that has beset the human race from earliest times. "You shall not commit adultery" was the seventh charge revealed to Moses
thousands of years ago when God gave the Ten Commandments. But men and women of all cultures, lands, and generations have succumbed to the deadly lure of adultery.
Despite its illicit appeal, however, this sin is an act that can be avoided as we investigate the Scriptures that unmask enticements to adultery.


Welcome back my brethren!

A Wise Check and Balance
Accountability to other is a wise check and balance. Whether it be a supervisor at work or a personal friend, we all need someone who will be able both to admonish and encourage us.
In such situations God provides a measure of protection, allowing others to observe and frankly discuss our areas of weakness, which otherwise can result in eventual ruin.
Let's face it. Nobody likes to admit his shortcomings, especially to another person. But in submitting to someone we hold in high esteem, or one in authority over us,
we are the winners. We are stimulate our performance and help ensure that our freedom is not turned into license.
Even though he was the preeminent apostle of his day, Paul remained accountable or his home church at Antioch, returning there on occasion to report on his journeys. As a
temperamental young preacher, Timothy was accountable to Paul. Earlier, the disciples of Jesus had been sent out, not just for mutual support, but for accountability.
Rather than avoid or chafe in such relationships we should thank God for a very practical means of promoting our spiritual growth and developing our sense of responsibility.

We Are Accountable to the Lord
Our ultimate accountability, however, is to the Lord. "So then each of us shall give account of himself to God" (Romans 14:12). Knowing that we must one day answer to a just God
for each and every action, response, word, and attitude should be a powerful incentive for holiness and obedience. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each
one may receive the things done in the body according to what he has done, whether good or bad" (2Corinthians 5:10)
Becoming a Christian does not relieve us of personal responsibility. Although our sins have been forgiven through Christ's sacrifice, we still are responsible for our behavior.
What we do on earth does matter, even if no one else notices. We will answer to God. We are free in Christ, but we are also bondservants of Christ.

Accountability Positively Regulates Our Behavior
Yet, our accountability to God should not be a cause for fear. Those who belong to Christ by the new birth can no longer be condemned. Our accountability ought to be an internal
motivation that positively regulates our daily behavior.
God has so designed us that we need continual awareness of our enteral accountability in personal relationships that can sharpen our skills and spirits through encouragement,
rebuke, and wise counsel. "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance for his friend" (Proverb 27:17)

For Further insights, Read the following passages:
2 Samuel 12:1-15
Matthew 25:14-30
Luke 12:47-48
Romans 2:12-29
1 Corinthians 8



2Corinthians 8:21
KEY STATEMETNT: God has mad us accountable both to Him and to others for personal welfare and development.

In an age of individual rights, the princimple of accountability runs starkly against the popular grain.
Out pride, egotism, and self-sufficiency rebel against the concept of accounting to another for our conduct.
Yet, accountability is a strong biblical teaching that greatly enhandces our spiritual and vocational pursuits.
We are told by Scripture that God has made us accountable both to Him and to others for our personal welfare and development.

1, A Wise Check and Balance
2, We Are Accountable to the Lord
3, Accountability Positively Regulates Our Behavior

Jonh 9:31

Jonh 9:31


Trust GOD!!!
Talk to God often, even if you are not perfect, just talk to Him every day!
You don't have to be in the same faith I'm in. You ain't got to call God the same thing I call Him.
But listen to me, you do have to call Him though. It's not gonna make your life easy. Faith don't make it easy, faith makes it possible.
All you want is the strength to get through your life.


All Have Sinned!
9. What then? Are we better than they? Not at all.
For we have previously charged b0th Jews and Greeks that they are all under sin.
10. As it is written:
There is none righteous, no, not one;
11. There is no who understands;
There is none who seeks after God.
12. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable;
There is none who does good, no, not one. (Romans 3:9-12)

For He made Hime who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2Conrinthians 5:21)

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus ou Lord.
(Romans 6:23)

Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life,
which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.
(John 6:27)



1 Chronicles 17:13-14
13. I will be his Father, and he shall be My son; and I will not take My mercy away from him, as I took it from him who was before you.
14.And I will establish him in My house and in My kingdom forever; and his throne shall be established forever.


Mahal ka ni Jesus kahit hindi mo siya mahal. 🙏


Ligas 2




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