From the early hours of the morning, the rhythmic 'pok pok pok' of pork mincing resonates through every home in our village. Akha women, the heart of our traditions, unite to prepare Saa Bpia, the essence of Akha-style pork laap. This flavorful dish combines succulent fatty pork, liver, blood, and a rich blend of herbs, all encased in banana leaves and grilled to perfection. Today marks a special occasion - Loda Ah Phaew, a grand celebration during the Akha Swing Festival. Homes come alive with festivities, inviting elders and guests from near and far to partake in this cherished feast. As we share our meal, blessings flow from our honored guests to our gracious hosts. 🍽️🎉 #AkhaTraditions #SwingFestival #CulturalFeast #wayoflife #ardoakha #uniqueexperience
🌟 Introducing Myself & the Cultural Hilltribe Trekking Journey of Ardo Akha 🌟
Join me as I share the story behind Ardo Akha and the compelling reasons that led to its inception. This video is a heartfelt glimpse into my vision and passion for cultural hilltribe trekking. Let’s embark on this inspiring adventure together! ✨ #ArdoAkha #PassionInAction #IntroducingMyself #chiangmaitrekking #culturalhilltribetrekking #uniqueexperiece
Cultural hill-tribe trekking by Ardo Akha #chiangraitrekking #culturaltrekking #treekingthailand #wayoflife
Venturing into the heart of Chiang Mai's cultural tapestry, I embarked on an awe-inspiring journey of tribal trekking. From the misty mountains to the humble villages, I discovered the unique traditions and captivating stories of the 5 hilltribes. Join me as I unravel the hidden gems, immerse myself in their way of life, and cherish the memories that will last a lifetime. #CulturalTrekking #ChiangMaiHilltribes #AuthenticEncounters #chiangmaiadventures #hilltribeexploration
More informations :
Hi I’m Ardo (Ah-doe).
I was born and grew up in an Akha hill-tribe village two hours north of Chiang Mai. My community where I was raised is nestled in pristine nature in the foothills of the north, surrounded by vast farmland and rice paddies and communities that come to life each year for annual Akha festivals and other unique cultural events.
My body and my soul are hill-tribe and I am passionate about sharing my cultural heritage, hill-tribe lifestyle, and importantly, exploring the nature and trekking I grew up with. I have spent many years exploring new and exciting adventures and treks to grow my knowledge of the region and other hill tribes, soaking in culture, and looking for hill-tribe lifestyle through trekking but there were no guided tours that fulfilled what my ideal dream trip would be. I decided to create my own unique trekking company, with new trails and cultural learning unlike any experience available in Northern Thailand. I would love to show the world what I've found through Ardo Akha.