I hope this inquiry covers the original NZ deaths that were attributed to Covid 19 (then Coronavirus or the Wuhan Virus), and which inspired the media frenzy that drove the fear that enabled the Government to do whatever they wished to do.
"Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield earlier in the day announced there were four more deaths linked to Covid-19 in NZ over the past 24 hours, including three people from the Rosewood rest home cluster in Christchurch."
Lest we forget!! These people were in Palliative Care. Most of them were not even tested for Coronavirus, their deaths were 'assumed' Coronavirus deaths, they were in palliative care and they were not even tested and yet the Government of that time held them up as Coronavirus deaths.
What is palliative care? Palliative care is provided for a person with an active, progressive, advanced disease, who has little or no prospect of cure and who is expected to die, and for whom the primary goal is to optimize the quality of life.
The average life expectancy for people receiving palliative care in New Zealand varies depending on the underlying condition, age, and overall health of the individual. However, studies have shown that the average survival time after receiving palliative care is approximately 3-6 months.
If you want to control and manipulate a population, what better way to get a message out.
I sincerely hope this Commission, does not just pay lip service to confirm that what the Government did was right and appropriate. I
hope the Commission can lift itself up sufficiently to transcend the political BS, look at facts, look at results from countries such as Sweden and Singapore, look at what other non-big-Pharma supporting countries did and provide New Zealanders (who are paying them to do this work), with an honest, open, transparent analysis and assessment of the decisions that were made and the actions that were taken at that time.
It is my view that most NZers and other people of the world would 100% support intelligent and even conservative decisions from leaders at a time of crisis. What I think we all need to know was "were we being told the truth or were sold a narrative that supported a particular agenda?".
Winston has accused the media of bribery and corruption and I note that some influential people have stood up against that and defended them. Irrespective of any integrity of any "politically unbiased" Board, the fact is that the 'then Labour' Government pt up a $55m fund for the media and irrespective of how well meaning its 'Independent Administrators - ie NZ ON Air' were, the media knew who was feeding them and the result of that was absolutely inevitable and is ironically still evident even today in the way (some of) the media frames its headings that are clearly extremely negative for and biased against the new coalition Government.
I would contend that New Zealand had one of the best and most independent media in the world until the Labour Government introduced the Bribery fund. The fifty five million dollar "Public Interest Journalism Fund". After that, honesty and integrity went out the back door, irrespective of the integrity of any party who was assigned with administering the fund.
So we will see. New Zealand tax payers are paying for this "independent inquiry". Will it be open, honest and "Independent" or will it be another whitewash. An incoming Government, shy or ashamed to criticize an outgoing Government, for fear of contaminating the public's belief in the integrity of the 'system'.
That's my rant for the day!!!
There were four more deaths linked to Covid-19 in NZ over the past 24 hours, including three people from the Rosewood rest home cluster in...