It's not uncommon to hear someone say "I'm not flexible enough to do yoga"
Sometimes people mistake being flexible to being "good" at Yoga, which is not actually true. Putting aside the fact that being "good" at Yoga is not really a very meaningful metric to think about, it's good to remember that Yoga is so much more than just being flexible. It is about the journey, which is personal to us individually. It's about connecting with your body and mind. It's working towards understanding your breath and how it impacts your life and your practice. Yoga is very much also about strength and creating stability, as well as finding balance both in body and mind 😌 it's being good to yourself.
For some, someone we might call "hypermobile", their natural flexibility actually poses an injury risk, so they might need to focus more on building strength and support for their hypermobility. So, it's good to keep in mind that every single body is different; our body structure, joints, shapes, muscles, injuries, age, our mind... there is no one correct shape or type. So if you don't think you are flexible, that's completely fine. You make your practice your own, with the help of our experienced teachers.
Yoga is for Every Body 🧡