優客假期U Come Holiday Phuket

優客假期U Come Holiday Phuket 一位熱愛泰國、喜歡泰國又懂旅遊的台灣女生終於實現夢想搬到泰國定居 專注普吉島當地旅遊、海島度假、員工旅遊、家庭親子、婚禮.



第一次客人全團都會說英文😅律師團他們自己都能跟飯店溝通👌👌👏👏有趣的沙灘team building 團隊活動志在參加、不在得名😁😁團結一致、同心協力😆😆


有趣的沙灘team building 團隊活動

冥想課程(靈氣聲音浴)與我們一起度過一個聲音冥想之夜,體驗鑼浴的深度放鬆和治療振動,釋放所有阻礙您實現最高夢想的障礙❤️增強直覺、內心平靜、創造力、親密感和聯繫減少壓力、焦慮、憤怒、憂鬱、身體不適情感痛苦和成癮傾向更好的心情、精神 清晰的記...



更好的心情、精神 清晰的記憶力、精力和睡眠品質

這家豪華酒店位於芭東(Patong),距離巴東海灘(Patong Beach)和邦古拉街(Bangla Road)有不到15分鐘的步行路程。 Jungceylon購物中心和Tri Trang海灘距離酒店不到3英里(5公里)。這家酒店提供全套...

這家豪華酒店位於芭東(Patong),距離巴東海灘(Patong Beach)和邦古拉街(Bangla Road)有不到15分鐘的步行路程。 Jungceylon購物中心和Tri Trang海灘距離酒店不到3英里(5公里)。
這家酒店提供全套SPA服務,餐廳和室外游泳池。 公共區域提供免費WiFi。 此外,店內還提供2間酒吧/酒廊,健身中心和按摩房/護理服務。
客房設施所有235間客房設有深浸浴缸,並提供免費WiFi和陽台。 24小時客房服務和冰箱是標准設施,以及帶有線頻道的平板電視。
Mövenpick Myth Hotel Patong Phuket
LocationSituated in Patong, this luxury hotel is within a 15-minute walk of Patong Beach and Bangla Road. Jungceylon Shopping Center and Tri Trang Beach are also within 3 miles (5 km).
This hotel features a full-service spa, a restaurant and an outdoor pool. WiFi in public areas is free. Additionally, 2 bars/lounges, a fitness centre and massage/treatment rooms are on-site.
Room amenities All 235 rooms boast deep soaking bathtubs, and offer free WiFi and balconies. 24-hour room service and fridges are standard, as are flat-screen TVs with cable channels.

三隻猴子餐廳,主要由木材搭建而成,因茅草屋頂彎曲的形狀而被巨大的樹木所環繞,引起了當地人的注意。 在周末期間,這個地方是許多青少年的遊樂場,還有許多為這個場合打扮和化妝的名人。 無論你在哪裡,人們都會把對方的照片看作Instagram的未來...

三隻猴子餐廳,主要由木材搭建而成,因茅草屋頂彎曲的形狀而被巨大的樹木所環繞,引起了當地人的注意。 在周末期間,這個地方是許多青少年的遊樂場,還有許多為這個場合打扮和化妝的名人。 無論你在哪裡,人們都會把對方的照片看作Instagram的未來取決於它。 這很有趣。 因此,如果你能避免周末,特別是在周日。 我們去過那裡兩次,每次在我們面前有七組客人在等候名單。
Mostly made of wood, Three Monkeys caught locals attention because of the curved shape of the thatched roof, surrounded by immense trees. During the weekend, the place is a playground for a lot of teenagers and wannabe celebrities who seem to dress up and makeup just for the occasion. Wherever you look, people take each other’s photo like Instagram‘s future depends on it. It’s quite entertaining. So if you can avoid it, don’t come on weekends, especially on Sunday. We went there twice, and each time there was a seven tables waiting list in front of ours.

在這個景點項目中,以4個泰國房屋為特色,有許多浮動市場和泰國生活方式,如玩潑水節、繪畫、緞布蠟染畫、餵大象、巡航,觀賞甜味和鹹味食物以及來自各地的優質飲品。Within the project, distinguished by the 4...

Within the project, distinguished by the 4 Thai houses, with many floating markets and Thai ways of life, such as playing Songkran, painting, satin cloth Batik painting, feeding elephants, cruising, sightseeing With sweet and savory food And excellent drinks From all over the region Street food and boat sales Divided into zones

卡利馬度假酒店交通便利,距離芭東海灘和卡馬拉海灘僅有5分鐘車程,提供帶空調和免費無線網絡連接的現代化客房。 您可以在泳池甲板上放鬆身心或享受spa按摩服務。 此外,酒店還提供前往芭東海灘的免費班車服務,每天總共3次。 酒店還設有會議設施和室...

卡利馬度假酒店交通便利,距離芭東海灘和卡馬拉海灘僅有5分鐘車程,提供帶空調和免費無線網絡連接的現代化客房。 您可以在泳池甲板上放鬆身心或享受spa按摩服務。 此外,酒店還提供前往芭東海灘的免費班車服務,每天總共3次。 酒店還設有會議設施和室內游樂場。
Conveniently located just a 5-minute drive from Patong Beach and Kamala Beach, Kalima Resort and Spa offers modern rooms with air conditioning and free WiFi. You can relax on the pool deck or enjoy a spa massage. In addition, the property also provides free shuttle service to Patong Beach, a total of 3 trips per day. There are also meeting facilities and an indoor playground.


暹邏劇場提供歷史和泰國藝術和文化,有超過100名才華橫溢的演員和超過500件服裝、服飾、特效。包括最美妙的燈光和聲音場景與美麗的場景和價值觀泰國藝術和文化此外,暹邏劇場還獲得了許多有價值的獎項。 您將在普吉島體驗到令人印象深刻的表演。
Siam Niramit Phuket Show is the venue for performances in Phuket. Which is the ultimate show of performances that are world-class and wonderful By Siam Niramit Show Phuket presents a historical reference And Thai arts and culture There are more than 100 talented actors and more than 500 costumes, costumes, special effects. Comprising the most amazing light and sound scene With beautiful scenes And values ​​Thai arts and culture In addition, Siam Niramit Phuket has also received many valuable awards. Which you will experience an impressive experience at Siam Niramit Show Phuket.

神仙半島是普吉島的旅遊景點,風景優美,是一個受歡迎的日落觀景點,Kanchanaphisek燈塔的位置在神仙半島的盡頭,被稱為Laem Chao。延伸到海中的海角區域具有鮮明特色的棕櫚樹,基於一大群Laem Phrom,被列為泰國7星級、9...

神仙半島是普吉島的旅遊景點,風景優美,是一個受歡迎的日落觀景點,Kanchanaphisek燈塔的位置在神仙半島的盡頭,被稱為Laem Chao。延伸到海中的海角區域具有鮮明特色的棕櫚樹,基於一大群Laem Phrom,被列為泰國7星級、9星級旅遊奇蹟之一。 “在泰國觀看最美麗的日落”
Promthep Cape is a tourist attraction in Phuket. With beautiful scenery And is a popular sunset viewing point Is the location of Kanchanaphisek Lighthouse At the end of Promthep Cape is called Laem Chao. The cape area which extends into the sea With a distinctive characteristic with a palm tree that is based on a large group, Laem Phrom, being classified as one of Thailand's 12-month, 7-star, 9-star miracle of tourism in Thailand. "Watch the sunset The most beautiful in Thailand "

普吉島鳥園正在為世界各地的遊客開放,提供觀察和體驗鳥類生活的絕佳機會。有泰國本地鳥類和外國鳥類,以及難以找到和看到的珍稀鳥類。此外,普吉島鳥園為遊客提供了觀賞世界各地鳥類的最佳機會。 參觀時間:上午10:30,下午13:30、下午3:30P...

Phuket Bird Park is opening for tourists all over the world. Offer a great chance to observe and experience the life of birds. There are Thai local birds and foreign origin birds, as well as rare birds that are difficult to find and be seen. In addition, Phuket Bird Park offer visitors the best opportunity to see a varite of bird from all over the world. Visiting time: 10.30 am, 13.30 pm and 3.30 pm

Dolphin Show Phuket是普吉海豚和海豹的表演。培訓師來自烏克蘭,有各種適合所有年齡段的活動。我們想邀請您體驗並與我們分享新的體驗。 - 海豚和海豹表演。 - 與海豚一起攝影 - 與海豚一起游泳 - 與海豚一起潛水 Dolph...

Dolphin Show Phuket是普吉海豚和海豹的表演。培訓師來自烏克蘭,有各種適合所有年齡段的活動。我們想邀請您體驗並與我們分享新的體驗。
- 海豚和海豹表演。
- 與海豚一起攝影
- 與海豚一起游泳
- 與海豚一起潛水
Dolphin Show Phuket is a dolphins and seals showcase. The trainers are from Ukraine and all are qualified. There are a variety of activities which is suitable for all ages. We would like to invite you to experience and share new experiences with us.
- Dolphin and Seal Show.
- photography with dolphins
- swim with dolphins
- Diving with dolphins


Offers all the comforts of a luxurious modern four-star beach resort for those who desire peace and tranquility. With our secluded beach front. It’s the perfect choice for a perfect get away attractively decorated, Graceland offers a blend of luxury and hospitality in a 4-star resort, with the ambiance of luxurious comfort for a memorable holiday. Most rooms offer sea views and private balconies, fully equipped with all the modern amenities for your total comfort.

幻多奇樂園是基於拉斯維加斯的終極娛樂技術。通過結合9種泰國文化概念的藝術,設計世界級專家和泰國的想法。充滿愛,自由,有趣,通過每個場景的節目呈現。讓卡瑪拉王子引領冒險之旅。興奮地學習真正的泰國人。The Miracle of Kamala ...

The Miracle of Kamala is based on the ultimate Las Vegas style entertainment technology. Design ideas of world-class experts and in Thailand by combining the art of performing 9 conceptions of Thai culture. Full of love, freedom, fun, presented through the show in each scene. Let the prince of Kamala lead the way to the discovery of adventure. Excited to learn the true Thai.

Khao Rang 考朗風景區被認為是一個有趣的旅遊景點,與普吉島的其他地方不同,因為它的場景與普吉鎮的城市之光和美麗的大海相結合。遊客參觀和欣賞風景如畫的景色非常方便。它在遊客中非常受歡迎,也是當地居民最好的休閒場所。 Khao Rang...

Khao Rang 考朗風景區被認為是一個有趣的旅遊景點,與普吉島的其他地方不同,因為它的場景與普吉鎮的城市之光和美麗的大海相結合。遊客參觀和欣賞風景如畫的景色非常方便。它在遊客中非常受歡迎,也是當地居民最好的休閒場所。
Khao Rang Scenic Area is considered as an interesting tourist attraction and is different from other places in Phuket since it is the place where its scenario is combined by the city light of Phuket town and the beautiful sea. It is very convenient for tourists to visit and to enjoy a picturesque scene. It is very popular among visitors, also, is the best relaxing place for local residents as well.


12/21 Village No. 1, Chalong Sub-District, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket Province


จันทร์ 09:00 - 17:00
อังคาร 09:00 - 17:00
พุธ 09:00 - 17:00
พฤหัสบดี 09:00 - 17:00
ศุกร์ 09:00 - 17:00





รับทราบข่าวสารและโปรโมชั่นของ 優客假期U Come Holiday Phuketผ่านทางอีเมล์ของคุณ เราจะเก็บข้อมูลของคุณเป็นความลับ คุณสามารถกดยกเลิกการติดตามได้ตลอดเวลา

ติดต่อ ธุรกิจของเรา

ส่งข้อความของคุณถึง 優客假期U Come Holiday Phuket:

